Dirk Zukowski Wagner2019.07.05. // News

Demolition and gutting work: traditional department store in Hamburg Bramfeld is designed to Hamburg to new district Center, August 5th, 2010. The roughly 20,000-square-foot former Hertie has its heyday has long been behind department store. Decades the Department store built in 1963 was a local institution. Now it is empty since summer 2009, despite prominent location in the Centre of the Hamburg Bramfeld of district of. It is another example of this years looming desertification of Bramfelder village square. Anymore: City and private operators to invest in the future and reshape the Centre: more than 80 million flowing into the project.

The central point of the construction makes the former Department store complex, which according to the investor group is retained, and should be converted into a shopping center with 60 shops and 430 parking. Already in the spring of 2011, the project should be completed. A schedule that leaves not much room for the construction companies involved. To know more about this subject visit Coen Brothers. Initially the Department store had to be – completely gutted it the specialist for demolition, earthworks restoration and recycling, WIWA Wilko Wagner from Hamburg, Germany, commissioned. HVAC delivered the necessary rental machines for Interior and exterior construction machinery.

The tasks on this site were the first step removing all walls and ceilings in the Interior, as well as the removal of the entire outer facade of the Department store complex. The access ramp to the parking deck had to be also removed, disposed of all asphalt and roofing materials of the old parking areas. To keep the tight time constraints, the specialists of WIWA Wilko had to start Wagner simultaneously inside and outside, in different parts of the building, with the work. “For the various tasks we needed different machines that can be used inside as well as outside” says Dirk Zukowski Wagner construction head in Wilko, and explains further we could get always flexible machines from the HVAC rental fleet, we just needed.

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