FINAL CONSIDERAES Throughout this article, I presented a little of the trajectory of the woman in the construction of its identity and ascension in the teaching scene of Superior Ensino, since the origin of the myth of Eva until the conquest of its space as teaching majority in the universities using as example the State Clear Mount University. I used myself diverse authors and of distinct facts had lead that me to a historical report and chronological of facts that never they must be forgotten when the subject is the woman and the conquest of its social space. These aspects had allowed me through a chronological line sequential, to inside detach the singularity of the history of the woman of the history of the humanity, the submission and the inferiority imposed for ideologies, dogmas and beliefs, the suffered social injustices, its overcoming and conquests as subject of right. Through the search for the knowledge the women are surpassing, in extraordinary way, centuries of subordination and silence, if specializing in bigger levels each time and if inserting in Superior Ensino, becoming basic personage in the construction of the modern society, not rewriting its history, but with pride of its past of the routes to its gift and future in the perspective of a society joust, igualitria in chances and above all of respect to the differences. om House. REFERENCES: ALMEIDA, Jane Soares of. Woman and Education: the possible passion, So Paulo: Publishing company UNESP, 1998 ALMEIDA, Joo Blacksmith of. Bible of Study Pentecostal, U.S.A.: CPAD, 1995 BELLO, Jose Luiz of Paiva. The power of the religion in the education of the woman.
Tags society and culture
CHINA AND BRAZIL: TO BE ABLE AND DEPENDENCE Ivan Santiago Hisses * the People’s Republic of China is the great colossus of century XXI in function of its gigantic economy, the population of more than a billion of inhabitants and of the strong international presence, mainly in recent years. One is about a great world-wide economic center, however it presents some dependences. As economic power that more than grows 10% to the year more than the 30 years, China is the second a bigger economy of the world for the PIB/PPC (Gross domestic product/For Being able of Purchase) and alone it loses the world-wide leadership for the United States of America. Being thus, some projections indicate China as the biggest planetary economy in the next years. This Asian country, that keeps a dictatorship dirty joust and in the politics, also presents distortions in the economy, being the most serious of the present time question of the one of the Chinese exchange. Of certain form, when it agrees to it, the said Chinese dictatorship to the orders in the economy, that cause impacts in world all in function of its size. The Chinese exchange question is simple: the Yuan (Chinese currency) is devaluated front to the American dollar and makes with that the Chinese products arrive cheaper in other countries (markets) and desestabilize the competition in these.
With this question of the exchange, a simple radio or microcomputer arrives more cheap in U.S.A. of what the Americans obtain to produce. With this measure ' ' ditatorial' ' China reached, as given of the Leaf on line in 14/04/2011 the 3 trillions of dollar in exchange reserves. So that the Chinese obtained to create this saving (Brazil approximately closed 2010 with 290 billion dollar that is less than 10% of the Chinese value), the Chinese international competition was disloyal, as the dictatorship it is with the opponents and the human rights.
Tags society and culture