Energy Information Administration2019.09.23. // News

Zurich on alert. Months ago, indeed, sad news arrive to regard the shortage of crude oil. eyer. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Walt Disney Co.. The reserves of fossil fuel that nature us reserves, are being depleted. About this the scientists seem to join in a unanimous chorus, while they disagree NET and hesitant about the data of the day X, the moment in which man must definitively renounce the current main energy resource, oil. Here, Discovery Communications expresses very clear opinions on the subject. Reality, every day are discovered new reserves of crude, most of it in Iraq, country that perhaps holds the world title from black gold producer. Officially Iraq with its oil reserves, quantifiable in about 115 billion barrels, is in fourth place in the ranking of the Nations with the largest amount of crude oil after Saudi Arabia, Canada and Iran.

But 90% of the territory is still unexplored and therefore does not know of the existence or not of eventual deposits of crude asserts the expert in East means Michael Amram culture. Recent studies estimate the presence, not yet verified, about 200 million barrels, amount that would place Iraq in second place in the world list. The Energy Information Administration, sponsored by the United States, considers still possible a value of 400 million barrels. In this case, Iraq would overtake noticeably to the top of the list, Saudi Arabia. Apart from the large oil reserves, covering 30% of global demand, are the optimum quality of crude oil and rock-bottom equal to $ 1.50 per barrel production costs making Iraq a supplier of very interesting oil especially for foreign investors. This small entrepreneurs may also remove profits. The M & S Investment, company Switzerland specialized in the purchase sale of international currency, promotes on its Web site financial investments in the Iraqi Dinar.

Without a doubt, the economy and DIN will take advantage in case of an intense oil search in Iraq. Especially the low value of the currency, which has tripled in recent years, promises investors big profits, Amram has concluded. In this sense also grows the number of demands for investment in the M & S Investment. One of the many reasons is the consolidated name of the company, at national and international level. It is a matter of fact that the M & S Investment works with the highest quality standards to meet each type of demand especially as regards the confidentiality of the data and the fight against illegal and fake money also adheres to VQF self-regulation organization. Further information about the Iraqi Dinar as possibility of investment can be found in the site.

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