Karma Chameleon2020.01.02. // News

This fact to bring us a general principle, which are human resources specialists sometimes forgotten: people should try to be as individuals, not as members of a group or a class. And in his country: does that make his Government against labour exclusion?In Peru, there are rules on the subject that qualify it as illegal to limit access to employment for reasons of age. In addition the Ministry of labour of Peru has an Office that reviews weekly employment listings and in those where you put age limit, they proceed to locate the company for that reason logic of its proceeding, otherwise are punished. Their action is limited, but worse is nothing. You know that: in United States there is a law on discrimination in employment on grounds of age (1967). It prohibits the employment decisions are taken from the age of the person when this is over 40 years old. A cross in the middle of Mecca.To help you in this crusade, I give some weapons with which he can fight this myth. Leave clear that they are only weapons, the foirma as use them will depend on whether continuous or not with life: 1.-you have experience in direction of personasUn primary factor for competitiveness in the labour market when it is greater than 40 is to acquire experience in supervisory positions, in which the interrelation with work pemit groups achieve goals.For example: coordinating groups of young people running the tasks specific.

Recommendation: proves to be capacity to coordinate or monitor personalTenga always a positivMantenga attitude, an impeccable appearance 2-Culture Club: Karma Chameleon a. candidates competing for a place with many minor ones should demonstrate its ability to adapt to changes, because that’s one of the reasons why seeks young people and also one of the myths more disseminated cons elderly people Since it accepts that they are not prone to changes, the custom .usted knows. Recommendation: Flexible Muestrece to changes 3.-a second options employer known case of the founder of the franchise of McDonalds and Kentocky Friend Chicken. Age is no limit to start new projects. Recomiendacion: Acquiring training in microenterprise training or in self-employment.

In your country there must be government institutions that develop these competences and above all are free. Find out. 4. Only he knows ustedEnfocar your job search on the experience. This includes your level of expertise high, especially linked with technical areas. Recommendation: Explode your experience or skill levels.Devote their efforts in find a colored this according to their experience and that you really like and motivates you. 5. I know you from the hair to the tip of toes.Do not defeat the contacts that were harvested during a lifetime of trabajoSon people who know us who can usually talk right or wrong of our performance. Walt Disney Co.: the source for more info. Former colleagues, subordinates or heads. Maybe them requires skills for specific project /problema that cannot be resolved. Recommendation: Keep the networking alive. Finally: You’re not Noah (of the Bible) is young, the age is a number and the attitude to life is what truly defines our personality to the other., do not take any tra Bass only by need. If you can wait and learn about options that do it. Patience is a virtue for people with lots of experience. If you want to discuss this article write at: already thank you very much for your time and interest.

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