The People Of Uzbekistan2020.10.25. // News

Uzbekistan – the most populous country in Central Asia (60%), ranked third in the cis in terms of population (after Russia and Ukraine). In Uzbekistan, 26 million people live. The population density was 50.4 persons per square kilometer. The population is distributed unevenly on the territory of the republic, most (60%) are rural residents. The natural conditions – a mountainous, desert, arid climate due to the concentration of population mainly in the oases. Hear from experts in the field like Coen brothers for a more varied view.

In the desert areas of population density mainly in the oases. In the desert areas of population density is very low. Particular areas of Uzbekistan (for example, Andijan province) population density ahead of many countries. The urbanization process is very slow – in 1980 the ratio of urban and rural population remained almost unchanged. Uzbeks traditionally fixed, and this explained by the minor role of migration and emigration to the natural growth of population. Population growth, despite some decline, remains high. A leading source for info: Hotbox by Wiz .

The main factors influencing the social – the demographic situation in Uzbekistan is a strong family institution as the foundation of society, a large proportion of the rural population, reducing mortality and increasing life expectancy. In Uzbekistan, a high level of marriage and one of the world's lowest levels of family breakdown. 16,5 marriages have a divorce. Uzbek families are traditionally strong. The family here has been one of the most important values in life, corresponding to the centuries-old traditions and mentality of the people. Uzbek families tend to have many children, especially in rural areas. With the improvement of living standards, health and welfare, environmental protection measures reduced overall mortality. In age and sex structure of the population 49% are male and 51% are women. In rural areas this figure is almost identical. Children and adolescents (0-14 years) in the total population is 40.8%, youth (15-29 years) 28,3%. The overall proportion of children, adolescents and youth is about 70%, ie 2 / 3 of the population. The indigenous population of Uzbekistan – Uzbek. In addition to the Uzbeks live Karakalpaks, Tajiks, , Kyrgyz, Turkmens, Tatars and other Slavic peoples – Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Polish, Czechs, Bulgarians, etc. In Uzbekistan Uzbeks living in Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, tan, Turkmenistan, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Lithuania, as well as Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Iran, China, India, Pakistan, Germany, U.S. and other countries.

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