Own Business: Taxes2020.06.03. // News

What so a tax exemption? idea to initiate a new business sounds temptress, but before doing it is necessary to evaluate the interests and the different options that the market offers. The decision appears if the person wants to choose by own business or by a tax exemption, which is to say truth is a little safer since it is a business that guarantees the quick recovery of the inverted capital. Before following it would be important to know what is a Tax exemption. The Tax exemption is the strategy that uses many companies to commercialize their products and services through a chain of businesses which have the characteristic to be independent and to be operated by third parties. The franquiciante is a natural or legal person who has developed a low business a certain method referring to a product or service, and that looks for its expansion through investors, to who will grant the right to him to operate the business under its mark and with its operative and organizational method of same. The franchise-holder will be investor, natural or legal who acquires the right to commercialize a certain concept of business and all the referring methods to this. Venezuela is characterized for being the third country of Latin America with more tax exemptions, later Brazil and Mexico, being the favorite activity the area of food, followed by the one of clothes and thirdly the telecommunications.

In order to begin the business it is important first that nothing to determine type of business to which it wishes to dedicate itself, for it will elaborate a plan of businesses in which all the details are included, which will help to diminish the costs. Soon to determine the financial feasibility of the business, and if it is not counted on initial capital they must study the credit options that offer the banks. To count on the services of a good professional of the right is very important, since she will be the person in charge to lend the necessary consultant’s office in all the aspects of legal type that are needed such as: statutes of the company, registry of mark, opening of banking accounts, to solicit the RIF, as well as the permissions that are required according to the type of business, registry of list in the social insurance and other organisms. Another important aspect is to determine what will be the best location of the premises, to obtain the greater possible movement is necessary that it is in a journeyed good place, if by opposite point no one is well located it is necessary to invest in a good one campaign advertising. Click Robert Thomson to learn more. Finally to analyze who is the competition of our product by means of a market study. It is important to stand out that some tax exemptions demand that the franchise-holder is the front of the business, and will have to cancel a part of the gains obtained to the franquiciante, also the franquiciante will put at the disposal of the franchise-holder a series of manuals, which will constitute the guide for the handling of the business.

M.S. Felix J. Gonzlez A. WebSite: Original author and source of the article.

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