Perpetual Gentleman2021.10.20. // News

This in the sample that a pact, an alliance, was made of the part of God stops with the life of Sanso, and when going down the city of Timma, Sanso shows a behavior shunting line. We go to give to value the alliance made with God, therefore we do not have that to please the men, and yes to the Perpetual Gentleman who made skies and the land. You may find that mayo clinic can contribute to your knowledge. That one that loses this traces is unprovided of force in the hour of the battle. vain SECOND BRAID OF SANSO the DESIRE AND the WILL OF GOD Judges 14:1 and 2 Sanso goes to the city of Timma, place where it would not have to go, and there sees a woman and desires to possess it. When desiring to possess that woman, Sanso opposes the will of the heart of Hashem.> These versicles discloses that after to kill a lion, showing that the force still was with it, and when coming back for the same way, seeing the lion died with a beehive and honeycombs, Sanso touches in the corpse of the lion to search the honey and eats it.

More candy of what does not have nothing the things that come from the high one. When touching in the impure one, it contaminated the pureness (it reads the message the FLY AND the PERFUME), and thus lost one of its valuable braids. Let us search the doura of the word of God for ours> the story is that Sanso made a party as age of custom of that it does not have a vote of nazireu (Separate, consecrated) stops with God. Therefore the wine has as one of its symbolisms in the bible, the joy. Therefore one of braids was to conserve in only cheering only to the God and being also cheered for God. When making that party, Sanso desires joy of the world.

Treasure2019.05.28. // News

WHERE IT IS ITS TREASURE, THERE IT WILL BE ALSO ITS HEART (Lc 12, 32-48) the true disciple of Jesus does not live of crossed arms, in the comodismo, but it is always intent and available to receive you, to listen to its apelos and to construct ' ' Reino' '. Jesus always taught that true ' ' sbio' ' he is that one that of the attention to the values of Gods who generate life and happiness. Who really believes God, as Abrao, considered faith models, therefore always he was intent to the apelos the holy ghost and pledged in answering to the challenges of the life. The Evangelista Lucas (12,32-48) affirms that the true disciple is that one that receives dons of God, answers to its apelos and if she pledges in constructing to its ' ' Reino' '. Jesus in the question: Where it is my treasure? This investigation would have taking in them to a meditation on the values of our life. Where I in fact put my confidence? On what I am basing my life? Which is my practical experience of allotment? Which are the true treasures of my life? The great treasure is to have the wisdom of the Kingdom of God, who makes history in each one of us. Faith question is, being able in giving the beddings to them of what we wait. It is not a temporary, empty treasure, but of eternity.

Who has the God as treasure, nothing lacks to it. It is the lasting treasure, that takes in to construct them a total new society. The Kingdom of God is the way of the true happiness. This Evangelho in them places requirements of monitoring and responsibility. Although many times if interpret this stretch on the coming Mr. in terms of ' ' end of mundo' ' , or to the moment of our death, but we must have the attitude always to be you alert, not to lose when Jesus to pass in our life. Jesus arrives every day for we, in the people, the events, the community and Jesus demands an attitude of permanent search of the Kingdom, through a service life fraterno.

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