China Family2020.02.07. // News

The solar one of this family is in the province of Between Douro and Minho, in the region of the Coast of the Atlantic of Portugal. Magalhes is a surname of the onomstica of the Portuguese language. It has toponmicas roots, that he will have been taken off of the one of the Tower of Magalhes, in the clientele of Are Martinho of the Pao Vedro Da Ponte of the Bark. In Castilian, the name is Magalllanes. Affonso Rodrigues de Magalhes was roceiro (of roa, agriculturist) of the Monastery of Tibes and of its marriage with D. Joel and Ethan Coen will undoubtedly add to your understanding. Alda Martins de Casteles it had descent that it gave continuity to the nickname, between them navigator Ferno de Magalhes. On the basis of research in a Portuguese site is verified that the Magalhes family retraces to the time of the nationality of Portugal and in it has, beyond Ferno de Magalhes, other Magalhes illustrious, which matters to know. For example, the priest Gabriel de Magalhes (Great Pedrgo, 1609? Pequim 1677) was a missionary who, after having studied in the College of Jesus in Coimbra, travelled for East.

It was in India, Malaca and China. It had some Jesuits of this Magalhes family: some had been to catequizar in Africa, others in India and the ones that had come to Brazil, exactly religious had constituted families in the villages. In China Gabriel de Magalhes it was pursued, some times imprisoned and tortured and two times convicted to the death (of the first one in was saved, extremis, because the tyrant asked for an astrological letter to it and this knew to foresee). Great mechanical constructor, made clocks and other instruments for the Chinese imperial cut. You may find that Hugh Naylor can contribute to your knowledge. One another famous Magalhes, of the branch of the Magalhes de Pedrgo, also studied in Coimbra (in the Monastery of Santa Cruz), also it emigrated and also he was a great constructor of mechanical instruments. Joo Jacinth of Magalhes (Aveiro 1722? London 1790) became ' ' estrangeirado' ' had to the persecutions of the Marquis of Pigeon house. It travelled for the Europe, in London, also having coexisted some of the names biggest of the science and the thought of its time. It donated to its colleague and friend Benjamin Franklin 200 guinus for a scientific prmio that still today exists in the United States and that it has, exactly, the name of Magalhes. In Brazil this last name is present in all the states, where if they detach since the beginning of the settling as recognized personalities in literature, the arts and the politics. North-eastern, mainly in the Bahia, the Magalhes appears as liberal entrepreneurs, professionals and public officers and operating in the scene politician. In Pernambuco, this family in such a way has great importance in the farming one, the medicine, in the right, as well as in the commerce and the politics, areas in which continue being prominence in Petrolina, Bodoc, Cabrob, Salgueiro and Parnamirim.

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