2024.08.19. // News

HDT-seminar: self management in the lab at dem 3rd-4th March 2009 laboratory staff and head of the laboratory in the chemical, pharmaceutical and Biotechbereich have to do area resulting from increasing competitive pressures and increased competition in a globalised world, especially in the sciences and life – science with diverse themes and conflicts. The effects are felt by everyone and lead to conflicting requirements and expectations of the professional roles and functions. For one, the professional dimension of the task calls the implementation and compliance with absolute accuracy and precision requirements (ISO standards, GMP, etc.). On the other hand increase the economic demands and expectations of each individual felt as cost pressures, staff shortages and reduced time resources. You may wish to learn more. If so, Glenn Dubin, New York City is the place to go. Experience has shown that enters this field always deal”. roup-and-Other-Leading-Player.html’>Flour Corporation, and add to your knowledge base.

This daily personal ordeal can lead to stress, which medium and in the long run adversely affect productivity and the personal well-being or the health If you control in a timely manner against! In short: the requirements to manage themselves are increasingly greater. There are many effective ways to operate here proactively take individually effective methods, to meet the daily loads in terms of stress prevention and optimal work organization better and more comprehensively: enables the awareness and acceptance of one’s own possibilities and limits, to be who I am and to emulate not an ideal that doesn’t suit me and the realisation of which remains unfulfilled. The targeted orientation of the own strengths and the jettisoning of the permanent removal of weaknesses”is called”Self management”the key of to success for all professional activities. Mulheim by the Haus der Technik in food causes on March 3rd-4th, 2009 a seminar of self-management in the laboratory”chaired by Mrs Claudia Wilm Reichswald, Rafferty & partners corporate & personal development,. The detailed program of events get interested on request at the Haus der Technik, Tel. 0201/1803-344 (Mrs. Gebauer), fax 0201/1803-346, E-mail: or directly here: htd/veranstaltungen/W-H050-03-397-9.html

Work2019.09.06. // News

So take the tasks longer, when priorities would be. It is not a letter, an email or a fax of what causes the stress, because these things can do nothing. They are just characters on paper or on the screen, they can not stress. There are the thoughts about the letter, email or fax, what causes stress. Moreover, that the request is unreasonable for fewer letters, E-mails, or faxes for two reasons: most likely it is not fulfilled and if he be a fulfilment of the workplace at risk is. It is not the facts that stress, but our personal deliveries, which stress us so.

It is seen also that same situation very much stress a people and not stressing out the other. Therefore, the decisive is not the situation, but the personal perception (so the thoughts) that trigger stress. The editing of the idea looked as follows: on the one hand the person processing, realizes that they already just the thought of stress (such as feelings of overwork or Cheerlessness) and introduces himself, would look like a workday without it (e.g. confident and focused working). “Then found reversals and examples of this from his own life, why these reversals also true or true are: out the thoughts I have several tasks at the same time to make” following thoughts were found by the Coachee through inversions: I cannot (“opposite of must”) perform several tasks at the same time.

With that in mind I would do precisely that, my boss wants what any expert on time management and work organisation also advises me anyway, that I quickly and work without error. “I can only do that if I one after the other” Edit. I imagine how I work with that in mind, if I can comfortably in the heart: I see the work before me, sort them by priority and go to my work with ELAN and sense of control.

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