Stefan Rosebrock Ruhrallee2022.01.03. // News

The Essen-based company is based in the analysis of companies that, to make it as easy as possible for the decision-makers and focuses on core information. Rosebrock, to itself for many years in trading, Marketing Manager: there are three key indicators, which makes our form of analysis: 1 attraction of sales, 2. inserted advertising costs, 3. the market absorb force. And all this at a spatial level stipulated by the customer which he deems to be evaluated. This pragmatic approach has proven itself”.

The company offers the chance to make transparent the variety of local particularities of their individual branches so the chains and contributes, to insert a marketing budget for prospectuses and supplements in an appropriate manner. The approach, the information obtained is not new now to provide only the corporate headquarters, but the many tens of thousands of managers in the German retail company with a high degree of relevance accessible to make them. Together with a strategic partner, the company relies on the capabilities of the Internet: Web-GIS, an application that can be used on any Internet-browser. All information at a glance, a synchronous and data management, and interactive editing of local market details down to the last corner of the Republic. “, enthuses the Manager of Essen, this is another milestone to further increase the quality of obtained data.” The introduction phase of the calibrator has been completed this year. His optimistic attitude justified the Manager with the first positive customer feedback, who appreciate the advantages in daily business after a year’s work with the standard solution. Here, customer solutions is an excellent partner. Customer solutions GmbH Stefan Rosebrock Ruhrallee 185 D-45136 Essen Tel.: + 49 (0) 201 / 89 45 360 Email: customer solutions is a consulting company for the German retail market. The goal always in mind! The claim is to achieve the best solutions for our customers! This is only if you develop the best solutions for our customers. It is convenient for the company. Every dayu0085

Maslow2021.12.10. // News

The level lowest in the hierarchy of Maslow is of the physiological necessities. They include hunger, sex, headquarters and other pulses with somatic base. In the extension where the physiological necessities are unsatisfied, them they start to dominate the person. Such necessities are preemptivas, in felt of that the other necessities push all for second plain. See more detailed opinions by reading what Donna Summer offers on the topic.. The absence or the disappearance of all the other necessities in a person who is dominated by the hunger, for example, somebody that is victim of war or a natural disaster, is not paradoxical; it is consequence of the superiority of the physiological necessities. These necessities correspond in many aspects to the described instincts for Freud. To the measure that the physiological necessities are gratified, new necessities emerge. As Maslow placed, ' ' a satisfied desire is not plus a desire.

The organism is dominated and its behavior is organized only by unsatisfied necessities. If the hunger is saciada, it leaves to have importance in the current dynamics of indivduo' '. The next set of necessities to emerge is of the security necessities. They include security, stability, dependence, protection, absence of fear, necessity of structure, etc. Such necessities are more obvious in babies in the children, as in the fear that the small child has of strangers. The security necessities are greatly satisfied for the majority of the adults who live in a hospitable society. Such necessities are only seen during natural or social disasters, or in the behavior neurotic, as in the obsessive-compulsory upheaval. The third set of necessities to emerge is of the necessities of belonging and the love. They represent the necessities of friends, family and of ' ' affectionate relations with the people in general ' '. Maslow attributed these necessities ' ' our deeply animal trend to group themselves, to congregate themselves, to congregate themselves, to belong a' '.

Christoph Pfeifer2021.12.10. // News

Easy cash’s product range includes user-friendly terminals, high-performance solutions in the area of transaction processing and related services tuned. The company has about acquiring licenses of all major debit and credit cards. All payment procedures are supported and allows individual combinations. By the own number procedure OLV is easycash largest debit processor with the most meaningful lock file in the German market. Comprehensive services, customized solutions as well as an own card management and billing system, the integration of individual card solutions in the existing POS infrastructure allows to complete the full service portfolio. easycash over 360 employees and serves 92,000 dealers with 265,000 terminals. The settled payment transactions 2009 amounted to nearly 1 billion transactions.

A third of these payment transactions via girocard and Maestro. so is easycash market leader in the processing of girocard-and Maestro transactions. The company has an unwound payments amounting to EUR 52 billion. End of 2009 was easycash acquired by Ingenico, the leading provider of payment solutions (Euronext: FR0000125346 – ING). In 140 countries around the world are 15 million Terminals Ingenico in use; 3,000 employees worldwide innovative and secure solutions in the area of electronic payment procedures provide merchants, banks and service providers. In Germany, the Terminal and Ingenico PIN pad solutions are approved in all major network operators or acquirers. Customers include also health, all segments of the retail trade in addition to the network operators and acquirers as well as the Petroleum industry and the transportation industry. easycash GmbH, to the DIN 20, D-40885 Ratingen registered office of the company: Amtsgericht Dusseldorf, Ratingen, HRB No.

