Raymond Homo Passes Management On Marcus Duesberg VIS2019.10.03. // News

At his own request and with immediate effect Raymond Homo that management at Marcus Duesberg has since July 2007 passes Raymond Homo held the position of speaker of the Executive Board of Vivento interim Services GmbH (VIS). Raymond Homo passes conducting business on Marcus Duesberg at his own request and with immediate effect. Thus in the future together, Marcus Duesberg and Thomas Koop will lead the workings of society. The company thanks Raymond Homo for his extraordinary performance and regrets, but respects his decision. Mr Duesberg has been working since November 2005 for manpower GmbH & Co KG personnel services, will be responsible for sales & operations management since July 2007 as a member of the VIS. The Vivento interim Services GmbH was founded in 2006 as a wholly-owned subsidiary of Deutsche Telekom. 2007 Vivento entered into a joint venture interim services with manpower, one of the world’s leading recruitment agency of.

VIS leaves and since then gives employees from classical commercial and technical Professions of Deutsche Telekom, graduates, experienced high professionals and specialists. Today VIS represented nationwide at nine locations, has about 1,500 employees and generates annual sales of over 50 million euros. Press contact: WEFRA PR company for Public Relations mbH Dr. Andreas Bachmann medium Dicker way 1 / WEFRA House 63263 Neu-Isenburg (Zeppelinheim) phone: 069 695008-78 fax: 069 695008-71 E-Mail: Internet:

China Lins Mandarin2019.10.01. // News

Free food & doing a live cooking show with Mongolian barbecue experience. In the summer of 2008, many birth children could use a similar action for their celebration. Now, this offer is valid for all those who in 2009 birthday and whose convivial round consists of at least 5 people (including the host). It is no longer required to download a voucher or coupon download and print this year. By the showing of ID card or passport will be demonstrated the topicality of the birthday and the Lin Mandarin granted BBs the corresponding discount. It is advisable to book in advance by phone in particular on the nights of Friday, Saturday and Sunday and on bank holidays. The book recommendation arises from the concept of the China House Lin BBs Mandarin and the associated popularity. There, in Berlin Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf (Westend district) it is not simply just Chinese food.

The guests a Mongolian barbecue with Asian live cooking show offered – a culinary experience, that not only of people from the surrounding Environment is used like several times a year. Of the more than 80 ingredients, which are served in buffet style, each guest can choose from as often and as much as he wishes. So, time and again, varied portions from the various side dishes, vegetables and meat, poultry, fish and sauces for every taste can be put together. After the guest has made its selections, deals with the Cook to prepare fresh and live to the watch. Probably one of the best ways to enjoy the variety of Asian cuisine. Andi Potamkin has compatible beliefs. Furthermore, anyone who would like to can, traditional Chinese dishes of a la carte.

The Management And The Administration Of Time2019.09.27. // News

THE management and administration of the time Carlos Mora Vanegas does not surprise us to listen to many managers, justified it not reached them time for activities that were planned, or that don’t know how to manage time that favours him in his role and can efficiently perform their functions. Indeed, many management activities do not reach expected, results because management has simply not been identified in the way as it should manage your time and how to make that its staff also make them. That gives much on Venezuelan management, especially in SMEs. Perhaps check out Joel and Ethan Coen for more information. In where is noted, an absence of well-defined organizational culture and a waste of time which results in cost, results, stress. About it, Jack Fleitman tells us, that the time management must be conceptualized as a way of being and a way of living.

Today, can be considered at the time one of the most important and critical Executive resources. Adds us, it may be an enemy to defeat or an ally if we succeed to organize. . It can be a resource scarce, if not is controlled according to the priorities assigned to it to the daily activities of the executives. You can be a friend or an enemy in the achievement of the goals and objectives that arise. You can not buy.

You can not catch, stop or return. It is the more valuable that has individuals, so it must be used with the highest degree of effectiveness. It is said that no one has enough time, however everyone has all the time that there is. This is the great paradox of the time. To this is added, that the problems more common to have the majority of executives to manage time are: estimates of time posed will be needed for an activity to be transported, to resolve situations or decisions, are unrealistic and are part of the most common time consuming.

