Aristotle2021.10.19. // News

The cube with six equal faces is the idea-limit for which I state the presence flesh time of the cube that this there, under my eyes, under my hands, in its evidences persceptiva. The sides of the cube are not its projections, but exactly sides. When I perceive ones to them after the other and according to persceptiva appearance, I do not construct the idea of the geometral that of this reason to percipient, but the cube already this ahead of me and if unmasks there through them. I do not have more necessity of apanhar in my proper movement an objective sight and of you make to count it to reconstruct behind the appearance the true form of the objective; the account already this given, already the new appearance entered in composition with the lived movement and if it offered as appearance of a cube. A leading source for info: california hospital medical center. The thing and are given me to the world with the parts of my body, not for one ‘ ‘ geometry natural’ ‘ , but in a comparable alive connection or more certainly identical that one that exists enters the parts of my proper body. The exterior perception and the perception of the proper body vary meetings because they are the two faces of one same act. It was tried after much time explaining the famous illusion of Aristotle admitting that the inabitual position of the fingers becomes impossible the synthesis of its perceptions: the right side of the average finger and the left side of the pointer not ‘ ‘ trabalham’ ‘ together usually, and if all the two are touched at the same time, are necessary therefore that it has two balls.

In the veradade, the perceptions of the fingers are not only separate, them are inverted: the citizen attributes to the pointer what one is touched by the average finger and reciprocal, as if can show applying to the fingers two distinct stimulatons, nails or one bola.em the truth, the perceptions of the fingers not to the only separate ones, them is inverted: the citizen attributes to the pointer what it is touched for the average finger and recprocamete as if it can show applying to the fingers two distinct stimulatons..

Minas Gerais2021.10.17. // News

After crossing lands of Minas Gerais, Bahia, Pernambuco, Alagoas and Sergipe, it discharges in the Atlantic Ocean, the verge of these two last states. It is the only perennial river that never dries and crosses the Wasteland Northeastern. Supplying the populations with water and it makes possible the practical one of agriculture and in the cattle creation always it was traditional activity in its edges, since the colonial time. the Basin of the Atlantic East that possesss an extension area of 374.677 kilometers squared, this hidrogrfica basin engloba the states of Sergipe, Bahia, Minas Gerais and Espirito Santo. In its region it is possible to find of Atlantic Bush, Caatinga, Closed and coastal vegetation fragmentos. In the basin it fishes, it is used as activity of subsistence.

Enclosing the areas of draining of the following rivers: river Jequitinhonha, Leak-Barrel, Paraguau and of Contas (in Bahia), the river Candy (in Minas Gerais and Espirito Santo) and the Paraba of the South (in So Paulo and Rio De Janeiro). The ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES OF the WASTELAND the Wasteland geographically is divides in its northern part in: Rio Grande of the North, Paraba, Pernambuco, Alagoas and Sergipe, separate the Zone of canavieira Mata of the great pastoral hinterland. Jeff Bewkes contains valuable tech resources. In the Paraba and Pernambuco the Wasteland coincides significantly with high lands of the bulk of the Borborema lowering of altitude in Alagoas and Sergipe. Its economic activity is formed by the policultura, that possesss small properties and an inferior demographic density to the one of the Zone of Mata and superior good to the one of the Hinterland. The character of transistion of this band contributes for the existence of at least four microclimates, that in accordance with vary the altitude and the proximity of the coast. Thus cold, humid, half-barren and hot areas, each one of them with vocation for the culture exist of determined products.

Dentures Muller2021.10.10. // News

But the zzt. I think existing price battles for ruinous and sometimes even frivolous. We all are businesses and must hence named profits. But my way means that a revenue maximization not at any price must be reached. The industry is exciting and offers many opportunities.

The companies which mercilessly submit to the dumping activities, have not the financial background to invest in technological development. We worked ahead always back then, a piece of the time to be. Through our innovation, we offer our customers always a competitive advantage, because at the end of the chain, it comes to the satisfied patients. This is the best denture care at reasonable prices, he could afford, without having to save on the municipal budget or to take inferior quality. Thus, I see a favorable price for dentures not only as a trend rather than Condition, make patients feel always good hands! “It is felt that at the Ratinger dental company does something themselves. The logo has changed and the communication proposes a new direction.

