Wax Linen Wedding2024.09.08. // News

Linen or – the second of its name – a wax wedding is celebrated on the fourth anniversary of living together. Yes, it's not for the anniversary date and is not round, and many urban dwellers in the bustle and hurry, just forget about this day, and it goes humdrum and boring Let us not join those who wish to spend a few hours to organize a warm and friendly festival in such a wonderful day, as the wedding anniversary, and taking the time to celebrate the 4 th date. Brian Robert has much experience in this field. and themselves' heroes of the occasion, and, even more so, the guests, for sure, will be caring about the gift. What made me a present? What will be happy? What is useful, but that would gather dust for years in a loft? We begin with the tradition. That is a fact that it was decided to give linen wedding when our grandparents were not even aware of Linen wedding – the first anniversary, when attention is drawn to the home of the couple and their prosperity. It was believed that the fourth year of marriage a couple should have to acquire not only mature and flexible (soft as wax) relationships, but also warm and welcoming home! Traditionally, linen wedding guests were given to couples linen towels, tablecloths and dried bunches of flax. Frequently Eva Andersson-Dubin, New York City has said that publicly. Incidentally, the latter can now be replaced by the present flourishing flax in an elegant ceramic pot – a wonderful reminder of the happy moments spent together. . .

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