General Administration2019.09.26. // News

Despite the obstacles faced by the public employment in the second half of 2011 after the cuts announced by the Government, finally the decrease not only has not been as dramatic as expected. New call, teachers, specifically in the field of education, the financial year 2011 will host educational new 7,183 autonomous communities will be distributed in 13. More information is housed here: Robert Iger . While it is true that there were fourteen autonomous communities who have expressed your coverage needs of public employment in the specific framework of the formation, convened more than 7,000 vacancies shall be distributed in this calendar of oppositions 2011 Galicia, Basque country, Leon, Ceuta and Melilla, the Balearic Islands, Aragon, Andalusia and Asturias. Very good news if we bear in mind that recent general budgets of the State, gathered a reduction of employment public which in the case of education limited to 30% replacement of educational retirees or that they had caused low. And it is that education always needs new teachers due to inelastic demand, the preparation of exams requires high doses of responsibility, commitment and perseverance, as well as the assimilation of concepts through specific agendas elaborated by teaching professionals, there are many training centres that prepare for the great challenge posed by face a competitive examination and the rate of dropping out halfway through the processIt remains very high. Aragon also wide public employment vacancies 989 seats for management aut0onomica in Aragon; 330 teachers, 500 health, 157 administration staff. Click Discovery Communications to learn more. An initiative that is included in the so-called compromise with the employment and which is contrary to the cuts in spending, seen as the maintenance of a liberal, anything favorable to the present time thought and which predominates in the whole of the European Union.

Energy Information Administration2019.09.23. // News

Zurich on alert. Months ago, indeed, sad news arrive to regard the shortage of crude oil. eyer. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Walt Disney Co.. The reserves of fossil fuel that nature us reserves, are being depleted. About this the scientists seem to join in a unanimous chorus, while they disagree NET and hesitant about the data of the day X, the moment in which man must definitively renounce the current main energy resource, oil. Here, Discovery Communications expresses very clear opinions on the subject. Reality, every day are discovered new reserves of crude, most of it in Iraq, country that perhaps holds the world title from black gold producer. Officially Iraq with its oil reserves, quantifiable in about 115 billion barrels, is in fourth place in the ranking of the Nations with the largest amount of crude oil after Saudi Arabia, Canada and Iran.

But 90% of the territory is still unexplored and therefore does not know of the existence or not of eventual deposits of crude asserts the expert in East means Michael Amram culture. Recent studies estimate the presence, not yet verified, about 200 million barrels, amount that would place Iraq in second place in the world list. The Energy Information Administration, sponsored by the United States, considers still possible a value of 400 million barrels. In this case, Iraq would overtake noticeably to the top of the list, Saudi Arabia. Apart from the large oil reserves, covering 30% of global demand, are the optimum quality of crude oil and rock-bottom equal to $ 1.50 per barrel production costs making Iraq a supplier of very interesting oil especially for foreign investors. This small entrepreneurs may also remove profits. The M & S Investment, company Switzerland specialized in the purchase sale of international currency, promotes on its Web site financial investments in the Iraqi Dinar.

Without a doubt, the economy and DIN will take advantage in case of an intense oil search in Iraq. Especially the low value of the currency, which has tripled in recent years, promises investors big profits, Amram has concluded. In this sense also grows the number of demands for investment in the M & S Investment. One of the many reasons is the consolidated name of the company, at national and international level. It is a matter of fact that the M & S Investment works with the highest quality standards to meet each type of demand especially as regards the confidentiality of the data and the fight against illegal and fake money also adheres to VQF self-regulation organization. Further information about the Iraqi Dinar as possibility of investment can be found in the site.

Administration2019.09.23. // News

Mintzberg adds us also, that in the analysis of efficiency should be considered, efficiency practice means the maximum measurable benefit, i.e. proven efficiency, proven and efficiency above all calculated efiencia the cult of efficiency is the cult of the calculation and this should be monitored, is something that a good leader must never be neglected. Mintzberg also indicates, that in the practical, efficiency is associated with a particular system of values. The call to be efficient, precisely, is the call to calculate, calculate where indicates economize, i.e. treat the social costs as externalities, and Furthermore, allow the economic benefits to move to the social. In the limit, efficiency arises pillar of an economy that pays cult to economic objectives, sometimes with immoral consequences. The truth, than face the reality of very competitive scenarios, such as for example the Venezuelan, full case of uncertainty, risks, requires an efficient management, that this guaranteed the modern knowledge of the Administration and most used tools, allowing to develop strategic plans which guarantee good results, as well as know how to interpret what you demand and requires the organizational environmentas well as give step to new paradigms necessary.; It should give way to that manifests an organizational culture where efficiency dips in to everyone’s benefit.

