Pedagogical Management2017.01.23. // News

In this manner, the professionals of the school must mobilize themselves for the efetivao of the collective intentions, from the constitution of new values. On the contrary of the standardization, to consider the singularity; of the dependence, to construct the autonomy; of isolation and individualism to collective and the participation; of the privacy of the pedagogical work to public; of the authoritarianism the democratic management; of the instituted one to the innovation; of the total quality, to the quality for all. In this process route to the constant improvement of education, the collegiate agencies have been essential in the construction of practical that they lead to a democratic culture in the school. We detach the performance of the APM, the Pertaining to school Advice, the Estudantil Bosom, the participation of the parents, professors, employees and pupils in the taking of decisions and – understood in its especificidades – will organize joint actions for an only objective: the practical quality of the pedagogical one. So that let us can detail the performance of each one of these internal instances in the pertaining to school management, we point as necessity of the work the managements: of Resources, Pedagogical, of People, Services and Educational Results. In the Management of Resources, the performance of the APM is indispensable, therefore it makes possible the maintenance, the improvement and the construction of spaces physicists. he innovates the pedagogical work with acquisition of equipment and alternative materials, facilitating to the process teach-learning and the organization of the college. The resources are gotten by the voluntary contribution, for carried through promotions e, thanks to the awareness of the parents on the importance of its participation in the conduction of the school. For the Pedagogical Management, the interventions occur through the qualification of the professors; comprometimento clearly of team of professors with learning of the pupils; innovations that take care of to the necessities of the pupils; accomplishment of meeting and studies on diverse subjects; How much to the Management of people it has the continued formation; integration between the professionals and the diverse segments of the school; aiding of the organization of events as: Gincanas, Junina Party, Party of the mothers, among others; spreading for the pertaining to school community on the legislation, pertaining to school regiment and others rules of law; valuation and recognition of the professors and employees, through action by means of lectures and recognition of the carried through work.

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