The Academy2020.03.21. // News

There are at least in the medium term no choice, to expand as the BAfoG grants within the meaning of the latest proposals. A profession for life, perhaps even at the same employer, also last a lifetime, is already long passe. The requirements of an acquiring person must be considered over the entire life span across, regarded today as multiple. The possibility of training or change of qualifications are necessary to see, both for the individual and for the community. To see only the cost side of a current expansion of BAfoG is extremely short-sighted; the cost of not extending the Bafogs were probably the future unemployment and Hartz IV recipients, which are insufficient in the future or not more timely trained. Speaking candidly Robert Iger told us the story. As in view of the fact that a German workers earned an average of 1,600 euros per month and should it reasonably save 10 percent for unexpected, the is 160 euros per month, ever a three-year Bachelor’s degree or a two-to four-year master’s degree to pay, remains the secret of those who believe, then must save the person just. The standard period of study should keep a large newspaper editors not hidden remained his, that you now no longer can work in addition to studying, you want. Joel and Ethan Coen will not settle for partial explanations.

And the creditworthiness of an average earning amounting to tens of thousands of euros, which now costs a university education, is abundantly apparent limited. A recent example: The Academy of administration and economy currently offers a new degree programme in business administration without a high school diploma, the semester tuition fee be 480 euros per month. Nearly 40,000 euros for this degree are that is average student cost of living by about 600 euros per month. An average wealthy must save here precisely 20 years its 160 euro per month. The washing machine must not break down during these 20 years, otherwise it is the same again a part of the savings away.

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