New Public Administration2019.10.10. // News

He comes to be one of the factors to be reached, is the paper of the managing Administrator, therefore it is who will go to choose optimum way to be followed. However, so that this is possible, he is basic to know deeply its environment of work, its local and regional reality, its municipalista movement, its scene politician, acting with ability to plan its action strategically. Only thus, the managing administrator will have conditions to conquer the success during its management, being promoted the economic and social development, contributing for the improvement of the pointers of quality in the attendance white public e, consequentemente, is clearly, improving the quality of life how much to the attendance of its clientele. Guimares (2000) observes that the models of the New Public Administration, described for Ferlie et al. (1999), they are not mutually exclusive, ' ' having to be seen as part of one I continue that it goes of the economicista and bureaucratic rationality and to the valuation of cidadania' '. Photo: Attendance in the SEAD.

In 2009. To each day that if passes, the society is more demanding. It is alone to observe that the number of people who look the agencies of defense of the consumer, Public prosecution service MP; the organizations of living only grow. These movements certainly re-echo in the management of the cities, more specifically in the necessity of change of its models of management. It quality in the management of quality to the attendance of the device of the agency public of the State would reengenharia x and of the city it cannot outside be conceived of the perspective of redefinition of the paper of change to the new model of administration and, therefore, it estimates previous recognition of the modifications observed in its attributions throughout the time must meticulous, be well planned and structuralized e, inside of the organizacional current context, the communication more lead being cannot separately, is necessary that it has integration enters the departments of the organization. Of this form, breaking itself of a historical perspective, we verify that the public administration – whose principles and characteristics do not have to be confused with the ones of the administration of the private companies – evolved through three basic models: the patrimonialista public administration, bureaucratic and the managemental one. These three forms if succeed in the time, without, however, any one of them entirely is abandoned. On the other hand, the control – the guarantee of the power of the State and the cities – is changedded into the proper reason of being of the employee.

In consequncia, the State and the city are turned exactly toward itself, losing the notion of its basic mission, that it is to serve to the society. The basic quality of the public administration is the effectiveness in the control of the abuses; its defect, the inefficiency, the auto reference, the incapacity to turn itself toward the service to the seen citizens as customers. This defect, however, did not show determinative at the time of the sprouting of the bureaucratic public administration because the services of the State and the city were very reduced. The State and the city was limited to keep it the order and to manage justice, to guarantee contracts and the property. The argument of Hammer and Champy (1993). It sees the beginning of would reengenharia as resulted of the vision estratgi

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