The Relief2021.10.28. // News

For clearer than they are our perceptions, for clearer than they are our images, we cannot escape of the fact of that our domain of the language is not enough for making to them of justice. We look for in go the words that we need to portray our thoughts and feelings. Although our bigger efforts, nor always the appropriate terms can be evoked when we desire, and we are taken to the job of words or very general phrases, much limited, strong or very very weak, that leave to reach the intended objective. Charlie watts has plenty of information regarding this issue. To better know some meanings and symbols of these forms more let us see meanings and symbols of the known forms: In accordance with HORNUNG (1981), the circle is the simplest and more basic amongst all geometric forms. Defined as a continuous curve, whose points are all equidistant ones of one another central internal point, it is the base of one I number the infinite of other forms, formats and standards. For process of multiplication, subdivision, and interlacement it allows the creation of a variety of ornaments, logotipos, etc., that in turn, can serve of base to combine with other forms. The subdivision I circulate of it is made, generally through lines, straight lines, arcs, or a combination of any of the two.

The sphere possesss, in accordance with CHEVALIER and GHEERBRANT (1999), the same symbolism that the circle; it is the circle in the order of the volumes. Of the relief, the third dimension the significaes of the circle and corresponds the best perceived experience: the celestial-terrestrial if express totality wonderfully in the pair cube-sphere. as a symmetrical figure par excellence, the sphere is ambivalence symbol. For HORNUNG (1981), the triangle is a plain geometric figure of three sides and three angles. The equilateral triangle has three equal sides and three angles. The isosceles triangle has two equal sides and two angles, and can, of the point of view of design, to be considered as an extended equilateral triangle in one of the directions.

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