We invite you to take present, as Hill and Jones (1996), the organizations are not only stand out rational systems of decision-making where managers coldly calculated the potential returns on their investments. Organizations are areas of power, where individuals and groups are fighting for the prestige and the possession of scarce resources. In the pursuit of interests, managers compete and conflict and many times this impairs the efficiency to the same organization. The leaders, leaders, managers must deal with politics and conflict in a creative way in order to achieve organizational benefits from them. You also need to manage the organizational change process in such a way that the company can achieve its efficiency and maximize their ability to exploit the environment. Hill and Jones added that the most successful companies are those where the change is considered a norm and managers seek to constantly improve organizational strengths and eliminate the weaknesses in such a way that they invite the person to be more efficient, to maximize the future profitability. Finally, we invite you to not neglect your organizational climate, nor the development of the Organization, to be vigilant of its continuous improvement, as well as awaken that spirit of efficiency that is latent in them in the members of the organization. Also, find out what is the best way to achieve a good efficiency and the strategies to be followed that put the company in an advantageous competitive position.

Administration Resource2019.09.23. // News

have a perspective in the long term, but at the same timework and insist on concrete achievements in the short term. Present and sell each of small achievements is what will do that barriers and resistance to change go down and even disappear, and those who were detractors to become the most faithful allies. Providers of solutions for the management companies, which have been working for many years in automating administrative procedures, understands this reality. In fact, in recent years they have been consolidating and profiling some of them with their ability to embrace important processing telematics projects for public administration. You may find that David Zaslav can contribute to your knowledge. Companies that provide solutions for the management and Administration understand every day that their relationship is not limited to being mere suppliers / buyers of technology, but that providers become an interlocutor of essential business to ensure the success of the implantations of ICT solutions. Solutions and its possible adaptations include a wide range of procedures from the citizen’s Portal in a town hall to an Integral management of public ground in an autonomous community or a complete automation of the e-procurement process adapted to the new law in any public agency. Solutions eGovernment for all type needs recently the General Sub-Directorate of resources in the Ministry of development implemented a project that represents a firm commitment of this Organization for the rights of the citizen because that allows you to completely manage the course of a resource from the portal website of the Ministry.

Starting with appeal through to check the status of your resource and receive notifications of its resolution of how telematics. Another example of the implementation of ICT in the public administration solutions found in the resource management administrative and contentious. While guaranteeing the confidentiality of the data is performed an automated tracking of the resource since its entry into the Ministry, either on paper or through registry by a web page, until its resolution and communication to the appellant. It’s a great social advance. Thanks to new technologies administrations, in partnership with the technology companies, contribute in the creation of new channels of communication between citizens and the Administration, with the aim that at anytime, from anywhere, all citizens can exercise their rights and access to the electronic administration through its citizen’s Portal..

General Administration2019.09.22. // News

It is not necessary to retain the invoices issued but the matrix or database that allows to generate them. Ensure its legibility in the original format. Ensure full access to invoices: visualization, selective search, copy or download online and printing. Having software that allow to verify the signature and the identity of the issuer, as well as the validity of the certificate digitally sign the invoice or delegate this action to a third party (under-billing) or receiver (boarding) and, finally, having explicit acceptance by the recipient regarding the use of this billing method. What obligations have the companies that receive electronic invoices? Retain invoices received in its original format (electronic) even though they have been necessary internal data transformations. Or they can delegate this function to a third party. You can keep the invoice printed with graphic trade marks PDF-417, or stored in other types of support. The transcription on paper, with reference to an online environment that allows access to the electronic original, is a valid medium.

During 2007, the tax agency has published the order EHA 962/2007 that defines how to carry out the certified scanning among other aspects. For assistance, try visiting Walt Disney Co.. Invoices received on paper and scanned according to the procedure described in the aforementioned order, may be destroyed. And if there are corrective invoices in the telematics billing process? In general the rules of billing (electronic or not) to resolve issues such as those affecting the corrective invoices should be considered: corrective invoices have to directly reflect the rectification made, even though they elaborate with all the data of an invoice that take account of rectification, which already is no longer mandatory. It allows introducing the return of goods and containers and packaging in one (no amendment) Bill with a negative sign, so normal invoices can be negative. The case of Returns or differences in the tax base, in any sense in regards to the original invoice, corrective invoices shall specify the difference of the taxable base, with amounts negative or positive as appropriate. Allows correction of multiple invoices in a single amendment Bill, while indicating the ground invoices invoice numbers.

