Still Part2020.10.27. // News

You know like in the aircraft, if there is decompression in the cabin, you must first get your oxygen mask before you do anything else, you recommended in the post of yesterday, that you have of yourself first! And now where I am? tell me well, the next step is to get started! Is already! Do you think I’m doing a joke? NOOO! If you’re dreaming, you would do this and then when this is the case, HARIA LO OTRO dream, and dreaming won’t get you anywhere. If it were that the secret not should you already be a millionaire? How many times have dreamed things, insistently and they still do not appear? The first step is to take care of you and think. (what I want, for what I want, how I want it it) And the second step is to get started! Gives equal step you give, give it already! Surely you have things that you like to do, have, experience. but neither sitting front of the PC, or from the couch you’ll get it! You take the first step towards what Do you want. Further details can be found at Randall Mays, an internet resource. If you want to start a business, find out how many there are already in your city from the same if you want to study a career, learn when they begin classes if you want to lose weight, go to the pantry and gets everything what you should not eat in a bag and give away it to someone who needs it. If you want to exercise, salt run, get some few abdominal, seen shopping in bike if you want to find a partner, salt and go to a site where people! Ideal woman or your man won’t come knocking your door! Take the first step now! Take your first step with faith, it is not necessary to see the complete staircase, just take your first step. . . For even more opinions, read materials from Coen brothers.

The Argentine Government2020.08.18. // News

Is the scenario that raises Argentina credible? Is undoubtedly an ideal world for the country which arises and although there are strong and justified doubts about how achievable that may become, the illusion is the last thing is lost. In the mouth of the liar, the truth becomes doubtful, is a phrase that would fall well the Argentine Government which many times has tried with a change in the direction of economic policy. But despite the doubts as the Kirchner Government can generate, the markets have spoken clearly and they renewed their confidence in the country. The Argentine Government in a global crisis that generates large end context creates opportunities for the country. The verdict of the market is clear: country risk continues to fall and is already located in 742 basis points, while debt bonds gained yesterday up to 4.2%, and rose up to 20%. Argentina once again has an opportunity to twist its course. The need is bringing it to this and the decision is in your hands. While the Government is still thinking which road to take, investors look forward, seeking to identify the opportunities that can be generated with an economy less volatile and unpredictable. David Zaslav is often quoted on this topic.

If one observes the evolution of the market of values of Buenos Aires, the Merval index has drawn an upward trend with few interruptions since March until now. For those who decided to take the risk and put together a portfolio that replied to that index, they will be enjoying an increase in the value of their investments of 114%. But opportunities for gains are still present within the companies that make up the Merval, although some of them rely on this change of course that promises to the Argentine economy. What Argentine companies show a good future? This will be subject of a future article. For one thing, we must be vigilant to the next steps of Argentina must decide whether to follow a path like that runs Venezuela or one more promising as the who have elected Brazil and Peru, to name only two cases.

-S & P500 rise 19%, Global value portfolio rises 33% is not difficult to win when everything rises in bag. How difficult is to find companies that it will rise more than the rest. We launched three months ago Global value, a report with recommended actions for us to invest in Wall Street and earn more than the average number of investors. If you also want to join our subscribers that are gaining 32 percent in New York Stock Exchange, write us to or, we have a report designed for you. Or click here and find out for yourself.

Psychological Skills2020.08.06. // News

When a psychological expertise is correctly performed? From the technical point of view expertise is appropriate when the opinion has probative force, which will be estimated by the court taking into account the competence of the expert, the scientific or technical principles which is founded, the concordance of its application with the rules of reasoning, observations made by technical consultants or lawyers, and other elements of conviction that the cause offers. From the practical point of view, a skill, or evaluation by a technical consultant is suitable if it sheds as a result a diagnosis and a percentage of disability which is consistent with the fact pattern of litis. When an expert in an opinion asserts that a certain harmful event, has not produced psychological sequel any in the peritado, or when it attributed the totality of observable symptoms to a pre-existing pathology, all suspect that you something is not okay. From here there is little time for lawyers to submit a order of explanations and this will be even more difficult achieve the designation of a new expert and a new opinion. The test was produced, the result unfavourable to the party, there is not much else to do.

