The Bizerba2017.09.27. // News

By avoiding this recalibration for each new article, Bizerba offers a continuous added value for the customers and thus a considerable cost saving potential. The checkweigher family covers a weight range of 10 grams up to 6 kilograms. Transport direction and run level can adapt to the specific requirements of the existing production lines without additional outlay for the customers. Different body size enable the relevant line concepts in different transport height. Through the concept of multi display, it is possible to set up multiple operating units at various points of the production line. The printer GLP 160 of GLP-160 is used in the food processing industry, manufacturing and logistics.

The different label types range from the classic price labels, logistics and Declaration labels up to Jewellery and pallet labels with a width of 40 to 168 mm and a length of 8 to 500 millimetres. Apply RFID-HF – and UHF frequency one is write-read unit fully integrated. This can save data to the transponder of so-called smart labels and process. The so-called easy-link-RFID concept allows to integrate the GLP-80/160 printer into an existing system. Usually hardly software customizations are possible on user page, to program the content of the tag in the same operation with pressure from plain text or barcodes. PC NT workflows in the industry depend on precision industry. Counting applications, tolerance controls, dosing and recipe urvorgaenge, control and control processes, commissioning, documentation and inventories set exact requirements of weighing systems. The Bizerba industrial PC NT is screen and PC in one, it has interfaces to a variety of systems and optimized all workflows.

Behind the Bulletproof glass for use in harsh environmental conditions hides the complete intelligence of a normal PC. It is a future-oriented solution for the control and monitoring of production processes, quality assurance, error elimination and cost reduction,”says Conzelmann. The device could be incorporating into already existing production structures and networks and connected to peripheral devices.

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