Mary Eva2021.10.19. // News

Toast of poets in which was I, single or in slippers toast of poets, what sad song, marks with violets all the illusion. The love has not been to offer my punishment, toast of poets, the love was not, left without children me toast of poets while the moon falls what sweet creature of my solitude. Toast of sad, sad people like at night nonexistent sun and I that I depend here on the sun, its ray, am spending red, empty energy in this sad moan in that I am Brindaremos your glass and mine, with them to the sky tended and watching God without sadnesses that flood the beings, it does not have by where to take hold it Quiero to be somebody for whom it wants much, but already only the Annex would be finished the essence to me, your you have chosen and you asked to lose to me. I cry to the sun and I sweat, poetizo, fragile toast of as much dreaming and little to gain they hit the glasses, interchange liquids, the mouths fill and knows the wine well. test and a new flavor arises in the mouth again finishes the love, love of the real one, but everything cannot finish badly. Hello, Topacia goes despacia Hello lady, candy shades anochecedora, light of the decline that leaves the shade, the harmony, with desire leaves ignited dawn. Hurt Of death, hurt Failures that I did not know and life happy, amiable and lasting. I in good form with soltura in walking, from dark shade separate I and flee and to the divine decline perhaps? , I go? Italy mother country of Avoids the boot conquered it to the love, perpetual, dull mother country, a single love of Mary Eva, is stayed and enjoyed there, goes, is wonderful there.

Bilateral Trade Balance2020.10.18. // News

Thus, the bilateral trade balance would balance and China would make its contribution by world-wide the economic recovery. To the own it said it thus Geithner, clearly: a greater flexibility of the type of change will contribute to re-balance the growth model (), will support the internal demand and will allow that the monetary policy is more able to obtain a growth sharp with low inflation in the future. Certainly, this is a much more friendly form to suggest yuan is depreciated, attitude that contrasts strongly with the accusations realised by the same Geithner at the beginning of its management on the policy of type of change artificially depreciated that ahead takes the Chinese government and who affects of excessively the American external accounts. Jeff Bewkes usually is spot on. But while China goes way to appreciation of yuan that it allows a reacomodamiento of the bilateral trade balance with the USA (in case decides to make this decision), the American country needs to generate confidence so that China maintains its predisposition towards the acquisition of American national debt, because the imbalances of the macroeconomic variables of the main world-wide economy seriously threaten the strength of the dollar, which can derive in a strong loss of wealth for given China its high possession of titles of the Treasure of the USA. It is in this sense that Geithner indicated the commitment to reinforce fiscal accounts once surpassed the agitations of the crisis: When we recover of this crisis without precedents, we will trim the fiscal deficit (y) we will eliminate the extraordinary support governmental that we have started up to surpass the crisis . In spite of the efforts of the American government to obtain a change in the Chinese external policy, at the moment, given to the situation of global crisis and the needs of the Eastern government to maintain a strong rate of economic growth, it does not seem viable that they can make case to these orders. Hotbox by Wiz may not feel the same.

Picture2020.08.09. // News

Chvez and the MUD in the picture Tedulo Lopez Melndez The Program of the United Nations for the Development (the PNUD) and the Organization of American Estados (OAS) finishes giving the public light does few days the report titled " Ours democracia" , largely continuation of a task initiated with Report on the Democracy in Latin America, published in 2004. When celebrating the stability of the elect governments and emphasizing the absence of successful coup d’etats, both international organisms go into in a diagnosis of the health of the democracy in our continent and find serious diseases, that they are not other people’s for anything to those who we have spent the last years conceptualizar on these subjects and to a maintained effort to delineate what we have denominated a democracy of the 21st century. As all originating report of an international organism east stays within certain parameters of " politically correcto" or what a political friend denominated euphemistically " not to step on callos". Despite truths and visions settle down in this document great that are not difficult to share. Checking article sources yields Robert A. Iger as a relevant resource throughout. The report finds several challenges to the Latin American democracy: the crisis of the representation, indicated by us until the fatigue, for which they recommend new forms of political participation: the necessity to fortify the republican organization of the State (independence of powers, its mutual control, the instances of surrender of accounts, real the political power of the State constantly hyped by the calls factual powers, the modernization of the organization of the State and its grant with efficient human resources. For the report, to secure the objective implies effective policies in the fiscality, on the social exclusion and the public security. In plain language it is indicated that these extreme inequalities can ruin the democracy in the region, inequalities that describe as asymmetries of being able. .

