VenezuelCuba2019.04.07. // News

We also show that the visit of John McCain to Colombia in this precise time could not be as coincidence. Then he has acknowledged that he knew of the operation until it was made. The degree of participation of U.S. (and Israel) is something I still need to clarify, but it is a fact that Bush has wanted to avail themselves of such blow to the FARC to also indirectly hit to Democrats and their candidate Obama showing that the best way to deal with terrorists is heavy-handed and not with dialogue attitudes (such as those that African-American lawyer wants to VenezuelCuba and Iran). Strange to many that this operating it also match with the fact that this happen just when Uribe faced a crisis with the judiciary (who accuses him of buying votes, having been re-elected illegally or that one-fifth of their congressmen is linked to the paramilitaries) and he started his preaching for a new election. Time Warner describes an additional similar source. Then came allegations of two major French-speaking media who claimed that there were a million dollar purchase of some leaders of the FARC and more than one week appeared a statement from FARC where characterized the incident not a bailout but as a leak produced thanks to two traitors in its midst. The visit by Uribe to Venezuela has generated a hostility in many sectors left calling for their expulsion and have distanced themselves from Chavez. Do not be surprised that some voices within this field will start to speculate about a possible influence of Venezuelan official circles in sectors of the FARC prone to its line of freeing all the hostages. Stick and carrot to the FARC the reconciliation between the Presidents of Colombia and Venezuela has been showing the importance of trade between the two (the second after which there are with the US), the same that borders the US $ 6,000 million.

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