Hungry Between Meals2019.07.10. // News

Adult we are going slowly fitting in a production gear. This means that our life is aimed not so much to learn and grow (and live), but in producing and in goals. Unfortunately, good manners are left aside during this process. I can’t comment on two in particular. One is the post-almuerzo NAP. Synonym for laziness at other times today is a valid tool in order to increase the occupational concentration and improve production. Another custom that has been lost to us over the years is the healthy snack between meals. If you pay close attention, you’ll notice that children and animals eat small amounts frequently throughout the day.

Human beings have evolved to be guests of big meals and not so much snacking frequently in small portions. Even the fact of snacking is even seen in a negative way. But snacks are not a bad idea. In fact, they are an excellent idea. If meals to choose are appropriate and if you are truly hungry, you can be even a habit pretty healthy. Give people hungry every three to four hours so several fewer meals scattered during the days can prevent much eating in one sitting. Snacks should have some healthy carbohydrates (whole grain crackers, fruits and vegetables as well as something of protein (as walnuts, protein products and dairy meals low in fat). The period between lunch and dinner can be a bit difficult for the vast majority of people, many people try to not eat during the afternoon but end up eating what you have not eaten in three days at dinner.

Instead of eating a nonsense, it is not bad idea to have a mini-almuerzo, something a little more powerful like a glass of a protein shake, or a cup of cheese, cottage cheese with fruit, or some gastronomic alternative low-calorie. This will help not to eat so much (because don’t have hunger) at dinner. If you get hungry (as a large majority of us) after dinner, here’s a suggestion of the grandmothers, tries to brush your teeth after dinner. Psychologically it will send the message to the brain that because you closed the bowling by today. And of course, you can follow the theory that most of the time when your brain says food actually is telling you water.

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