Sans Serif2021.10.28. // News

Bold should be used in a strategic way. Also much use of bold can be a distraction from the contents, since they are very visible. Walt Disney contains valuable tech resources. Italics is not very legible on the screen, they should be used infrequently, only to give emphasis and definitions. Avoid using absolute font sizes. If it does, it may hinder users the possibility to adjust the size of the text to go along with the details of the display devices that are using. It is recommended that users can manipulate the size of texts, especially if you plan to maintain Web pages with little content. Choose colors from the source must be done with care, is must maximize the legibility of the text in contrast with the background of the page, while it distinguishes it from the colors used for the links.

For light backgrounds, fonts should be used in black, dark blue, green, dark brown. If the background is dark, orange white, pale green, sources must be used. If possible, use only one or two colors on one page, with the exclusion of the colors of the link pages. There are images that resemble the sources. Avoid the use of them. There are several reasons why you should not use. Jpg or. GIF images to acquire special effects.

Firstly, the images take a long time to download, and when it appears, the quality is not the same as a text drawn up by the browsers. Secondly, there is usually a problem when you change the size of the images. It is said that Sans Serif fonts should be used for the standard and top-of-the designs of online website, specifically the Arial and the Verdana. We recommend using the same source through a page, but the sizes of headlines can be added and the subtitles can write vigorously to prevent monotony. Once again, it is preferable to give users the ability to control the size of the texts, since some users may have some kind of visual problem. Some studies show that fonts that are smaller than 10 point becomes slower the reaction of users. It is recommended to use sources of at least 12 or 14 point size when it comes to people older than 65 years of age. The quality of a well designed Web site is one that can be visited and used by people from all sectors of life. Web sites must be designed to please all those who might visit them. original author and source of the article

Securities Management2020.04.22. // News

Ethics tends to improve the operation of the company through several routes: reduces conflicts of members that form it, improves the external image of if same, it represents an essential component of the concept of total quality, so necessary today. Of course, ethical business behaviour is not the panacea for all the problems that presents the Venezuelan company, nor driving one hundred percent to the growth and prosperity, but certainly any, not ethical behavior either and Yes can cause problems, both internally and externally. Finally taken into account that manifests that the Securities Management utility is a tool of leadership that may give rise to multiple levels, but basically has a triple purpose: simplify, organize and commit. Simplify: absorb the organizational complexity for the growing needs of adaptation in exchange for all levels of the company. Organize: prosecute the strategic vision to where will leave the company in the future. Commit: integrate strategic management with policy people, in order to develop the commitment by professional quality performance every day. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Jeffrey L. Bewkes.

Remind us of Gonzalez Motigua, chains, Luzardo and others, that the administration of securities, also serve to drive strategic change, is also of high utility to navigate among the pitfalls of every day that hamper to get the most out of what we have. One of the basic functions of all Directivo-lider is the ensure high performance everyday of his collaborators, whatever the size and sector of your company, and there is no doubt that this is not achieved by the mere fact of desiring it. For this among many other things a managerial leader has to know to handle values, and not only of form constitucional or big occasions, but in every day. It is important to morale and sense for professional work well hacho due to lack of animo and collective morality to give of himself with a maximum involvement and performance. Missing customs and values that are worth the penalty to work, customs suitable for the good life or etica of the system. An officer purporting to apply the stock administration to endeavour to have real quality dialogues with its partners that will go evaluating and renegotiating the State of vitality of the psychological contract management of securities identifies gaps between what one believes and how to behave in practice. Organizations do not operate the management by values, make it run people!. They are the values that align the people, those who commit everyone to work to achieve common goals. The values are the unique phenomenon that can move through a group of people * notes from the Chair: organizational behavior, graduate management quality and productividd, Faces, UC, 2003 original author and source of the article.

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