Lubeck HoT Workshop2019.09.05. // News

Practical application of hypoallergenic orthomolecular therapy (hoT) Lubeck, 09.11.2009: The VBN Publisher hosts the 10 Lubeck workshop to the hypo-allergenic orthomolecular therapy (hoT) on December 05, 2009. Focuses on the following topics are: dental: early detection, prevention and effective treatment of peri-Implantitis and periodontal disease for gynaecology: orthomolecular therapy in pregnancy, vaginal Pessaries for vaginal yeast infections, etc. The general practitioner: Acid base balance, chronic inflammatory bowel disease, adverse drug reactions and Orthomolekularia, orthomolecular pain therapy with pain deletions of participants of the workshop aimed at holistic working therapists of all professional groups such as physician, Naturopath or also physiotherapists who want to apply to the hypoallergenic orthomolecular therapy into their practice or apply. The Medical Association of Schleswig-Holstein awards this workshop 8 continuing education credits, the Natum (Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur naturopathy, acupuncture and) Environmental medicine of the German society for Gynecology and obstetrics, DGGG) 16 continuing education credits granted. Speakers include: Uwe Grober, Dr. med.

Michael Worlitschek and Peter Hansen Volkmann. Registration, detailed program and further information: VBN-Verlag of Kucknitzer main street 53 23569 Lubeck Tel.: 0451/38464896 fax: 0451/38464895 of the VBN-Verlag Lubeck is a publisher of topics, in particular for bioenergetics and naturopathy. Publications to improve the regulation of Meridian healing are at the center of the publishing work. It focuses on the hypo-allergenic orthomolecular therapy hoT. This is the therapy with vitamins, minerals, Omega 3 fatty acids, etc. in the form of particularly pure, hypoallergenic food supplements. The goal is to open eyes and draw attention to the whole thing.

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