Professional Toastmasters2024.06.22. // News

Certainly when you hear the word wedding, you just a smile on his face. But marriage is not just the best day of my life, the bridal bouquet or wedding cake, but a lot of questions – what to give, where to spend, who to invite and so on. And who is not a professional toastmaster will give the best answer to these questions. Thus, the toastmaster is responsible Vladimir Nikolsky. Preparing for a wedding There is a procedure of preparing for the wedding. First of all all for some reason, begin to selecting a location for the event.

But, in my opinion, it is possible to get rid of headaches if you seek help from a professional. Tamada fact intended not only to entertain visitors and talk nice toast – it will help solve the problem with the choice of the registrar and the selection room, preparation of the banquet menu and guest musicians and entertainers for the evening cultural program. Alloy has plenty of information regarding this issue. What to give for a wedding? Gift – a matter of individual character, but I have noticed that many wedding gifts are often repeated. Many guests find that the newlyweds have to be several sets of cutlery. The best advice in this matter – to agree with a gift by the originators of the celebration – bride and groom. At what time of marriage, or to play a wedding? Legend has it that the first humans were the 'holistic', combining the characteristics of men and women. But have they done to the gods and to punish those they split the half.

Since then, these pieces and look for each other. William Shakespeare said that: Love is the light that comes down to us from there, from the realm of the stars, with azure height, she wakes up thirsty in our miracle! And the inspiration, and beauty! Love is a feeling that not subject to the laws of physics and is not subject. And yet, there are signs of popular wedding so: JANUARY – to early child; FEBRUARY-life heart and soul; MARCH-new residence; APRIL – happiness and misery evenly; MAY-Mast for life; JUNE – the eternal love between husband and wife; JULY-regret hasty marriage; AUGUST-world and dedication to both sides; September – a quiet family life; OCTOBER – a lot of difficulties on the path to happiness; NOVEMBER – material abundance; DECEMBER – an eternal feeling of love of the spouses. Celebrate your most important event in my life and live happily ever after.

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