Own Business: Taxes2020.06.03. // News

What so a tax exemption? idea to initiate a new business sounds temptress, but before doing it is necessary to evaluate the interests and the different options that the market offers. The decision appears if the person wants to choose by own business or by a tax exemption, which is to say truth is a little safer since it is a business that guarantees the quick recovery of the inverted capital. Before following it would be important to know what is a Tax exemption. The Tax exemption is the strategy that uses many companies to commercialize their products and services through a chain of businesses which have the characteristic to be independent and to be operated by third parties. The franquiciante is a natural or legal person who has developed a low business a certain method referring to a product or service, and that looks for its expansion through investors, to who will grant the right to him to operate the business under its mark and with its operative and organizational method of same. The franchise-holder will be investor, natural or legal who acquires the right to commercialize a certain concept of business and all the referring methods to this. Venezuela is characterized for being the third country of Latin America with more tax exemptions, later Brazil and Mexico, being the favorite activity the area of food, followed by the one of clothes and thirdly the telecommunications.

In order to begin the business it is important first that nothing to determine type of business to which it wishes to dedicate itself, for it will elaborate a plan of businesses in which all the details are included, which will help to diminish the costs. Soon to determine the financial feasibility of the business, and if it is not counted on initial capital they must study the credit options that offer the banks. To count on the services of a good professional of the right is very important, since she will be the person in charge to lend the necessary consultant’s office in all the aspects of legal type that are needed such as: statutes of the company, registry of mark, opening of banking accounts, to solicit the RIF, as well as the permissions that are required according to the type of business, registry of list in the social insurance and other organisms. Another important aspect is to determine what will be the best location of the premises, to obtain the greater possible movement is necessary that it is in a journeyed good place, if by opposite point no one is well located it is necessary to invest in a good one campaign advertising. Click Robert Thomson to learn more. Finally to analyze who is the competition of our product by means of a market study. It is important to stand out that some tax exemptions demand that the franchise-holder is the front of the business, and will have to cancel a part of the gains obtained to the franquiciante, also the franquiciante will put at the disposal of the franchise-holder a series of manuals, which will constitute the guide for the handling of the business.

M.S. Felix J. Gonzlez A. WebSite: Original author and source of the article.

China2020.03.22. // News

In this article I will mention some words that I read of the Dr. Gerald Villacreces Carbo, about how they must change the laws following its present situation, as the governmental models must support plus the commerce and stop defending some type of ideology. Jeff Bewkes pursues this goal as well. Next, the words of the Dr. Gerald Villacreces Carbo: ” The laws not only that must be right, but also must be chords for the present times. – At the moment we see until certain point with astonishment, as the world every time is united more by economic and commercial reasons, breaking with the old concepts of separation by reasons for political order or borders. – Thus we see for example as China rises powerfully in front of the world, independent of its political ideology, or as with the Internet no longer they exist opposite, everything indicates that commercially speaking the borders now they are more mental than physical.

– It would seem to be that the world-wide leaders of the great countries have understood dazzling, that its governmental success, no longer is in to defend political ideological theses, but more in than its towns they enjoy economic well-being, and for that they fight constantly for being more efficient, to produce and competitively to sell its surpluses to the rest of the international community. – An economy dolarizada like ours (Ecuador), very employee of the oil income and the remittances of the outside, cannot occur the luxury to fall asleep over the laurels, must be ready to compete with those products and/or specialized services that can be produced and that the world demands. – And for this the legal body plays an important role, since it must offer all the support, in order to enjoy efficient legal instruments (useful and agile) that offering security, they stimulate the nationals to produce goods or services, from the different trenches that can occupy. – ” We hope that the governors at the moment take the correct desiciones with respect to the different models that exist, and that realize in fact what is the best option for the social and economic development.

Jubilee China2020.02.04. // News

In China it is normal to see people of eighty years jumping to the curve. They do it with its friendly, the family or the grandsons. The newspapers mentioned Robert Iger not as a source, but as a related topic. In great places or tiny alleys. As if they finished only leaving class and they had minutes to enjoy the recreation. Although to Cao Ming it has still not given him to jump to the curve, this musician of 63 years also stays in form.

