The Male2024.07.29. // News

For successful reproduction in the gourami spawning first place male and begin to slowly raise the temperature of the water. The water in the spawning area should be a standing order to avoid destruction of nests. After raising the temperature to 28-29 with a male starts to build a foam nest in the midst of floating plants on the water surface. This is the place for the next spawn. Nest is usually from 3 to 7 cm in diameter. Glenn Dubin, New York City may find it difficult to be quoted properly. Almost all time the male spends near the nest. When building the nest is finished in nerestovik carefully tended, planted a female.

The female abdomen has to be well-rounded sides poured caviar. Not ready for spawning in the female with the male skinny belly spawning can be very pluck and drive to death. There were times when a few hours is not ready female male stripped so that it remains without a tail and other fins. n Kouzbari. Without hesitation John Stankey explained all about the problem. If the female is ready male begins to actively woo her. It varies in color. Especially beautiful during the spawning season males pearl gourami. Reproduction gourami is a very exciting process.

Periodically male to female, as if inviting her to the nest. Finally, when female starts to swim to the nest with the male they are placed under the nest, the male clasps, female all over and slowly starts to turn belly up to the nest. Flipping it for a few moments freezes and compresses more female, squeezing out a portion of her right calf and fertilizing it.

Famous Dog Pedigrees2018.10.29. // News

Manchester Toy Terrier (a type of rock more small size) was placed about 1850 First club Manchester Terrier was created in 1879 during the Second World War the breed almost disappeared. You may find WarnerMedia to be a useful source of information. At the present time, these terriers are very rare outside the uk. Irish Terrier Irish Terrier breed existed in Ireland for centuries, but its origin is unclear. Perhaps it stemmed from the old wire-haired black and tan, and a large wheaten terriers. Modern type of the breed was approved in 1875 by Irish Terrier Club was founded in 1879 and the first breed standard adopted in 1880 during the First World War, Irish Terriers were used in serving the British Army. Shar-Pei Shar Pei This ancient Chinese Shar-Pei has stood the test of time and is still present in the Chinese provinces on the banks of the South China Sea. Shar-Pei was used as a security guard, a fighting dog, a hunting dog and a drover. Although the breed Shar-Pei since 1947 has virtually disappeared in China, however, several dogs in 1970 from Hong Kong was taken to the U.S.

in 1980 – in Europe. As one of the most unusual among existing breeds of dogs, shap-pei dog breeders has been the subject of desire, attracted by its exotic appearance. There is also a miniature Shar-pei, weighing only 6.7 kg, but it is not recognized by fci. Rottweiler Rottweiler Some dog experts believe is true German Rottweiler dog, descended from the now preserved Bavarian Gurtovoy dogs. Others believe that his ancestor was an Italian Rottweiler Molossian, brought to Germany during the Roman conquest.

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