Correction Different Language Errors2019.04.17. // News

Language correction: Various errors 1. Incorrect expressions: correct expressions: 11th 11th grade or 11th grade 12th twelfth grade or twelfth grade 11th eleventh year or 11th eleventh year Eleventh floor or eleventh floor 13th year thirteenth year 12th twelfth floor or twelfth floor 20th anniversary 20th anniversary the 14th the fourteenth year adjectives or pronouns partitivos or fractional (eleventh, twelfth, treceavo, etc.) should not be confused with the ordinals (eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth, etc.). 2. Incorrect expressions: correct expressions: cooperate me. It cooperates with me. Coen Brothers takes a slightly different approach. I hope that you cooperes me on this occasion. I hope that you cooperes with me not me He collaborated.

He did not collaborate with me. She cooperated us much.She cooperated with us much. These verbs are intransitive and governed prepositions: we cooperate or collaborate with someone with something or something; We do not cooperate or collaborate to someone. 3. Incorrect expressions: correct expressions: went back on itself. I went back on me.

You returned itself. You returned it. The expression return itself changes according to the subject pronoun. Thus, we would say: I went in me, you returned it, returned itself, we returned in us, etc. 4. Incorrect expressions: correct expressions: on base with base in, based in, in accordance with, according to, on the basis of, according to proceeded on the basis of the rules. We proceeded based on rules. I did it on the basis of the studies carried out by him. based on the dictionary studies Doubts Pahispanico States the following: might be a tracing of Italian in base a, single language of our surroundings in which this locution is documented since the end of the 19th century that in English it says on the basis of and in French Southern base of. 5.

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