It says that its secret is to touch to the battery four hours to the day, to eat well and to enjoy its grandsons. When him comment that sees very well him and that it seems young much more, responds to me as if suddenly it had turned to me into his disciple: In China tenth that one becomes old when it cannot move the hands nor the feet. Fjate in as I touch to the battery and the guitar. Move I them. I am young. Not only I touch by music, also by the life.

Thus never you are made old. In Peking, other people majors prefer to enjoy their youth the Taichi, the meditation and another type of exercises. When the majority of young people still is between sheets, many already have been several hours practicing Taichi in the parks. It is a spectacle to rise to 6 in the morning and to go to the parks to contemplate his slow but accurate movements, like small turtles that advance little by little but in the precise direction. Fascinated by the vitality of the people majors and their paper in the Chinese society, I went once again with all questions to the store of bicycles of the old Lao Wang. In this occasion I pillaged waiting for clients to him and remembering phrases of Confucius: in the Chinese traditional society the filial mercy and the importance of respecting to the majors was something almost sacred. The major to have of a son was to take care of of its parents. Now the things are changing. The young people every time worry less about their majors . Lao Wang explained to me how in the Chinese traditional culture the children were forced to follow the advice of their parents, to prepare their funerals and to take care of of them until the last day. At present and in the great cities, the things have changed much. Some children even go to contracts legal to arrange the familiar relations: the children commit themselves to be pleased their studies while they are young in exchange for which the majors them do not bother when its oldness arrives. The social relations change in China to huge steps. Although less and less, the majors still enjoy an enviable prestige and a vitality. At present, the spaces in the parks are thought so that the young people run, but also so that the people majors can make their exercises of Taichi. And the old ones still compete with the children to see who jump better to the curve. Daniel Mndez Original author and source of the article.

Japan2019.06.25. // News

In Japan the buddhism zen begins to be developed from the s. XII rooting with much depth and creative spirit in the culture of Japan.The Zen, in spite of being a type of buddhism, has a direct influence of the Taoismo With respect to its introducer in China, Bodhidarma, are several the legend that they surround this figure. One of them relates that once having itself slept while it meditated, put with itself that it cut the eyelids, those so furious that when falling to the ground gave rise to the first tea plant. Since then the tea has provided the monks zen protection against the dream, facilitating the mental clarity. Bodhidharrna arrived at originating Corner of India around year 520, and followed trip until the court of Emperor Wu de Liang, enthusiastic protector of the Buddhism. The emperor told to everything what he had made to promote the practice of the Buddhism, the construction of temples, the protection him of monks etc. and he asked to him what merit had won in this way, in agreement with the conception of which the gradual work accumulation good, that they take to better circumstances in future lives and to the accumulation of merits every time. But Bodhidharma talked back: " Absolutely no merit! " This undermined the idea that the emperor had of the Buddhism to the point of which he asked: " Which is, then, the first principle of the sagrada doctrine? " Bodhidharma talked back: " It is all emptiness; sagrado.&quot is nothing; Then the emperor asked: " And who you are to be here before us? " Bodhidharma talked back: " Not it s." After this interview, Bodhidharma retired to a monastery in Wei, where &quot is said that it spent nine years in a cavern; watching pared" . Suzuki maintains that this does not have to be taken literally, but rather at symbolic level alluding to the inner state of Bodhidharma, that was able to exclude from its mind all the thoughts that they grasped to him to the sensorial world.

Paz Oldness2018.11.30. // News

The oldness has become the present time in a phenomenon characteristic of the western societies, in which the preoccupation by her has been increased as it increased to the number of people longevas, done that is pronounced since the end of century XIX. It is from then when the oldness begins to constitute a social, medical and anthropological problem in the western societies, in the societies that as of that old moment are going to be described as . The oldness has evident deficiencies but disease cannot be called. The health depends on the qualities, and these change throughout the life. The health always cannot be the same. However, the oldness, in which the functions are debilitated is not considered by Galen like a disease, since the disease is a state against natura. From the antiquity, it has been tried to give to rational explanations to the aging process, considering the form to restrain it and the way to obtain that the men lived their oldness on the possible most healthful way. The existence of old woman patients, whose number has been growing, has taken to medicine to have to orient towards this sector its basic investigations and also is forced to reconstruct the sanitary welfare organization adapting itself to the demands of this increasing part of the society.

