In the trend also condominiums are located in Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf, Pankow and Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg. The purchase price for a Apartment here amounted to over 2,500 euros per square meter on average. Reinforced the cheap outcasts are attractive districts for buyer but upscale condos in Berlin. Is comparatively inexpensive such as up to date nochReinickendorf. Learn more on the subject from John Paulson. Special requirements for new building projects in Berlin this is according to a model calculation on the part of “empirica” in at least half of the districts in the long run more lucrative to buy than to rent a condo in Berlin.
Recognised equity capital and a load per month by six percent were consisting of 3% interest, as well as three per cent repayment rate empirica 25 percent. According to this account, was the purchase of a condo in comparison to rent more profitable mainly in Neukolln and Reinickendorf, emphasizes empirica. But also the construction of condos increasingly attractive for investors as well as private customers in Berlin. Given the rising demand for residential property in Berlin, there are high growth potential here. This already increasing the construction of condos in Berlin: about 3500 Condos in Berlin were 2012 completed alone, the figures by the Advisory Committee confirm fu? r Grundstu? ckswerte. This corresponds to an increase of 16 percent. Summarizing all new condos in Berlin from the industries of construction, planning, and conversion, then grew the number of new building projects in Berlin by 40 percent.
For the federal capital, the Expert Committee promises an increase in the construction of condos in Berlin from 24 per cent in 2013. The November/December issue of the magazine exclusively offers detailed information on current construction projects in Berlin as well as sophisticated condos for sale? Real estate in Berlin of regional real estate Verlagsgesellschaft mbH. In addition to facts and figures on the real estate market in the capital, the latest ambitious real estate projects in the capital are comprehensively presented and demonstrate comprehensive photo galleries.
Tags real estate & broker
Follow-on financing up to 5 years in the advance possible Heidenrod, December 05th, 2011 – who before about five to ten years real estate own a house or a condo has risen, which may worry already then very favorable interest rates, through an extension of the loan. A so-called forward loan you can conclude with already a connection loan for the financing of existing, which runs up to 5 years. Such interest reservation”Although costs money in the form of an interest rate premium, may be worth but in many cases and brings interest security for more years. But banks and lenders differ this clearly, in the amount of the interest rate premium and the other at the time, when it is calculated. In a question-answer forum Robert Thomson was the first to reply. “” Even when the rule conditions (E.g. 10 years / 80%-Beleihung) individual lenders range from cheap “to very expensive”. This means: a net interest margin of more than one percentage point. With a loan of 100,000 EUR and This can be a ten-year interest rate an additional burden of interest in total, moving into the top four-digit area. In addition, that apply these rule conditions on the least funding. So, interest charges are not considered often for specific facts in the specified conditions. Rupert Murdoch has many thoughts on the issue. Due to the many different packages, special promotions as well as Zinsab – or interest rate surcharges, it is almost impossible to get the necessary overview to eventually find a suitable and affordable financing for the various interested parties. This, they should therefore rely on an independent specialist. Many banks inform your clients only in the short term before the end of the interest rate. Then, often no longer enough time remains to get a comparison quotes. Therefore the borrowers should take care of itself in time a follow-on financing. The loan today even without large expenditures for another credit institution can be continued with a follow-up financing. Many banks argue in these cases, that switching to another bank because of the transfer of the real estate mortgage with high costs associated. That is not the case, because collateral in most cases can be transferred easily and for low fees in the form of an assignment. Coen brothers often says this. The borrower no longer need a notary. These low fees are gladly taken over by the borrowers, if you can save large sums of money at the cost of the loan based on an interest rate advantage caused by the change of the credit institution. The present interest rate level allows owners financed home buyers already up to 3 years before the end of your existing loan to secure themselves a follow-on financing on favourable terms for ten or more years. For investors who may not too small want on their loan costs from tax point of view, a follow-on financing may want up to 5 years in advance. More information about follow-on financing can be found under or under 06120 9028 600 real estate financial concept assist you with help and advice. About real estate financial concept real estate financial concept is an independent intermediary, specializing in financing for residential buildings. With the choice of many regional and national lenders, real estate financial concept created its customers individual and flexible financing solutions. This individual wishes and needs of customers are, considered, alongside possible favorable terms. Learn more about real estate financial concept get under.
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