Secular2019.10.30. // News

But when the studied pertaining to school content on mixtures, them if confuses, if they lose, they do not know what he is ' ' mistura' '. When they sweeten the coffee and they add milk do not know that it has in hands a homogeneous mixture. They are we rarssimos the parents who teach to the children what they are simple, homogeneous or still heterogeneous mixtures, and in such a way in the school they will go to redescobrir what already is trivial. thus scientific principles taught or demonstrated in the lessons it has its partial agreement. Lived deeply in day-by-day of each child when these if confrot in the school with the same events and reaprendem the facts caretakers in scientific way, these if become beside the point complex, having the necessity of demonstrations, therefore of the opposite the pupils alone perceive and or accept of superficial form and the learning of the knowledge alone assays and or stages, but internaliza the experience of making not to learn.

What one perceives in the process of the elaboration of the knowledge is that, arqutipos according to scientific, in the contemporaneidade, the reality is not an accumulating and contained process, but a fluid process in permanent unfolding; it is an opened universe, always affected and molded for the actions of the beliefs, explained for the language, deliberated for the speech, satisfied for the practical one and adjusted to the secular priorities. Learn more at: Andi Potamkin, New York City. This because, one admits that the reality must be molded by the polishing necessity and for the same will human being who this will is only one satisfaction of desire of the pleasure. (AXE). The current professor must prepare itself to teach demonstrating ' ' how he is that he is? ' ' , ' ' how he is that he functions? ' ' , ' ' because that he is thus? ' ' The assays and the repetitions alone increase the taste for the pleasure to discover, to prove, to remake, to prove that it gave certain.

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