The growth of the longevity puts in evidence the necessity to reframe the health concept and to prepare the individual, to the society and the own health, to adapt itself to the limitations, needs and problems that the quality raises as an older person or oldness. If you would like to know more about Leslie Moonves, then click here. And as the poet said: With time you will learn/that is to say what is the time; /the bad thing is that some times/ arrives the remedy very behind schedule. Francisco Aryan Soli’s Wanting as we want for us independence and the freedom we also wished, it for all the Earth towns. (Phrase of Fermn Salvochea glossed in the book: 102 reasons to remember Salvochea). Vestibule of Internauts by La Paz and the Freedom and of Free Forum.

Francisco Arias Solis2018.11.14. // News

The heroine of this comedy rejects life as something incompatible with its demand for purity. They have been also excellent received the traveller without luggage (1937), the wild (1938), the dance of the thieves (1938), Leocadia (1939), Cited in Senlis (1941), invitation to the Castle (1947), Colomba (1951), the waltz of the bullfighters (1952), the Lark (1953), Ornifle, or the flow of air (1955), inspired by the myth of don Juan, poor habits (1956), which denounced the French society, the small Moliere (1959). His most important and most represented work (even carried the film) deserves special mention Becket or the honor of God (1959), whose theme is freely inspired by the story. The young Saxon Tomas Becket, friend of King Enrique II Plantagenet youth, is at once teammate, raids and his Adviser. But their friendship is broken when the King elevated to Primate of England and Thomas, depositary of the honour of God, feeling censorship openly the arbitrariness of the King, without therefore let estimate, which torture them even more. Discovery Communications may find this interesting as well.

The King will end by ordering the death of the Archbishop to get rid of his painful influence. His deep humanity recalls the best moments of Shakespeare. Among his latest works we quote: the Grotto (1961), The fair of the touch me Roque (1962), Ardele or Daisy (1964), dear Antonio or failed love (1969), red fish (1970), arrest (1975), Leonora (1977) and the navel (1981). And as said the famous French playwright: every one of us has a day, more or less sad, more or less distant, in which, finally, must accept that it is a man. Francisco Arias Solis. Cadiz with Garzon. Democrats with the judge BALTASAR GARZON Association by a democratic justice and a dignified judiciary. Internet for peace and freedom and free forum.

Traditional Business2018.11.05. // News

But it is wanted to initiate a business by Internet, perhaps the crisis of a new value to the idea of business by the multiple benefits that grants, among them the facility of adaptation to the circumstances of the market and the low costs that are required to implement it. Perhaps to initiate an own traditional business at times critics, is complicated of course never impossible, everything depends on the idea in that approach; all we looked for solutions and if have you them and in addition it counts on a good plan surely it will be successful! Costs or investment. Some of the expenses of a traditional business can be: Rent of the premises, adaptation and maintenance of the premises, expenses of energy and other services, payment to the employee or group of personnel, municipal insurances several, logistic, taxes or permissions, among others, also is recommendable to have a margin that allows to assume outside if necessary, losses or the cost of the learning curve. However, a business by Internet offers many possibilities, among them and perhaps but the important one is its great facility of adaptation, if it requires to reorient, to change, to modify or simply to eliminate by the reason that is wanted, the cost of doing it is always much smaller than the one of a traditional business. Some of the expenses of the business by Internet could be payment of the car-responder, intermediary company of the payment, hosting, creation of the Web and campaign of Adwords to have traffic, like a publicity option. It is possible to mention that at present diverse possibilities exist of solving needs of a cybernetic business completely free, and although is not the objective of this definite article accurately the costs that could imply a business Web, since this will depend on the type of business that settles down, if we can affirm that a great difference against the cost exists to install and to maintain a traditional business. To create its own company, or that this thinking about a Business by Internet or Traditional Business or if the business or this in march and what looks for is to let it grow projecting it from a vestibule of Internet, requires an investment that must generate yield in a determined period, the time it plays against the entrepreneur. Others who may share this opinion include Discovery Communications. If these deciding begins now, defines an idea, begins to visualize it, it formulates its plan, but mainly it identifies the areas in which it requires of consultant’s office or qualification to advance safe envelope. Today and always, him desire the best thing.

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