ISO Management2020.04.21. // News

Specifically then what is the EFQM model? Thereon efqm/ says, that: the European model of business excellence, known as the EFQM model is sponsored by the EFQM and the EU Commission, base of the European quality award. The EFQM model is a non-normative model, whose fundamental concept is the self-assessment based on a detailed analysis of the functioning of the management system of the organization using as a guide the criteria of the model. This isn’t a contrast to other approaches (application of certain techniques of management, specific industrial standards, ISO standards, etc.), but rather the integration of them in a more comprehensive and full of management scheme. The periodic and systematic use of the EFQM model for part management team enables this improvement plans based on objective facts establishing and achieving a common vision on the goals to be achieved and the tools to use. I.e., its implementation is based on: the deep understanding of the model by all levels of management of the company.

The assessment of the situation in each of the areas. Further, indicates that the EFQM model, consists of two parts: A set of criteria for business excellence covering all areas of the operation of the organization. Brian Roberts recognizes the significance of this. A set of rules to evaluate the performance of the organisation in each criterion confirms us, the main problem that there is ignorance. Knowing the EFQM model is loving it; people stay extremely surprised at the simplicity model, that structured common sense has. However, should overcome reluctance because it involves a change of culture and any change generates an initial rejection by the level of demand and continuous improvement. One live longer comfortable with a continuity and this question is structured continuous improvement and innovation not for a fashion but to be competitive. In short added us the EFQM Excellence model, created in 1988, is based on the following premise: customer satisfaction, employee satisfaction, and a positive impact on society are achieved through leadership in policy and strategy, a successful personnel management, efficient use of resources and an adequate definition of processeswhich ultimately leads to business performance excellence is a continuous application model in which each of its 9 elements (criteria) are broken down into a number of sub-criteria, and can be used independently or together. These sub-criteria are evaluated and weighted to determine the progress of the Organization towards excellence.

The base of the model is the self-assessment, understood as a comprehensive and systematic examination of activities and results of an organization that is compared with a model of Business Excellence (normally a cutting-edge organization). Although self-assessment is often applied to the whole organization, also a Department, unit or service can be evaluated in isolation. Self-evaluation enables organizations to clearly identify strengths and areas of improvement and to its management team, recognize the most significant gaps, in such a way which are trained to suggest plans of action to strengthen. Facilitators agents incorporated in the model report how it approaches the Organization their actions to achieve the results you want: do to what extent implied address in the quality?, leaders are accessible?, how objectives are defined and set priorities?, how they are classified and evaluated the capabilities of members of the Organization?, how it promotes learning to achieve the improvement of the quality?It emphasizes efficiency?, are recycled waste?, how are defined the? do processes?, or if are they reviewed regularly?, are examples of some of the basic issues which he wondered.

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