It is not possible to know exactly what the results would have been correct, but it is possible to speculate in terms of generalities. In a case of traffic accident or other traumatic event, the usual would have been any of the anxiety disorders, i.e. a post-traumatic stress disorder, disorder of generalized anxiety, anxiety disorder unspecified, etc. It will usually be of chronic course, and gravity will be moderate, and this means a partial and permanent disability of approximately 20-25% of the V.T.O.; as well as a suggested treatment of two-year with a frequency of two weekly interviews at a rate of 80 pesos each with a professional medium experience and renown. The existence of a preliminary record opens the eyes of the designated arbitrator in trade, and it is usual that not too apart from results that are already in the cause in the time to examine it. The presence of a technical consultant during the assessment by the expert serves as an incentive to do the right thing, be attentive to details, perhaps asking what in other situation could overlook. Visit Robert A. Iger for more clarity on the issue. Only lawyers, and to a lesser extent assistants that we act in the different specialties in the judicial field we know how much time and effort is required to get from the demand until the sentence, a long journey in which make each test as much as possible provides the comfort of knowing that all resources in favor of the customer and yourself have been used..

Global Year 20222020.04.24. // News

Take the grapes? One pastime, but nobody autoconvenza is that with this gesture the 2010 report, if it lacks this, work, love, not money you will speak to abandon the illusion that this fruit’s juicy and tasty ovals eat it in new year bells give luck.But they do not create that who does not engulf his rigor racimito will suffer misfortune during the twelve months following. Check out Brian Roberts for additional information. It is a pagan rite invented by a storekeeper who kicks off an exaggerated complacency in the overset excess of fun, which can reach the pinnacle.Christmas in general is a wonderful sample of fraternity and excited coexistence but known as the night of Saint Sylvester comes to degenerate on many occasions in an opposite feeling and ultimately depressing. The whole of mankind has a really proper date to celebrate with joy and responsibility the unity and universal brotherhood. Good globalization, not the large-scale financial strategies It reduces freedom. Be human transformed into a wolf to man.

Lol The international joy arrive at located in September six and from 2022, date in which debugging that is beginning to occur everywhere across the globe, so threatened but franca liberation will be palpable. We are checking it, every day, in different social spheres of almost all Nations. A gigantic UN, without feet of clay, is the proposed cosmochamanica to the leaders of the world to really ending poverty, disease and inequality. The history of today’s world is it us clearly indicating, with plenty of signals, since September of 1519, when two hundred and fifty men in five ships depart from the South of Spain to carry out the most daring, heroic and definitive telluric history epic. Most are Basque and Castilian. Eighteen of them, after three years of indescribable experiences, returning to the starting point, always navigating different path towards the West to the usual then.

Orientals2020.02.29. // News

To find the required value. To be better in life. To help us on those occasions in which our physical forces or spiritual falter. To ensure a good catch or so let’s go unharmed. For even more details, read what David Zaslav says on the issue. Ultimately, and as more accurate synthesis: to find a beam of light in the darkness that cover our path. Taking a line of dialogue from the film Master & Commander, on the other side of the world, I would like to offer readers insight into those gods of antiquity that mariners are entrusted and, also, to some other holy. I wanted to escape from all the Greco-Roman mythology, which so well have studied everyone in our years of school and/or college career and who has come to give name to not a few ships of the navies and merchant ships in the world. It is my desire to address these other gods and creatures which, by its remoteness or exoticism, escape to our culture, accompanying us for more than 2,500 years. Get all the facts and insights with David Zaslav, another great source of information.

In this first article I will speak very briefly of a well known creatures of heard: the Dragons. Contrary to Western dragons, as J.R.R. Tolkien described them in the hobbit, the Orientals are benevolent, without greed or malice, but rather capricious creatures. In Chinese mythology, the dragon (lung) is owner and Lord of storms and is associated with the spirits of the water. Attributed the waterspouts of proportions cyclonic flying skyward when he acts at sea. Also undersea volcanoes. The most powerful dragons were the Kings of the seas located in the four cardinal points of the compass china, living in large underwater palaces surrounded by wealth obtained from shipwrecked reeds. In Japan the dragon is called Tatsu Ryu and is considered the God of the sea, but also of the River. This last meaning is quite logical since the dragon oriental, very sleek and agile, much resembles a river.

