The Parody2018.11.02. // News

For in such a way, the body of this work has that to divide in six chapters consisting after the introduction, namely, the first one; The Parody in the Macunama workmanship, in which, quickly, one will intend discloses it, theoretically, as constituent element of the text. As; The paradox of the parody; where one will intend to show to the inconsistency of concepts how much its applications in the search of its theoretical understanding. Third; problematic of modernity in the parody ' ' there that preguia' ' of Mrio de Andrade, in whose content the understanding of the relationship between author and reader by means of the code will search. The room; ' ' the parody as characteristic of literature after-moderna' ' whose purpose will be to try to show that the parody impersonaties the contestadora face of after modernity how much the desestruturalizao of the proper concept of the reality, all to be drained these postulations in the final consideraes. To broaden your perception, visit Jeffrey Bewkes. So that this is possible the workmanship will be of crucial importance in the agreement of the parody in its constitution for providing to an inversion in the relation between author and reader how much what it was referred in the initial epigraph as being the significao and the application of the directions gifts in one determined text, in this in case that, the parody. 9 2.A PARODY IN WORKMANSHIP MACUNAMA ' ' hundreds of thousand of years had elapsed since that the tail fell in them, but still we communicate in them by means of a developed instrument to satisfy the necessities of the man arbreo' '. Ogden and Richards one retaken historical of the parody for understanding itself will not intend Here that such effort would beside the point move away in them from the workmanship to be analyzed, so little will have that to adentrar itself, demasiadamente, for the ways of the analysis of the speech. .

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