Minas Gerais2021.10.17. // News

After crossing lands of Minas Gerais, Bahia, Pernambuco, Alagoas and Sergipe, it discharges in the Atlantic Ocean, the verge of these two last states. It is the only perennial river that never dries and crosses the Wasteland Northeastern. Supplying the populations with water and it makes possible the practical one of agriculture and in the cattle creation always it was traditional activity in its edges, since the colonial time. the Basin of the Atlantic East that possesss an extension area of 374.677 kilometers squared, this hidrogrfica basin engloba the states of Sergipe, Bahia, Minas Gerais and Espirito Santo. In its region it is possible to find of Atlantic Bush, Caatinga, Closed and coastal vegetation fragmentos. In the basin it fishes, it is used as activity of subsistence.

Enclosing the areas of draining of the following rivers: river Jequitinhonha, Leak-Barrel, Paraguau and of Contas (in Bahia), the river Candy (in Minas Gerais and Espirito Santo) and the Paraba of the South (in So Paulo and Rio De Janeiro). The ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES OF the WASTELAND the Wasteland geographically is divides in its northern part in: Rio Grande of the North, Paraba, Pernambuco, Alagoas and Sergipe, separate the Zone of canavieira Mata of the great pastoral hinterland. Jeff Bewkes contains valuable tech resources. In the Paraba and Pernambuco the Wasteland coincides significantly with high lands of the bulk of the Borborema lowering of altitude in Alagoas and Sergipe. Its economic activity is formed by the policultura, that possesss small properties and an inferior demographic density to the one of the Zone of Mata and superior good to the one of the Hinterland. The character of transistion of this band contributes for the existence of at least four microclimates, that in accordance with vary the altitude and the proximity of the coast. Thus cold, humid, half-barren and hot areas, each one of them with vocation for the culture exist of determined products.

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