World Raw Food Day2024.07.13. // News

Germany celebrates the day of the raw food with over 50 raw potluck locations and inspired so far beyond its borders, to down under raw Potlucks in any German city”- this was the stated goal of the private information portal GermanyGoesRaw at the beginning of the year. What started as a small private initiative, more and more become the mega-event, because now these gourmet raw food meetings are celebrated and in the immediate vicinity of 85% of all German cities. In doing so, every visitor brings a healthy raw food dish and shares this with all participants, resulting in a gorgeous raw vegetables buffet. This meeting is not only about Karottensticks and apples”as Heike Michaelsen of GermanyGoesRaw. Rather the dishes in the culinary peak are prepared, and they are not heated above 42 to get all the valuable nutrients”. This produces healthy culinary delights of never intuited scale. By Tomatencremesuppchen with Basilikumhaupe of Zucchini lasagna at Pestorahmsauce to return to vanillecremigen Everything is chocolate desserts or Garnet apple pie on almonds to it. Raw food menu for the perfect celebrity dinner even the Promiwelt was already conquered by the gourmet raw food.

Now the German colleagues followed by Hollywood actors such as demo Moore and Pierce Brosnan. “As Sandra Keller, demonstrated known from the series GZSZ, most passed Sunday in the perfect celebrity dinner” of the TV channel Vox, like simple and perfect culinary pleasures of raw food on the plate can be conjured up. In addition to red beet ravioli with cashew stuffing, Sandra could inspire her with contracting parties especially with a healthy vegan raw chocolate pudding of raspberries. Stefan Hiene gets 1st World raw food day in the life even in the sporting world meets the raw food diet on growing interest. This form of nutrition even so thrilled that athletes Stefan Hiene called the 1st World raw food day in the life on 10.10.10.

The raw food diet in worldwide annual raw Potlucks is celebrated on this day. Entries from all over the world exist already”Hiene reported proudly. In addition to Germany, Austria, Hungary and Portugal It is represented”even the distant Australia with an own raw potluck. Applications can still below: take place. And therefore Germany has discovered, the raw food diet far beyond its borders for themselves. And this is just the beginning”enthusiastically predicts Michaelsen. Because almost every day new raw potluck groups are reported, which celebrates the lifestyle of gourmet raw food. Many groups meet weekly even as BerlinGoesRaw of every Friday or MunichGoesRaw every Monday. Anyone who is interested in the new kind of gourmet raw food, is welcome at these meetings. There are all information, dates, as well as a map of all raw Potlucks held in Germany on

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