Semester Holidays2019.09.05. // News

Report an Ilmenau student ‘coffee cooking was yesterday’, internship at NetSys.IT wanted was an intern for the area of marketing and sales, Lina Mohr, young mother and student media industry was found of the TU Ilmenau. You may wish to learn more. If so, Walt Disney Co. is the place to go. The 21-year-old reported about her internship and the possibility of child and occupation under a hat to bring: by chance I discovered the promising display of NetSys.IT in my Faculty Forum. Motivated and efficiently exploit the holidays with the thoughts I applied for the four-week internship. After a short time, I got an appointment for an interview. This was very friendly and relaxed and after a few days I received my commitment.

Without the support of my friend, which at that time provided our son and brought to the kindergarten, an eight-hour day would have been internship not feasible. So I could devote myself to all my tasks and thanks to more flexible working hours, I had also the possibility to put the tasks to be completed on the evening and thus many sunny Afternoon to enjoy with my child. A nice team, which considered peer colleagues, the interns made it easy for the entry in the tasks to be completed. Thus arose from the first working day on a sense of personal responsibility and autonomy, which is also confirmed in the further course. My responsibilities included the research of competitive offers in the Internet and the detection of potential customer addresses.

Mainly, I designed flyers and wrote advertising and website to different products. I got an insight in the field of controlling means of data collection to access numbers of the online sites of the company. My desk was right next to the my supervisor and your colleagues. I could at any time ask the two to ambiguity, and every time got a detailed answer. Rare nothing to do “phases were quickly filled with useful tips and links to informative sites online. Because I was in an IT company, it was helpful that technical things were explained to me. so I could take besides a little computer science knowledge. There were all in all well filled and practical forty-hour weeks. Flexible working hours, versatile tasks and the friendly dealings with each other made the internship at NetSys.IT. productive and worthwhile” Lina Mohr

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