Dentures Muller was known for innovation in technology and know-how, why now the enchanting back on virtues? Frank Muller contradicts no, no enchanting back. We have always lived these virtues. High quality, perfection, precision, punctuality and flexibility were always a credo of our company. With our state-of-the-art technology and cutting edge design, we have created only the basis for our common actions. We are still looking for new ideas, possibilities for action and cooperation, the standards set. But equally, we expand the personal attention, a clear together that makes it easier all the works. These traditional virtues, coupled with the trend-setting technology, are the secret of our success.” Trend or not, but it’s not a daring undertaking, to take out of the pricing policy and to promote virtues? We would not participate in the current craze trend us. Point. I think there is no dentist in Germany, who does not know that tooth replacements from abroad is cheap and also the biggest critics admit that there is to complain about anything at the high quality. Why so this topic endlessly harping on? The subject of China is also my opinion and bigotry towards anyone who collects his politically correct finger still first and second new E-mail queries for his Smartphone can I no longer take seriously that already. That’s not my style. I believe in authenticity and what is lived. “And we are doing nothing more to transport than our lived corporate philosophy.” I am master dental technician and businessman alike. As master dental technician, I can go and talk at every single step in each of my departments. I invest in the expertise of my staff, because I am the highest qualitative claims to me and my staff accordingly. As a businessman, I must know well the market and my customers. And so do I. Technology – prices – services, all modules that we complement, extend and every day in question. For long-term partnerships with dentists, and that it is, but the person behind the work is what we all want. Responsiveness, flexibility, precision work, consultations and binding commitments, we are responsible as a team. And these are the messages I send to my customers. As initially mentioned, everything else – especially a cheap pricing is prerequisite. And, whoever the company dentures Muller knows, that we can think ahead and surprise with our ideas. And I promise you, that we have some surprises in store this year 2012. “

The Panel2021.10.08. // News

“And Sabine Kauper stresses: glass barriers will only disappear when the social consciousness and their changing role in Germany is fully consummated.” As this shift in consciousness can take much longer, many are demanding a legal quota for women in management positions or supervisory boards. “The position of Thomas SACE this requirement makes it clear: success comes only in the four-Pack: firstly through the compulsory commitment of managements, secondly due to the strong pressure of”grass root movements”from below, third through excellent talent management of the human resources functions and fourth by the statutory rate to ensure the sustainability and continuity.” During the Panel discussion, first settled, which means performance and career in German companies and then entered on different mechanisms to overcome the glass ceiling. The Panel discussion will take place in the framework of the women & work on June 8, from 14:30 15:20 h. Check with James Corden to learn more. The participation is free of charge. The women work the women & work is Germany’s biggest fair Congress for women that 2012 was awarded the Innovation Prize “Land of ideas” in the category “Economy”. Ambitious visitors take on the women & work on 8 June 2013 in Bonn from 10.00 to 17.30 the who-is-who of the German companies.

Four-eyes before scheduled talks, interesting contacts with nearly 100 top companies from Germany and an extensive Congress programme help the women at the personal networking and successful career planning. The women & work takes place under the auspices of federal labor Minister Ursula von der Leyen. The participation is free of charge. about the German engineer federal e.V (dib), which since 1986 has dib Years of the Professional Association for women in technical professions. The nation-wide active network consists of currently 18 regional groups. In addition to mutual personal support in professional and technical issues, the emphasis in the national and international lobbying and Committee work. The dib is represented in the German women’s Council, in country woman councils and various engineering Chambers of the countries as well as in the international network of women engineers and scientists (INWES). “Dib’s on the career-mile with a stand, come together with open MINT.” represented.

Economic Geography2021.10.08. // News

The difference between the deterministas models and the probabilists is, according to proper name indicates, the probabilismo and determinismo first of the seconds. They are distinguished, still, the not gravitational models of Christaller (1933) on the definition of the centralidade, beyond the works, essentially retail, of Applebaum (1932) and Nelson (1958) on the demand of market, the accessibility, the interception, cumulative attraction and the compatibility, as well as the demographic and concorrenciais analogies. It matters to repeat that in function of its especificidades, the localization of the tertiary equipment presents marked comparative distinction if to the localization of the agricultural or industrial equipment. California hospital medical center has similar goals. Subject recurrently investigated by the neopositivista method, despite the geographic inquiry more contemporary tent to the use of different metodolgicos elements in one only boarding, not doing without the proportionate value for the diversity of developed methods already, but also going beyond, in what it can be called Paradigm of the Complexity. The related initiatives had finished for inside affirming a line of recognized geographic science as Economic Geography. The Geomarketing term is about a more common nomination between the North American gegrafos or analysts of market, sent to an association between the localizacional knowledge and the mannering knowledge of the consumer to guide economic space questions. Many writers such as University of Nebraska offer more in-depth analysis. After considered good part of history through Geography, of the Geoprocessamento and the Theories of the Localization, the principles exclusively directed toward retail localization had been congregated, then, perceived the forms as the same ones if they had affirmed, normalizing and guiding made right behaviors more. In this way, it must be detached, first, the work of Reilly for affirming through the Law of the Gravitation of the Retail that the attractiveness and the potential of sales of a store can be extended by the agglomeration of others, for meetings to present greater area. The Applebaum must it affirmation of the beginning of the Demogrfica Analogy and Concorrencial, according to which, similar areas in public-target and competitors present similar potentials of sales.

