General Administration2019.09.26. // News

Despite the obstacles faced by the public employment in the second half of 2011 after the cuts announced by the Government, finally the decrease not only has not been as dramatic as expected. New call, teachers, specifically in the field of education, the financial year 2011 will host educational new 7,183 autonomous communities will be distributed in 13. More information is housed here: Robert Iger . While it is true that there were fourteen autonomous communities who have expressed your coverage needs of public employment in the specific framework of the formation, convened more than 7,000 vacancies shall be distributed in this calendar of oppositions 2011 Galicia, Basque country, Leon, Ceuta and Melilla, the Balearic Islands, Aragon, Andalusia and Asturias. Very good news if we bear in mind that recent general budgets of the State, gathered a reduction of employment public which in the case of education limited to 30% replacement of educational retirees or that they had caused low. And it is that education always needs new teachers due to inelastic demand, the preparation of exams requires high doses of responsibility, commitment and perseverance, as well as the assimilation of concepts through specific agendas elaborated by teaching professionals, there are many training centres that prepare for the great challenge posed by face a competitive examination and the rate of dropping out halfway through the processIt remains very high. Aragon also wide public employment vacancies 989 seats for management aut0onomica in Aragon; 330 teachers, 500 health, 157 administration staff. Click Discovery Communications to learn more. An initiative that is included in the so-called compromise with the employment and which is contrary to the cuts in spending, seen as the maintenance of a liberal, anything favorable to the present time thought and which predominates in the whole of the European Union.

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