Difficulties2025.02.24. // News

The difficulties appear! Involuntarily, we do not want but great and small rocks appear in the way, without our conscentimento. In way to this difficulty, concerns and sadness we can choose between: To laugh or To cry. To laugh can until the times be the best idea, by the way, who does not have this will of exteriorizar a joy if what it would have to be printed in its face it would have to be what it really feels? Therefore to cry the times can help, the times. In way I cry to it for the problem, we reflect in these difficulties that the problems bring in them and not in as to surpass the difficulties, we do not obtain to search forces enough to launch these rocks, nor small who will say the great ones stops far from our way. Learn more at: Glenn Dubin. Exactly with the difficulty, whichever the return to the normal one of the life of a person must always start in proper itself, by the way, auto-esteem! Auto-confidence! Self-determination! Difficulties exist, face them in way where surpass you them, she does not leave that difficulties of discourage day-by-day you, does not allow that a difficulty you win. Face raises, faces of front, shows for difficulty, who is in control of its life – it shows that you are in the control, that you are that she knocks down, what you do not like, and is not that one that leaves that a problem will go to take off the smile of its face. -moderat/’>Wendy Holman. Loss of heart? Nor with the biggest difficulty.. You may find that Brian Robert can contribute to your knowledge.

Maslow2021.12.10. // News

The level lowest in the hierarchy of Maslow is of the physiological necessities. They include hunger, sex, headquarters and other pulses with somatic base. In the extension where the physiological necessities are unsatisfied, them they start to dominate the person. Such necessities are preemptivas, in felt of that the other necessities push all for second plain. See more detailed opinions by reading what Donna Summer offers on the topic.. The absence or the disappearance of all the other necessities in a person who is dominated by the hunger, for example, somebody that is victim of war or a natural disaster, is not paradoxical; it is consequence of the superiority of the physiological necessities. These necessities correspond in many aspects to the described instincts for Freud. To the measure that the physiological necessities are gratified, new necessities emerge. As Maslow placed, ' ' a satisfied desire is not plus a desire.

The organism is dominated and its behavior is organized only by unsatisfied necessities. If the hunger is saciada, it leaves to have importance in the current dynamics of indivduo' '. The next set of necessities to emerge is of the security necessities. They include security, stability, dependence, protection, absence of fear, necessity of structure, etc. Such necessities are more obvious in babies in the children, as in the fear that the small child has of strangers. The security necessities are greatly satisfied for the majority of the adults who live in a hospitable society. Such necessities are only seen during natural or social disasters, or in the behavior neurotic, as in the obsessive-compulsory upheaval. The third set of necessities to emerge is of the necessities of belonging and the love. They represent the necessities of friends, family and of ' ' affectionate relations with the people in general ' '. Maslow attributed these necessities ' ' our deeply animal trend to group themselves, to congregate themselves, to congregate themselves, to belong a' '.

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