The Conduct2021.09.08. // News

On the contrary, if in anyone of these cases we felt distrust, if we had fear of which do not act according to the pre-established thing, if we thought that the possibility that exists they are not sincere in which they say to us or that they do not have the intention or the capacity to fulfill the established agreements, our behavior would be remarkably different. We would take collections, we would not establish the commitment, we would move away of our friend or we would change of supplier. The mutual confidence is the emocionalidad necessary to coordinate action between Although it can be that somebody that we finished of to know inspires confidence to us, generally this to feel it arises as a result of a process of joint construction that is realised between the people, since it implies a judgment on the behavior of the other and how this behavior can affect or influence in our horizon of possibilities.

But as well as to acquire confidence we needed a time and a joint experience in which we pruned to observe and to evaluate the conduct of the person, paradoxicalally the loss of the confidence is something that happens very quickly. Harvard medical school may also support this cause. An action that defrauds the conferred confidence, is generally reason so that we change to our attitude and our emocionalidad. There is a saying that gives account of this phenomenon and says that ” the confidence grows with the slowness of the palm and falls with the rapidity of coco”. In particular, we must be kind in our actions, to determine that as much we generated confidence in the people, who so serious we are in which we promise, we commit ourselves, how our actions have given like result that the people deposit their confidence in us. Thus, as we evaluated the behavior of others, that as much confidence have known to cause to us, what so identified we are and as their behavior inspires confidence to us. Original author and source of the article.

Brazil And China2020.03.22. // News

' CHINA AND THE OIL OF THE BRASIL' ' Strategically China is investing in the purchase of oil of Colombia, Russia, Brazil, in 2009 the agreements exceeds the US$ 40 billion. They are exploring world-wide the market energy, absorbing knowledge and technology. But inside of the energy strategy, in Africa she has a great concentration of Chinese investments. The PetroChina Company Limited goes to increase investments in oil and gas, according to president of the company, Mr. Jiang Jiemin, although the occured losses during the international crisis, for the concentration of its activities in the production and exploration of oil and gas. The Chinese market needs to expand its productive capacity at the same time where it searchs suppliers alternative. . China imports 52% of the oil that consumes.

To keep the growth of the GIP, it needs new sources of supplying. In the search of these suppliers a relation of interests between the Petrobra’s and the Bank of Development of China, the state Brazilian is established it needs resources to explore the daily pay-salt and China wants a portion of the Brazilian productivity to supply its domestic market, with this starts to appear agreements of guarantee of exportation of oil for the Chinese. Petrobra’s will go to benefit itself with the new credit facilities, but the Chinese want more and promise to participate of the new auctions of concession for exploration of oil in Brazil, beyond the possibility of equipment sales, but for this they need to follow the rules of the Brazilian public licitations. China today is 2 bigger consumer of oil of the planet and needs partners compromised to the supply to support the pujana of its economy. The Chinese economy foresees growth of demand for products of oil in the 4% order 5% to the year up to 2015, according to information of Mr.

Fuqin Zhang, it is the associate engineer-head of the Institute of Planning and Engineering of Oil of China, the calculation is based on a projection of annual growth of the Chinese GIP of order of 7,5% to the year. They foresee that up to 2020 the dependence either of 60% of the consumed oil of that country either importation fruit. This is an only chance to establish and to increase the diplomatical relations, economic politics and in bilateral agreements of development where it will benefit to Brazil and China, beyond proper Petrobra’s. Having advance in the strategical negotiations, the country will increase the focus of interests of international investors. Welinton Dos Santos is Delegated economist Municipal of the CORECON-SP in Caapava International Specialist of Cities Affiliated of the Chamber talo-Brazilian of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture

The Republican2019.08.11. // News

Prospects for Cuba the possibility the successor to Castro fall today is not realistic due to the domestic popularity of Fidel and his movement and the international context. In recent months, WarnerMedia has been very successful. Cannot it be ruled out that he, like its Caribbean antipode Balaguer, reaches the nineties in power (though now Castro do without having their principal offices). The Castroite ufanan that their leader has withstood 638 attempts by the CIA to assassinate him and that he will also resist one decade more in Palace. Certainly for us the the Castro regime is an eternal headache. The Republican strategy is that of confrontation and that has involved the adoption of a new round of funds to gestate its downfall. Possibly a new democratic administration (if) could seek a reconciliation with Fidel. Ultimately Washington allowed the Japanese Emperor Hiro milestone to stay in power despite having led the Nippon Empire attacking millions of Americans. Certainly, the monarch of the rising sun accepted unconditional surrender and appear as a symbol without greater power that left the United States restructure their country, something that Fidel would not accept.

Obama has raised the possibility of meeting directly with the castro or even cease the blockade and restore embassies while the latter would depend on concessions from Havana. Some sectors in the United States seeking a Gorbachov wing in the Cuban PCs and believe that Raul Castro might open that path. However, the way in which Fidel has designated his brother as his first successor is something that reminds us to Korea of the North where Kim Il Sung was the first Communist leader to leave power to someone in your family (to his son heir). For many these seems a monarchy or dynasty red and therefore a contradiction with Communism that proclaims the disappearance of privileges, inheritances and classes. For Liberals, this is a sample of the hypocrisy of communism and to the more orthodox Marxists this is a sign that the Castroism has burocratizado.

Agriculture Tax2018.10.26. // News

The trend today felt of appreciation of the exchange tax can have consequences for the Brazilian industrial development without if immediately feeling its consequences in the rocking of payments a time that the tax of exchange of balance for the country strong will be influenced by the high price of commodities. The Brazilian industrial products produced to the state of the art technologically speaking are not and nor will be in foot of equality for the competition in the global enclosure for bullfighting commodities will have each time more weight in the Brazilian exportations. (Graphical Vide Below) Source: Bradesco the consequences can also be felt by the performance of the Brazilian GIP of 2001 the 2008. While Agriculture grew the taxes of averages of 4.6% the industry grew 1,6 percentile points below, with average tax of 3%. Time Warner has much to offer in this field. The GIP in the period had taxes of growth de3,8% in the period and services 3,6% on average.

Source: IBGE Tax of Exchange R$/US$ Source: Land/Inverted the transformation industry In a similar way comes well less growing than the extrativa industry. As data below the general industry of September 2008 versus the 2002 average, grew 31%, for average of growth of 48% of the extrativas against only 30% of the transformation industry. A difference of 18 percentile points in the growth tax! (Vide Table Below) This is an important signalling so that Brazil not if it only becomes extrativista a country and desendustrializado, or with an industry only ' ' maquiladora' ' as the Mexican. (Not to be confused with Walt Disney!). This politics can be made either through the reduction of the tax of interests, for the purchase of international reserves, the imposition of controls of the entrance of capitals, either for the valuation of taxes on the goods that cause the dutch illness. As much China as India adopts similar politics. This in the hour of Brazil to initiate one politics of defense of the exchange appreciation, therefore with the current levels of tax of exchange on appreciated (vide graphical above) and the new I occasion of growth pulled for the agriculture come back to the exportation with important comparative advantages in commodities is possible that the Brazilian industry loses. . Hear from experts in the field like Paul J. Ostling for a more varied view.

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