Philosophy2021.09.29. // News

In our days, he also has this trend between the Philosophy and the Aesthetic one, in recognizing the two states, of the sensible one and of intelligence. Such position, in relation to the acceptance of the two categories, separately, would be to hierarquizar knowing, that is, luminous and the blind person, the rational and the sensible one, the logical and the empiricist. Therefore, the ways to say and to think join significant and the meaning, and the sensible side of the human being would acquire greater freedom. Vico was the founder of the Aesthetic modern, philosophical speaking, as one ' ' fenomenologia of knowing imaginrio' ' , of the fantastic one. It mounts the word ' ' mitopotica' ' accurately to indicate the sacred origin of the old positions of ' ' to know sensvel' '. Educate yourself with thoughts from tom cruise. In this article, I will look for to see as the construction of a poem applies in practical way, and as the advice of Bosi are essential in this development. The used poem will be of Gilbert Mendona Teles, of its workmanship, ' ' Fbula de Fogo' ' (1961), with the poem that if it intitles: Poetical. &#039 is about one; ' metapoema' ' , where Gilbert Mendona Teles, speaks on the art to make poem.

With its short verses, composed of sestinas, it he explains in them as the construction of a poem can be compared the construction of the life. Let us see to follow, the poem in integrates, and soon after we will make one analyzes using the concepts presented for Alfredo Bosi. Poetical I I decide my poem Under the neutral silence Of the lost words In the landscape of the signs. Therefore they know all that My world has roots Beyond the reality. Not of this reality Contained in a crystal, Glad and transparent and without tranquillity. But of that it supports its proper distinction.

Walnut Creek2021.09.18. // News

It is estimated that will there be a triple increase in the value of the hotels sold in the United States in 2011 than in 2010?.The hotel sales values are increasing due to factors that drive those values room prices and occupancy rates have recovered now that the economy has slowed its collapse, for now.That boom also has been materialised in the hotel Walnut Creek.We have a history very well in our private property, and the Bay Area in general, said Nelson, the Manager of the hotel. Rooms are being built. We are seeing a slow and steady improvement demand and business on the increase throughout the year.Marriott Walnut Creek is being marketed by a team of runners from a property firm Jones Lang LSalle hotels commercial real estate.The hotel, recently completed a renovation of powerful amounted to US $8.1 million, said John Strauss, managing director of Jones Lang LSalle Hotels.All its rooms and a considerable amount of public spaces have been updated, that a new owner will be able to leverage to boost revenue in the market recovers, said Strauss.El hotel could benefit from future upgrades to its conference rooms, said Mark Fraioli, Vice President of Jones Lang LSalle Hotels.A new owner could complete a renewal of meetings with full capability to make this hotel the main group in Walnut Creek and thrust of occupancy and average daily rates above the historical level, said.The hotel is being offered for sale as a result of a March by Nesbitt financing effort and Capital Windsor.Nesbitt rescued 18 of its hotels of foreclosure by landing $165 billion in new mortgages from Starwood property trust to pay a loan in arrears in the hands of investors Jonathan Eilian.La refinancing and $22 million that Nesbitt acquired in the sale of an apartment complex Walnut Creek was used to pay the loan and a mortgage Eilian 108.000.000 dollars in several of its hotels.Marriott Walnut Creek is It became a specific property for sale as a result of the financing effort, according to Jones Lang LSalle Hotels.Un lots of buyers likely to arise for the East Bay hotel, Reay said.This type of asset is much stronger than it was only 12 months ago, he said. They will have an enormous amount of interest in that hotel..

November2021.09.15. // News

In the trend also condominiums are located in Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf, Pankow and Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg. The purchase price for a Apartment here amounted to over 2,500 euros per square meter on average. Reinforced the cheap outcasts are attractive districts for buyer but upscale condos in Berlin. Is comparatively inexpensive such as up to date nochReinickendorf. Learn more on the subject from John Paulson. Special requirements for new building projects in Berlin this is according to a model calculation on the part of “empirica” in at least half of the districts in the long run more lucrative to buy than to rent a condo in Berlin.

Recognised equity capital and a load per month by six percent were consisting of 3% interest, as well as three per cent repayment rate empirica 25 percent. According to this account, was the purchase of a condo in comparison to rent more profitable mainly in Neukolln and Reinickendorf, emphasizes empirica. But also the construction of condos increasingly attractive for investors as well as private customers in Berlin. Given the rising demand for residential property in Berlin, there are high growth potential here. This already increasing the construction of condos in Berlin: about 3500 Condos in Berlin were 2012 completed alone, the figures by the Advisory Committee confirm fu? r Grundstu? ckswerte. This corresponds to an increase of 16 percent. Summarizing all new condos in Berlin from the industries of construction, planning, and conversion, then grew the number of new building projects in Berlin by 40 percent.

