South America2020.08.20. // News

” The total of them inspection in this period has increased a 34% more than in the same period of the 2009 and audits have grown a 61%, indicating that the tendency to concern quality products has grown inside and outside China”. During this first fourth month period them inspection in clothes and textile have increased in a 71.4% from the first trimester of the 2009, followed of the toys and articles of gift in a 43.8% and articles of the press and packing in a 41.3%. Increase in the quality of its manufacture. In country, where in spite of the recent recession bet to continue itself is hoped that the GIP grows surroundings to 10.2% in 2010, making see the rest of the world that China is the best place to matter. ” Thanks to the growth of the demand of consumption the Government has spent more than 1,000 million dollars in improving the quality of his fabricacin” , Makow comments. The rest of the map of the world As far as other zones of the planet the Barometer of AsiInspection in relation to quality inspection points the following data. In 2010 Eastern Europe, Asia and Africa surpass to the rest of Europe and the USA.

After a diminution of inspection in the fourth trimester of 36% the European Eastern Economy, increases with surprising a 805%. In inspection grows them to Africa until the 154%; in the Middle East they ascend to the 153%; and in Asia they raise until the 82,2%. As far as other regions as North America or South America these controls is recovering of slower way: in the first case a 11.2% and in the second grow a 10.5%. On AsiInspection ” Its Eyes in the Fbrica” This company dedicated to the Quality control, was founded on Hong Kong in 1997 with the purpose of to offer Services of Inspection, Audit and Test of Laboratory. Its group has 350 inspectors, organized by sectors and preparations to just by carry out quality controls and audits in any factory in all Asia 24 hours of advance warning and from 288 USD everything-including. The inspection reports are received the same day of the inspection. His more than 2,500 clients in 100 countries they are able to reduce his costs, to increase his margins and to simplify all the process of purchase in the distant one East, now much more near due to the globalisation.

Transformations2018.01.28. // News

The author is the unique qualified person to authorize these transformations of his creation, with or without profit spirit. The infringements on the rights of intellectual property can be persecuted by the holders of such rights or legally constituted organizations of management, and this persecution can be realised by the penal route and the civil route. First it requires the concurrence of spirit of profit and damage of third parties, but the civil route does not demand to demonstrate to the causacin of a damage or the lucrative aim of the violator, but solely the existence of the infraction. For this reason, even though the page Web in which that transformation of the work is published lacks profit spirit, and of the same category they are the contributions of the users, this activity has legal repercussions, and the violator could have to compensate to the holders of the rights of intellectual property of the work with an equal quantity to the benefit that the holders would have obtained from not taking place the illicit use, or to the installment correlative to the authorization, where appropriate, and of to have produced this authorization. Aside from the responsibility which according to the LPI she incurs the usuary author of the ascent of the calld file or the translated script, in the light of article 16 of the LSSI considers violator (and the holders of the rights of intellectual property have action against him), to the administrator of the Web (like " lender of services of lodging or storage of datos") if test that had knowledge of which raised the page the Web it was an illicit or harmful content of rights of third parties, unless this one tries that it did not have effective knowledge of which the activity or the stored information is illicit or of which injures to goods or rights of third susceptible ones of indemnification, or that acted with diligence to retire the data or to prevent the access to them, that is to say, to prevent the damage to the rights with the author.

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