Philosophy2021.09.29. // News

In our days, he also has this trend between the Philosophy and the Aesthetic one, in recognizing the two states, of the sensible one and of intelligence. Such position, in relation to the acceptance of the two categories, separately, would be to hierarquizar knowing, that is, luminous and the blind person, the rational and the sensible one, the logical and the empiricist. Therefore, the ways to say and to think join significant and the meaning, and the sensible side of the human being would acquire greater freedom. Vico was the founder of the Aesthetic modern, philosophical speaking, as one ' ' fenomenologia of knowing imaginrio' ' , of the fantastic one. It mounts the word ' ' mitopotica' ' accurately to indicate the sacred origin of the old positions of ' ' to know sensvel' '. Educate yourself with thoughts from tom cruise. In this article, I will look for to see as the construction of a poem applies in practical way, and as the advice of Bosi are essential in this development. The used poem will be of Gilbert Mendona Teles, of its workmanship, ' ' Fbula de Fogo' ' (1961), with the poem that if it intitles: Poetical. &#039 is about one; ' metapoema' ' , where Gilbert Mendona Teles, speaks on the art to make poem.

With its short verses, composed of sestinas, it he explains in them as the construction of a poem can be compared the construction of the life. Let us see to follow, the poem in integrates, and soon after we will make one analyzes using the concepts presented for Alfredo Bosi. Poetical I I decide my poem Under the neutral silence Of the lost words In the landscape of the signs. Therefore they know all that My world has roots Beyond the reality. Not of this reality Contained in a crystal, Glad and transparent and without tranquillity. But of that it supports its proper distinction.

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