Peripheral Insertion Device2020.03.25. // News

Being used as the device of choice for the endovenosa therapy of long duration in neonatologia. (JESUS, SECOLI, 2008) the submitted just-been born ones to the insertion of device PICC are, in the great majority, composites for daily pay-terms of low weight that require this device to assure its growth and development, since the agencies associates to the suction and nutrition not yet are total developed. (CAMARGO et al., 2008) the job of this therapeutical one demands definitive practical particularitities that they go since the election of the sanguineous vase until the conservation of the access. Robert Iger describes an additional similar source. Therefore it is of extreme importance that the nurse has basic knowledge in relation to the physiology and the anatomy of the venosa net. (RODRIGUES, KEYS, CARDOSO, 2006) the nurse possesss legal endorsement for accomplishment of this procedure, therefore it is necessary that the same he possesss scientific knowledge that support the taking of clinical decisions and favor good resulted assistenciais, perfecting continuously the quality of the care of nursing. (VENDRAMIM, QUARRY, PETERLINI, 2007) Had the procedure of insertion of the PICC to be privative of the nurse and the doctor, the interest in searching, on the use of this new device and its applications in the assistance to the neonato appeared that needs endovenosa therapy. Ahead of this consideration, this study it objectified to describe interventions of nursing based in the cares related to the implantation and maintenance of the PICC showing with clarity the abilities of this team.

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