Second Language Acquisition2020.10.19. // News

INTRODUCTION Much has been made of the various pathologies and classifications of the Speech-Language, but very little of its consequences, and correlations in the area of learning and much less than the implication in learning a second language. The field of child language disorders has been widely studied by different disciplines such as psychology, linguistics, psycholinguistics and child language researchers and others. Of these studies have generated different classifications and attempts to group the clinical pathologies in consistent and stable. Starting from the 70s with Ingram to 90 with Rapin and Allen, it remains difficult to achieve fully satisfactory agreements and definitions. Addressed the issue Altered Language / Second Language Acquisition from three perspectives: a) The investigation of child language: Presents an image of children as active learners, in each stage of language acquisition generated hypotheses and try to systematize what they know the language. If you are not convinced, visit Coen brothers. For the language acquisition researchers love the kind of errors committed by children, such errors reveal the assumptions and rules that they manage. Hotbox by Wiz : the source for more info.

The researchers believe that mistakes are a sign of progress, learning involves the reorganization of knowledge, and not only the storage and the acquisition of language is an evolutionary process. b) The psycholinguistics: The Psycholinguistics or psychology of language, seeks to uncover the psychological processes underlying the use and acquisition of language. It addresses the levels of understanding (how people understand spoken and written), speech production (such as people produce language) and acquisition (how to learn a language). Also is interested in how linguistic information is processed by the speakers, that is, what happens in the entry, processing and output of information and as relate the amount and speed of processing material. c) The Neurolinguistics: Research the anatomical and physiological correlates of linguistic behavior, ie brain-language relationships. There is now consensus that the pathologies of language create difficulties that go beyond the language itself. Therefore, from the point of view of child language research can formulate the following questions: Do alterations of language, specifically alter only the language? Are language disorders affect only the mother tongue and not a second language? Does the presence of a communicative disorder difficult to acquire a second language? Is it advisable to teach a foreign language to children with diseases that affect language? Are you interested in this item?

Implementing2020.04.23. // News

Consider scheduling algorithm based on the results of the theory of congruences. We will use it to compile a playlist of music tracks by the following rules: one song may not sound more than once per hour, sets and order of play tracks in different clock must be different; per hour does not sound at least two tracks. Denote the number of tracks in a musical based on N. If N – odd, then we introduce fictitious composition T (or add another song in the database). Contact information is here: Coen brothers. Then we set out a timetable for N + 1 songs, including T (if fictitious composition falls in the play list, skip it). So we may assume that N – is an even number. yr r (modN – 1) (*) This comparison always has a solution, but if x = yr, then this option does not suit us (on the condition the same composition can not be played in one hour).

This is possible if x = r / 2 and r – even if either x = (r + N – 1) / 2 and r – odd. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Jeffrey L. Bewkes. In this case, as we choose yr N. In 1, a rigorous mathematical justification of the algorithm. As an example, we construct a table for N = 6 tracks, using the technique described above. After spending a few simple calculations using the formula (*), we obtain the following result: Implementing the algorithm in the programming language Pascal, as well as tables for different values of N are given in Appendices A, B2.

Foundation Education2019.12.10. // News

International Foundation for Holistic Education Holistic Education Master RAMON GALLEGOS and holistic education for, Aleyda Guadalupe Cardenas Lopez, Culiacan 2009 The books of Dr. Ramon Gallegos Nava, like, 1) Holistic Education, the objective is to provide an introduction to what education is holistic, 2) wisdom, love and compassion, 3) dialogue holistic 4) the way of the perennial philosophy, these three books are dialogues with thinkers, philosophers, writers, educators, holistic, mystical, comment on the future of humanity and education we have for the twenty-five) the spirit in education presents the model used by Dr. Gallegos in his work, multilevel model-multidimensionality, which is a guide to expand the integral consciousness, living our spirituality, intelligence and creativity and the best universal love, based on wholes, is based on levels Holarctic, 6) a comprehensive view of education here is seen as developing a comprehensive education oriented evolution of consciousness, 7) teaching of universal love, this book presents a comprehensive view of holistic education becoming compassionate human beings who live in universal love and cultivate a culture of peace, forming our schools into learning communities , live in communities where there is diversity, 8) education of the heart, in every school is governed by principles and holistic educators for us this book teaches us how we feed our spirit with the universal love, 9) learning communities living in an inquiry process, educating for life and throughout life, here's how we now build our schools into learning communities where everyone learns permanently, looking for the interdependence between parents, teachers and students 10) learning to be, this book his main goal is to discover who we are, likewise teach us to improve our own inner life, to become better people, feel the changes in our body, mind and spirit really know who we are and where we go, 11) education and spirituality, is the awakening of our spiritual consciousness, because the heart of education is spirituality, this is given to honor the life on earth and the welfare of all human beings, 12) spiritual understanding this book helps us to know the eightfold path of Buddha, to find a meaning to life, selfless service to others, compassion, self-knowledge, to overcome the hedonism and nihilism, the addictions, suffering, to become a spiritual being lit up like the Buddha. . David Zaslav describes an additional similar source.