For the federal capital, the Expert Committee promises an increase in the construction of condos in Berlin from 24 per cent in 2013. The November/December issue of the magazine exclusively offers detailed information on current construction projects in Berlin as well as sophisticated condos for sale? Real estate in Berlin of regional real estate Verlagsgesellschaft mbH. In addition to facts and figures on the real estate market in the capital, the latest ambitious real estate projects in the capital are comprehensively presented and demonstrate comprehensive photo galleries.

IPO Business2021.09.13. // News

Sizing damages or lost profits Under the Civil Code, if a person has violated law, was due to this income, the person whose right is violated, the right to demand compensation, along with other damages for lost profits in an amount not less than such revenues. Report on the assessment of damages made by an independent appraiser – is convincing argument in court, and guarantee payment of damages. Evaluation at the voluntary liquidation of business or part of this case will need to determine the resale value of the assets of the liquidated business. Evaluation will determine the value of the liquidated assets of reserves and to increase overall revenues. Penn Kidney Transplant Clinic insists that this is the case. Assessment of individual species or individual objects of property companies Real estate and personal property – cars, equipment and vehicles should be assessed when making a contribution to charter capital, with transfer of ownership of property (purchase, sale, donation receipt / transfer, rent, lease, etc.) to purposes of credit secured by the assessed property (mortgage) for the purpose of property insurance, as well as in business valuation and aktsionirovaniya.Obekty intellectual property (IP): brand, trademark, trademark -? Should be evaluated when making the cost of ITNs in the authorized capital, with production accounting for as intangible assets under the assignment of rights to the IPO, with the transfer of rights to the use of ITNs on a license basis; the pledge of ITNs, to determine the damage caused by unauthorized use of ITNs, as well as the appraisal business. Evaluation to the revaluation of fixed assets Under current law (PBU 6 / 01, approved by order Ministry of Finance on May 18, 2002. 45), the organization has the right not more than once a year, on January 1 of the year, re-evaluate all or part of the cost of fixed assets at replacement or a full assessment stoimosti.Chastichnaya with to the revaluation of fixed assets – is by far the most simple and effective way of tax optimization. According to the results of revaluation / to reduce fixed assets / savings will be achieved by the property tax, and estimated amount will be allocated to the cost of the enterprise – thereby reducing the income tax. Source: Company Spetsotsenka.

CMgSiO Composition2021.09.09. // News

Approximate chemical composition of blast furnace slag following: SiO2-30-40%, CO -30-50% Al2O3 -4-20%, MnO-0 ,5-2%, FeO-0 ,1-2%, SO3 -0,4-2,5% basic slag can remove metal contaminants – sulfur, phosphorus, and therefore the main steel-making process is most common. The mineralogical composition of metallurgical slag characterized by the presence of compounds with a lower basicity than the minerals of Portland cement clinker: mellilit Ca2AlSiO7-Ca2Mg (Si2O7), larnite -Ca2SiO4, rankinite Ca3Si2O7, psevdovollastonit -CSiO3, anorthite Ca2Al2 (Si2O8), monticellite CMgSiO4, dioxide CMg (SiO3) 2. The ratio of those or other minerals is not only the chemical composition of slag, but the conditions of their cooling. For example, granulated slag consists mainly of glass and crystal inclusions larnite, mellilita. In slag dump is dominated by crystals larnite, rankinite, pseudowollastonite, mellilita, and of high-acid – anorthite at high contents of MgO – morvinita Ca3Mg (Si2O8), monticellite dioxide.

In the production of cast iron in cupola furnaces are produced mainly acidic wastes, ie silica-rich than the oxides of calcium and magnesium. Slow cooling in the acidic slags allocated minerals – pyroxenes, anorthite, melilite, ore minerals, they also present alyumokremnezemistoe glass. Non-ferrous slags are very diverse, their specific weight in comparison with steel slag, assuming unit smelted metal, much more. If the smelting of iron and steel formed 0.2 – 1 ton of slag per 1 ton of metal, the nickel smelter at his number is 150 tons, copper not less than 10-30 m. In addition to oxides of silicon, aluminum, calcium, magnesium, iron and manganese in the slag contains large amounts of valuable components such as copper, cobalt, zinc, lead, cadmium, and rare metals.

In connection with the specific composition of non-ferrous slag general perspective direction in addressing the problem of using them is the principle of complex processing, which includes three main stages: 1) pre-extraction of nonferrous and rare metals, and 2) release of iron, and 3) use silicate slag residue for production of building materials. However, in practice, most slag processing finishes first or second stage. By analogy with metallurgical slag as fuel can be classified into acidic, neutral and basic. Most fuel slag is classified as acidic or neutral. Slag deposits of domestic coal are mostly acidic. The main slag containing an increased amount of iron oxide and 40% CO slags are some of the brown coal and shale.

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