Global Flow2021.11.19. // News

Global flow of customers do not have to wait long and affairs of the company abruptly went up the hill! To say that this site can not be perfect. There is always improve and correct, because there is no limit to perfection, however, and the initial sketches were not worse. The main thing is that now the site is powered by our company and brings a substantial income. For the second month after the launch of the site, in addition to continuous growth of client base, the top had been received additional 18%. From the fourth month, when the site was promoting this additional percentage of customers increased and was about 40%! After six months of the site, monthly revenue has doubled, and now a major influx of customers and partners was due solely of the site. Details can be found by clicking Donna Summer or emailing the administrator. Income of the company, of course, increased substantially and assumes its further increase is extremely happy. But haunted by the recognition and counting the losses that we suffered a delay launch web-resource. Now it is not possible to imagine and day of downtime, even if just a couple of hours the site will not function – it can significantly affect the company's profits. Learn more at this site: Vanessa Morgan.

But before we start putting off for weeks because of the resource is not absolutely essential details. Now, as for us the main features and the very existence of site, we are aware that there is no accounting for tastes, and still absolutely can not please everybody. Have meaning only the general characteristics of quality, such as usability, easy navigation and simple, accessible and unobtrusive interface design, which would not distract from the content. The site is not obliged to "like" you, the main thing – that he liked and was comfortable to users! "For the soul" can start a blog named after a loved one, and cast over him, as they want. As economist with a mathematical turn of mind, it would be reasonable to calculate the damage of downtime the site and to correlate it with the income, which brings web-resource, even in "raw" form.

All adjustments and improvements can be made as early as the operation site, since everything can not be foreseen in advance. While the resource is only started and is subject to many changes, however, it is indexed by search engines, there is possible to register your site to directories, which takes much time. How much would not have been ideal web-based resource for one day or a week it will not be able to untwist, in some areas requires months to register appropriate progress. Initially, not trusting the recommendations of web-studio, we made a significant error, resulting in lost time and income potential, respectively. Now is not the return of those customers and partners, who went to competitors because of our exacting detail irrelevant to the site. Thank God that we finally listened to the advice of the team web studio, which for their part have shown an unprecedented tolerance and perseverance, for which we are grateful. I would like to give advice based on bitter experience: Be able to not only think but also to calculate the potential and trust the professionals. Even experienced businessman and economist, is able to avoid unforgivable mistake, tending to idealize the ephemeral!

Russian Search2021.10.22. // News

Information entered in the Description, to be brief and concise description of a page that is not contain the characters ", '. Example: <meta name="Description" content="Rekomendatsii on writing pages for web-masterov, with the wishes of the developers of search sistemy"> In deriving the results of the search engine description is longer than its standard will be cut off. We strongly recommend to stop at 200 characters, clearly and understandably stating the main thing. Imagine that initially the user is lazy and does not likes to read:) KEYWORDS Keywords. Here, charlie watts expresses very clear opinions on the subject. The most difficult part of the work, because it is on search words and phrases, users will find your site. Define the basic principles: 1) From the Russian text – write Russian words and phrases with English – British. The exception may be well-known, frequently used words. For example: shop, free, radio, tv, designer, web, internet, man, fashion, food and other similar.

2) Write desired phrases, separated from one another by a comma and the words within it – spaces. Why? – Since the phrase or sentence can be used in whole or in part, as well as individual words. For example, a web designer, online shop, e-commerce, free advertising 3) ideal option would be the word – "HRE". Such phrases usually consist of three words, the first word of phrase from the second, and the second with the third. For example, a search directory of resources, online shop design, etc. As You can read see the "search catalog" and "directory of resources." 4) The equation is valid for the majority of search engines: Space = AND, OR Comma = 5) does not include words that have no relation to the contents page and the whole site, with a view to promoting it.

Earn Money2020.08.20. // News

Making money online has become easier. As a person unemployed with too much free time, I decided to see if he could earn a little extra money online. There are some claims exaggerated in this sense. There are also scams so many that it is difficult to know what to do. Further details can be found at Coen brothers, an internet resource. I however found not by chance, a site that seemed promising and although I’m not making me rich there are many possibilities to me. There is no thing as doing nothing and earn money if you believe that, then do not continue reading. A Web site is one of the best ways to make money online.

