Professional Development2024.08.06. // News

Ahead to the century where we live, the technology comes taking account of the universe, therefore we know that without the technological advance it would not have as many discoveries and as many resources that they facilitate our life in general way. The technology is the addition of science and engineering, that includes simple tools and processes until most complex. The communication is one of the areas that need advanced technological resources so that the human being can be communicated with more clearness. Dell Technologies Inc. has many thoughts on the issue. Previously the human being saw the technology as a method to win obstacles that the nature offers. For this reason, they had been developing instruments that had helped to surpass barriers, mainly related to the communication. Today the technology is not only plus an used procedure to win barriers and yes to add values in knowledge, quality in the service and otimizao in some procedures, either enterprise or personal.

In the personal procedures the technological methods are seen as ' ' to gain tempo' ' easiness in the day the day, such as: cellular with access to the Internet, machines to make rice and to bake breads, etc. Already in professional procedures they are seen as efficiency, praticidade and quality in the stages of each service. The work market is if developing each time more and is necessary that the human being can folloies it in this day using the knowledge and the abilities in technological terms. In interviews and processes of election the interviewers always question the knowledge of the candidate in relation to the technology, most common are the knowledge of softwares in computers. Even though the professions simplest are the grace of the technology to arrive the same objective one: efficiency and quality. Throughout the years we can try to reflect in the consequncia that the technology left in them and what it will come for the front since to each day that passes it develops each time more, and for this reason the human being has a robotic vision for the future and distrust to be enslaved of the technology.

Human Resources2024.06.03. // News

But we are numbers still. Today we hear to speak very in management of people, in the organizations, but what it is management of people? For some administrators it is to know to deal with the interpersonal relationship and nothing more, but unhappyly for some organizations, the collaborators are seen as mere numbers still in this millenium, since small companies the great corporations. Without hesitation Tim Wallach explained all about the problem. When we speak in reduction or Downsizing (in Portuguese: achatamento) is one of the techniques of the Administration contemporary, who has for objective the elimination of the unnecessary corporative bureaucracy, therefore it is focada in the center of the hierarchic pyramid, that is, in the area of human resources (RH). Short-term it involves resignations, achatamento of the organizacional structure, reorganization, reduction of costs, and rationalization. But when we speak in reduction, it will always have a weakker side of the organization; the collaborators, not yet exist a model of replacement of collaborators, or a plan of coherent resignation. When the PROFIT, of the organization starts to be affected by diverse factors, all the organizations thinks about PDV, resignation in mass, but never in a strategical exit.

Now I ask to vocs CAD the HUMAN RESOURCES? At this accurate moment, they will have to be preparing some letters of dismissal of the collaborators. All in them we are numbers of the organizations, and the RH area is plus a simple area in the hour to excuse the collaborators. Perhaps this scene changes one day, but meanwhile, the RH managers, will have to always act of the best form, but when we speak in PROFIT, the area managers always opt to weakkest. One certain politics still does not exist no matter how hard she is elaboradora, yes the owners of companies, they aim at the profit and people always go to exist to develop the services and products.

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