First VDE Device Tester2020.03.25. // News

The special is its new configurability. VDE 0701-0702 can be assigned to this DIN device Tester data for test objects and clients completely free with 10,000 units now. This is new. You can enter individual values for limits, test methods, test cycles and test times practically for each examinee.

These settings can be edited anytime and freely obtained. According to DIN VDE 0701-0702 are also sites, customer data is device information. Over a nearly full PC keyboard (QUERZ) or via USB RFID reader but also is entered, if ever a preliminary examination took place. The results of the test are so safe and clearly reproducible by eliminating such as careless mistakes when entering data very reliable. Accelerated tests in the VDE 0701 0702 appliance Tester PAT410 especially the powerful backup battery inside! Because you need no reboot after disconnecting from the network, because for example by a test location is changed to the next! The appliance Tester PAT410 only asleep today and wakes up immediately with its stored settings for the next VDE 0701 0702 of test cycle. The complex restart is no longer necessary and saves lot of time – the Puftechik-service company and much more turnover! PAT410 the tripping time of portable RCD/FI protection switches, which are almost always in the direction of mobile resources and a fundamental part of the exam tests according to VDE 0701 represent 0702. The protective conductor resistance is tested with this new VDE 0701 0702 unit tester with at least 200 mA. The PAT450 (the big brother) tests also still with 10 A and 25 A! An important plus for safety.

There are also Service centres and distributors even a high voltage test with 1,500 V AC and 3,000 V AC available. For the first time, so now also switchgear combinations can be verified. This device Tester checks also insulation resistances at 250 V DC or 500V DC. Both DIN VDE 0701 0702 device Tester lead even touch current and protective conductor current measurement and through! And that can be selected with the substitute leakage current method as well as the residual current. The highly readable VGA color display shows the status of the checks and the end of inventory or incorrect results of the test object during and after completion of the tests. Through the three USB interfaces the data storage externally on a commercial is backed up USB stick. Both PAT410 and PAT450 can be connected directly to the site on a USB printer to the simultaneous expression of the testing protocol. With the bar code printer device labels can be printed from the tester itself. This significantly simplifies the inventory. The PROTOKOLLmanager created neat, court documents and exported all PC. Important when it comes to the accident with a tested device and asks the Prosecutor for the test protocols. Here fehelen the most then the appropriate responses.

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