Japan2019.06.25. // News

In Japan the buddhism zen begins to be developed from the s. XII rooting with much depth and creative spirit in the culture of Japan.The Zen, in spite of being a type of buddhism, has a direct influence of the Taoismo With respect to its introducer in China, Bodhidarma, are several the legend that they surround this figure. One of them relates that once having itself slept while it meditated, put with itself that it cut the eyelids, those so furious that when falling to the ground gave rise to the first tea plant. Since then the tea has provided the monks zen protection against the dream, facilitating the mental clarity. Bodhidharrna arrived at originating Corner of India around year 520, and followed trip until the court of Emperor Wu de Liang, enthusiastic protector of the Buddhism. The emperor told to everything what he had made to promote the practice of the Buddhism, the construction of temples, the protection him of monks etc. and he asked to him what merit had won in this way, in agreement with the conception of which the gradual work accumulation good, that they take to better circumstances in future lives and to the accumulation of merits every time. But Bodhidharma talked back: " Absolutely no merit! " This undermined the idea that the emperor had of the Buddhism to the point of which he asked: " Which is, then, the first principle of the sagrada doctrine? " Bodhidharma talked back: " It is all emptiness; sagrado.&quot is nothing; Then the emperor asked: " And who you are to be here before us? " Bodhidharma talked back: " Not it s." After this interview, Bodhidharma retired to a monastery in Wei, where &quot is said that it spent nine years in a cavern; watching pared" . Suzuki maintains that this does not have to be taken literally, but rather at symbolic level alluding to the inner state of Bodhidharma, that was able to exclude from its mind all the thoughts that they grasped to him to the sensorial world.

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