Karma Chameleon2020.01.02. // News

This fact to bring us a general principle, which are human resources specialists sometimes forgotten: people should try to be as individuals, not as members of a group or a class. And in his country: does that make his Government against labour exclusion?In Peru, there are rules on the subject that qualify it as illegal to limit access to employment for reasons of age. In addition the Ministry of labour of Peru has an Office that reviews weekly employment listings and in those where you put age limit, they proceed to locate the company for that reason logic of its proceeding, otherwise are punished. Their action is limited, but worse is nothing. You know that: in United States there is a law on discrimination in employment on grounds of age (1967). It prohibits the employment decisions are taken from the age of the person when this is over 40 years old. A cross in the middle of Mecca.To help you in this crusade, I give some weapons with which he can fight this myth. Leave clear that they are only weapons, the foirma as use them will depend on whether continuous or not with life: 1.-you have experience in direction of personasUn primary factor for competitiveness in the labour market when it is greater than 40 is to acquire experience in supervisory positions, in which the interrelation with work pemit groups achieve goals.For example: coordinating groups of young people running the tasks specific.

Recommendation: proves to be capacity to coordinate or monitor personalTenga always a positivMantenga attitude, an impeccable appearance 2-Culture Club: Karma Chameleon a. candidates competing for a place with many minor ones should demonstrate its ability to adapt to changes, because that’s one of the reasons why seeks young people and also one of the myths more disseminated cons elderly people Since it accepts that they are not prone to changes, the custom .usted knows. Recommendation: Flexible Muestrece to changes 3.-a second options employer known case of the founder of the franchise of McDonalds and Kentocky Friend Chicken. Age is no limit to start new projects. Recomiendacion: Acquiring training in microenterprise training or in self-employment.

In your country there must be government institutions that develop these competences and above all are free. Find out. 4. Only he knows ustedEnfocar your job search on the experience. This includes your level of expertise high, especially linked with technical areas. Recommendation: Explode your experience or skill levels.Devote their efforts in find a colored this according to their experience and that you really like and motivates you. 5. I know you from the hair to the tip of toes.Do not defeat the contacts that were harvested during a lifetime of trabajoSon people who know us who can usually talk right or wrong of our performance. Walt Disney Co.: the source for more info. Former colleagues, subordinates or heads. Maybe them requires skills for specific project /problema that cannot be resolved. Recommendation: Keep the networking alive. Finally: You’re not Noah (of the Bible) is young, the age is a number and the attitude to life is what truly defines our personality to the other., do not take any tra Bass only by need. If you can wait and learn about options that do it. Patience is a virtue for people with lots of experience. If you want to discuss this article write at: already thank you very much for your time and interest.

Correction Different Language Errors2019.04.17. // News

Language correction: Various errors 1. Incorrect expressions: correct expressions: 11th 11th grade or 11th grade 12th twelfth grade or twelfth grade 11th eleventh year or 11th eleventh year Eleventh floor or eleventh floor 13th year thirteenth year 12th twelfth floor or twelfth floor 20th anniversary 20th anniversary the 14th the fourteenth year adjectives or pronouns partitivos or fractional (eleventh, twelfth, treceavo, etc.) should not be confused with the ordinals (eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth, etc.). 2. Incorrect expressions: correct expressions: cooperate me. It cooperates with me. Coen Brothers takes a slightly different approach. I hope that you cooperes me on this occasion. I hope that you cooperes with me not me He collaborated.

He did not collaborate with me. She cooperated us much.She cooperated with us much. These verbs are intransitive and governed prepositions: we cooperate or collaborate with someone with something or something; We do not cooperate or collaborate to someone. 3. Incorrect expressions: correct expressions: went back on itself. I went back on me.

You returned itself. You returned it. The expression return itself changes according to the subject pronoun. Thus, we would say: I went in me, you returned it, returned itself, we returned in us, etc. 4. Incorrect expressions: correct expressions: on base with base in, based in, in accordance with, according to, on the basis of, according to proceeded on the basis of the rules. We proceeded based on rules. I did it on the basis of the studies carried out by him. based on the dictionary studies Doubts Pahispanico States the following: might be a tracing of Italian in base a, single language of our surroundings in which this locution is documented since the end of the 19th century that in English it says on the basis of and in French Southern base of. 5.

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