Japan2017.10.19. // News

The value of the martial band for a participant is something special and very particular, the convivncia with the colleagues in day-by-day the assays provides educating to a sensation of satisfaction and inclusion to them, whose felt it is of if feeling valued as citizen and citizen of this context. In this direction, each component creates a familiar link joining the people to each moment, because of the sound of the instruments with its vibrant strokes. They say that the sound of a great drum if is similar to the stroke of the heart of mother, felt ear and in the interior of the maternal womb. Old, in Japan, the drum was considered symbol of the agricultural community. They said that the limit of the village was definitive not only geographically, but also for in the distance where the stroke of the drum was audible.

Thus the instrumentista of martial band if feels when hearing the strokes of the tambores of the band. The martial band has something magical, something aproximador, makes the person ' ' To be humana' ' , because the harmonious context of the feeling works making it to be more social. To touch in martial band means to work the personality and the material frequency of the spirit, as well as, to work the frequency of the sound of each instrument. These frequencies provide to the instrumentista if to free of the tensions of day-by-day, giving to the instrumentista biggest condition of security stop for in practical its creativity, its capacity to act in the diverse areas of the social environment. Over all the school has the paper to form, to guide and to work in the formation of the pupil inside of a perspective to ripen, to grow and after that to construct citizens, with a world vision helps that them to each time more to improve its artistic aptitudes.

Global Warming Threatens Lake Baikal2017.09.13. // News

The State Duma rejected the bill on the introduction of 'resource rent'. Scientists believe that the reports of Western experts on the ecology of the Russian Federation of poor quality. Nearly two hundred people and more than a million wild animals killed in Australian forest fires. Global warming could destroy the unique ecosystem of Lake Baikal. Butterflies help in developing alternative solar energy.

The rapid development of plants in the past led to the emergence of new species of insects and animals. Global warming has a positive effect on the cultivation of certain crops. Colombians have come up with environmental light. Valentine's Day: animal wedding news and natural valentine in photofact. Overview of events for the week of 09/02/2009 to 15/02/2009. The State Duma rejected the bill on the introduction of 'resource rent' Last week the State Duma has rejected in the end the protracted debate on first reading law 'On rent payments for the use of certain types of natural resources. " The document made in 2003 and nearly six years he was supported by only 116 MPs with the necessary 226 votes. The bill proposes create a new state budget funds – fund rights of Russian citizens on income from natural resources of Russia, which generate the revenues obtained from charging rental fees for using natural resources, to allocate its resources among the citizens of the Russian Federation. A little later, also rejected the State Duma in first reading a bill "On the rights of Russian citizens on income from natural resources of the Russian Federation." Scientists believe that the reports of Western experts on the ecology of the Russian Federation of poor quality speech at the roundtable on energy, environment and climate change, the director of the Institute of Water Problems, ras Corresponding Member Viktor Danilov-Danilyan criticized numerous reports of Western experts on the ecology of Russia.

Pedagogical Management2017.01.23. // News

In this manner, the professionals of the school must mobilize themselves for the efetivao of the collective intentions, from the constitution of new values. On the contrary of the standardization, to consider the singularity; of the dependence, to construct the autonomy; of isolation and individualism to collective and the participation; of the privacy of the pedagogical work to public; of the authoritarianism the democratic management; of the instituted one to the innovation; of the total quality, to the quality for all. In this process route to the constant improvement of education, the collegiate agencies have been essential in the construction of practical that they lead to a democratic culture in the school. We detach the performance of the APM, the Pertaining to school Advice, the Estudantil Bosom, the participation of the parents, professors, employees and pupils in the taking of decisions and – understood in its especificidades – will organize joint actions for an only objective: the practical quality of the pedagogical one. So that let us can detail the performance of each one of these internal instances in the pertaining to school management, we point as necessity of the work the managements: of Resources, Pedagogical, of People, Services and Educational Results. In the Management of Resources, the performance of the APM is indispensable, therefore it makes possible the maintenance, the improvement and the construction of spaces physicists. he innovates the pedagogical work with acquisition of equipment and alternative materials, facilitating to the process teach-learning and the organization of the college. The resources are gotten by the voluntary contribution, for carried through promotions e, thanks to the awareness of the parents on the importance of its participation in the conduction of the school. For the Pedagogical Management, the interventions occur through the qualification of the professors; comprometimento clearly of team of professors with learning of the pupils; innovations that take care of to the necessities of the pupils; accomplishment of meeting and studies on diverse subjects; How much to the Management of people it has the continued formation; integration between the professionals and the diverse segments of the school; aiding of the organization of events as: Gincanas, Junina Party, Party of the mothers, among others; spreading for the pertaining to school community on the legislation, pertaining to school regiment and others rules of law; valuation and recognition of the professors and employees, through action by means of lectures and recognition of the carried through work.

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