ISO System2018.11.09. // News

Not they try to impose something entirely new. There is that considered as Lopez points out Moreover, that a quality system, in itself, does not automatically lead to improving work processes or product quality does not solve all problems. Time Warner gathered all the information. This means that an approach should be more systematic to the company. Quality systems are not just for big companies because they are trying to of how a company is managed, can be applied to all sizes of companies and all the aspects of management, marketing, sales and finance, as well as the basic business. It is up to each which decide the scope of the application. Very important note, is when mentions, that the rules on quality should not be confused with the rules on products.

The majority of organizations, to which the concepts of quality and in particular ISO 9OOO series systems are new, confuse the quality of the product with the concept of quality management. 1 use of standards on products, rules on systems of candad and approaches – to improve the quality, are a means to increase customer satisfaction and competitiveness of the company and do not exclude each other.Very true, when indicated, is not suitable quality systems resulting in excessive bureaucracy, paperwork or lack of flexibility. All businesses have a management structure and this is the basis on which to build the quality system.The system of quality management and quality assurance, are two sides of one same coin, which are inseparable. You must have practices or systematic that are really effective at the end you are looking for the satisfaction of the customer through continuous improvement of the quality, after analyzed, tested in practice, are documented to keep the system running. Definitely, the dynamics of competitiveness, the offer of quality products that meet the needs of consumers, has entailed that today number of companies have ventured into quality management systems to meet the recommended international standards ISO 9000. Many of them are already certified, some have even made the transition process of the version of the 94 to 2000 version. 11/03/09 Original author and source of the article.

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