If you’re like me, with little experience in the development of Web sites and everything that goes with them, then I would recommend GVO. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Leslie Moonves and gain more knowledge.. You can build a free website if you purchase your product. If you visit the link that is at the end, you can see the confidential report that explains how to generate income from home and in your free time. This is not a scam and is not the way to get rich quick. This requires a work and determination, but they do work. Are you interested? Click on the link that is below. Original author and source of the article.

ISO Master Gnome2019.11.22. // News

Why are so many, still think that Linux, rather, for programmers and system administrators? I have to disappoint those people. 'Friendly' distributions lot! If some think that Linux trouble with the software, then it is not, get rid of this stereotype! Programs in Linux too much! I want to look at the distribution Ubuntu, version 9.10. Six months ago I switched to Linux. Tried many distros, but stopped on Ubuntu. I do not know why, probably liked it. Ubuntu refers to the so- called, friendly distro where everything is simple and clear to use which does not need to have some special knowledge of programming, for example.

In ubuntu, I use Gnome, in Russian Dwarf. It is a graphical shell (what we see). Many people use KDE, in Russian sneakers. This is also a graphical shell, but a little different. In the picture below, shows a screenshot of my desktop.

Thus, approximately, is Gnome: Use sneakers or dwarf matter each. Let me just say that I can not imagine Linux without Gnome. I'm used to Gnome If you have recently installed Linux on it and still nothing then I will help with the software, and it tell you about the programs that I use. To begin with, that in Linux software called packets. Packages can be installed from the terminal by typing this command here: sudo apt-get install, or through sinaptik (Synaptic) Programs that I use: 1) Wine. This boot windows programs. Makes it possible to run the system. Exe. Only strongly do not rejoice. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Robert Iger . Opportunity it gives, but not the fact that everything will start and work stably. 2) Arista Transcoder. Video converter. If you honestly never used them. Set 'to be'. 3) Audacity. Record and edit sound files. In windows, By the way, too, have such a program. You can use both analog GoldWave. 4) gtk-recordMyDesktop. Analogue Camstudio. Records all actions that occur on the desktop. 5) iriverter. Another video converter and also for 'to a' 6) ISO Master. To work with izoshnikami. 7) Kino. The program for video editing in Linux. 8) ZynAddSubFX Software Synthesizer. Synthesizer allows you to turn your keyboard into a musical instrument. Personally for me a useless thing, but you can kill time. 9) Audiokonvertor. Convert your audio files. Here all clear. 10) Player VLC. I listen to music and watch video in it. In total player for Linux dam, look for what you like. 11) Fotovideobudka Cheese. Program to work with a webcam. 12) XSane Image Scanner. To operate the scanner. 13) BitTorrent client Transmission. Torrent customers a lot for all tastes. 14) Linux DC + +. Client to the hub. 15) FileZilla. For FTP. 16) Google Earth. I think, needs no comment. 17) Kopete. ICQ client. 18) Skype. 19) VirtualBox OSE. Of course, this is not an exhaustive list, but I called the cornerstone

A Simple Scheme Making E-books2017.09.12. // News

Hello. As we know through e-books can not only make good money, but also promote your good resource or a personal brand or your product. Therefore, almost every website owner or author of a blog in some point, faced with the need to create an electronic book (whether paid or free). And here there is a lot of questions: Where to start creating an electronic book? What programs are needed to create electronic books? In what format do the e-book? Etc. etc. All these questions are introduced for new authors of electronic books to a standstill. So to help you get to decide all these questions, use my scheme the creation of electronic books.

That’s actually the scheme itself: 1. Decide on topics for future e-books (if you’re a blogger or you have a website, then with the subject is not difficult to determine). 2. Create a computer separate folder for the workbook in that folder you will put future book files (images, html files, etc.) 3. Create a ‘skeleton’ books. Write in a notebook or in Word content for future e-books.

4. Write your book in Word. 5. Now you need to create a html version of the book (how to do it you can read in my free book.) 6. Once you create an html version of the book, it must be compiled into an executable file exe. This is done using special compilers (google and you will find). 7. All books are ready. Now you can distribute your book.

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