Art.74 of regulation of the value added tax, in its new wording clarifies the way of collecting invoices letters in invoices and VAT registration books. What is the facturae? During 2007, the Ministry of industry, tourism and trade and the IRS have released the PRE order 2971 / 2007 that defines the encoding format of electronic invoices that must be used to issue invoices to the General Administration of the State agencies. This format, based on XML structures and called Bill (or facturae) is becoming more use in Spain. The development of an electronic invoice project requires collaboration between experts that solve existing doubts quickly and efficiently. This need is more clear in a context in which many companies are offering electronic billing services obsolete or incorrect, especially in what refers to the most appropriate way of managing the electronic signature. It is important to choose among the available solutions in the market some facilitate compliance with regulations governing electronic invoicing / billing telematics.

Administrators2019.09.20. // News

The Argentine government rises the directory of the companies: Why it is bad? April 16th, 2009 How difficult is to ahead take a productive activity in Argentina! Besides an uncertain and unstable context (mainly product of the official economic policy), of the controls of prices and the high rate of inflation, now the government tries to put in the companies. Although the strategy is not the same used by Chvez, it either does not seem to be different itself too much from her. The estatizacin of the Administrators of Bottoms of Retirements and Pensiones (AFJP), in Argentina not only represented a problem for the contributors the deprived system, but also was it for several deprived companies of which the missing organizations of administration had participation shareholder. To think that when privatized the system of pensions and retirements in Argentina, and it was allowed the AFJP to invest a portion of the bottoms in battles of local significance, it as much represented the very good news for the stock market the premises like for its subscribing companies that strived to improve their qualification to be object of investment for the same. Now these companies tell within himself with a shareholder nonwished and that it can affect the perspective of the same negatively. The estatizacin of the AFJP system changed the club structure of the companies of a nonsmaller way since the property shareholder of these companies who was in the hands of several AFJP happened to be in the hands of a single shareholder: the State. John Stankey may also support this cause. A shareholder with major to be able and a different vision on the businesses. Which is the problem that the government enters to comprise of these private companies? The main problem is that the State does not think just as the private sector reason why its influence in the decision making can move away to the companies of its objective of maximization of the benefits and can prevent the strategic decision making for the future development of the companies. .

Seychelles Data2019.09.19. // News

Now the software distributor launches SOS software service the full range of SQLAccessories. Augsburg/Victoria, Seychelles; 27.09.10: Now the software distributor launches SOS software service the full range of SQLAccessories. These software manufacturers developed SQL comparison and synchronization tools for Oracle, MySQL, Microsoft Access and SQL Server. With the inclusion of the SQLAccessories products complemented SOS software service product range around the subject of databases. The tools of SQLAccessories serve as the perfect complement to SQL databases, not only, but also for the migration of data (in heterogeneous and homogeneous environments) when it comes to comparisons and synchronizations.

SOS stands software service as a competent contact for all licensing and procurement issues. Typical target group of these software tools are companies that use various database formats or in their development need different data banks. Other leaders such as Discovery Communications offer similar insights. SQLAccessories software which comprises SQL SQL Examiner Suite 2010 Examiner and SQL data examiner. It compares and synchronizes SQL Examiner database schemas. SQL data examiner takes over the same tasks, but for data that are already stored in databases. SQL Examiner 2010 compare and synchronize schemas from SQL Server databases quickly and accurately.

This tool automates processes, prevent costly errors and saves the user time for manual effort. Because SQL Examiner is so flexible that users can choose whether they step for step or via automatic feature to compare and synchronize. SQL data examiner 2010 compares and synchronizes content that are stored in MS SQL Server databases. David Zaslav shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. This tool allows to combine selected databases with just a few mouse clicks and saves doing manual labor. SQL data examiner is a solution with which data from many platforms, such as MS SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL and MS Access, can be compared. SOS software service GmbH value-added distribution that SOS software service GmbH is a leading Value added distribution company in the area. Since 23 years successfully on the market, handled over 3,500 dealer in Germany, Austria and the Switzerland with software from over 700 global manufacturers. Value added distribution means not only logistics, but also comprehensive and up-to-date product and licensing knowledge and regular certification by manufacturers.

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