The Response2022.01.13. // News

-All behavior is useful in certain context: It is necessary to analyze all behavior in the light of the context or environment where it develops, since otherwise such behavior may seem illogical, irrational or out of place. Depending on the cultures, ages, education and situation that takes us through the survival instinct there admitted behaviors and sometimes are not. -All people potentially have all the resources needed to change and to act efficiently: over our personal history have accumulated lots of experiences, from which we can extract resources to develop ourselves as much more evolved people; facing any circumstance that will present us with elegance and flexibility. It is only a matter of wanting to do it and act accordingly. -The way in which we communicate is located in the response we get: this has to do with our flexibility as communicators, and implies that it would be desirable to adjust and refine our communication in order to get the answer you want, and not assume that the fault is in the receiver our communication. The way in which we communicate, tone of voice, rhythm, Cadence, emphasis, message, intention, speed, timeout to allow the other to respond etc.

is vital for a good relationship. -The people respond to your map of reality and not reality itself: due to the filters or limiting both neurological, social see by education, or individual of our perception, we can only create maps of reality in our internal representations, and is on the basis of these maps according to how we act and respond to stimuli than precibimos. Since the experiences vary in individuals, there are no two human beings who have the same maps or models in the world. Therefore there are two realities of identical things. Therefore, each of which creates a different model of the same world that is shared, and therefore, you will experience a different reality.

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