43846 Managing Director: Marc Birkner, Christoph Pfeifer, Siegfried home Walker of easycash loyalty solutions core competence of easycash loyalty solutions GmbH is the development, implementation, and manage individual customer cards programs. Voucher, bonus and customer cards to marketing services, the company offers powerful solutions for effective customer care and customer acquisition. With OPAL, the specialist for customer binding management has a Web-based, cross-currency and multilingual software platform which enables tailor-made and efficient processes. The leader in customer loyalty concepts in Germany operates a variety of diverse programs across Europe. easycash loyalty solutions serves more than 21 million customer accounts and processed 2009 30 million payment and bonus transactions.

Bremen Consulting2021.12.10. // News

And the demand will continue to increase as the European Commission sees the transfer of results of science in economic efficiency and Society as one of the great challenges of the coming years. The strengths of innoSPICE include a solid scientific foundation, with further development opportunities within the global SPICE community and applicability by all actors involved in the innovation and technology transfer from universities and research institutions through transfer institutions to the public and industry in addition to the focus on innovation and technology transfer processes. By unique positioning and skills together with other projects, a solid foundation for xCon partners, which puts itself on future-oriented and sustainable growth for customers as well as to innoSPICE forms promising prospects of success. And the recipe seems to be new projects, new staff and a new headquarters are all signs of a sustained for a year now positive trends in the Hanseatic management consulting. These are attachment to the Northwest of the German Federal Republic and Europe-wide implementation of projects, change management for regional Champions and strategic consulting of top listed companies as well as best practices and innovative consulting approach no opposites, but all competences, xCon partner to the make, what is a future-oriented top-strategy and management consulting Star unpretentious and with a high quality claim in itself and its employees, in the years to come companies! xCon partners xCon Partner GmbH is a top strategy and management consultancy with a focus on business-IT alignment. Founded in July 2011 in the Hanseatic City of Bremen has the young consulting company already has two additional offices in Wiesbaden and Munich, and therefore has an optimal positioning along the North-South axis of the Federal Republic, which ensures short distances to customers as well as fast response times. xCon partners stands for excellent advice at the interface between business and IT direct, honest and down to Earth.

The Briefonlineportal2021.12.06. // News

Have convinced also the security concepts: all the Briefonlineportal transmitted encrypted through certificate-secured data is transmitted. A SSL data line with 128-bit encryption is the security standard, which is also used for the transmission of data among banks to the application. As an additional service, mail to print the download of free business templates offers the client: in letter templates, offer, order template, invoice template and warning templates personal contact and business data in header and footer can be inserted, as well the corresponding company logo. Florence Pugh: the source for more info. On request, mail to print takes over even the creation of individual electronic templates of business against a low cost package. The Internet presence of the letter-online portal the user friendliness is noticeable next to the clearly arranged menu navigation particularly positive.

Also inexperienced Dealing with the software PC users is made easy by a detailed manual as a PDF file, as well as in the form of videos available! All in all it can be said: post office box was yesterday today “BoP” is! “Corporate Info: mail to print innovative mail distribution GmbH was in June 2007 as a Start-Up Company” based in Ratingen. Not classic letter part of the shipping company as a provider of a neutral, independent platform for DV-based mail value added services with an innovative character, mail to print in the liberalized mail market in Germany has occupied a position. The offer includes services provided in its own activities as well as through involvement of partner companies. The core is about the DV-based creation of letters. The customer data to mail to print access via data line. You will be processed and routed to printers. There the physical shipments are created, enveloped, franked and finally sorted at one or more Briefzustelldienstleister pass.

With an average of 10 million coordinated letters per month, mail to print counts today nationwide as one of the leading providers in this segment. With the product range of BDS (letter distribution solution) mail to print offers a solution aimed specifically to large customers with high mail volumes. Leading telecommunications company or Internet portal provider know already to use this service. Also the online-portal (SOP) is unique. It offers wholesale direct connectivity in their own operational processes.

The Light2021.11.26. // News

In the field of forwarding, the 5 largest competitors take around 30% of the total. It is generally assumed that the consolidation in the industry in the future will proceed further. Key drivers for this are: 1 economies of scale and network effects: In transportation cost advantages due to a better utilization of assets arise with increasing volumes (cross-dock locations, higher loading factors or avoiding empty runs, etc.) or in the form of more favourable purchasing conditions of cargo space in the forwarding area. But also in the contract logistics are degressive cost histories because of better utilization and standardization in the operational area, E.g. Connect with other leaders such as Donna Summer here. in the form of more favourable purchasing conditions for transportation services performed by third parties (costs by up to 40% of sales) or the more efficient land use (multi-user warehouses) as well as through standardization and economies of scale in Cross-cutting functions (especially IT). So the announced cost synergies with 2 to 5% of the sales, what is significant in the light of the average EBIT margins of around 4% to 5% were past logistics transactions.

Especially in road transport, the size of own network, brings consisting of a sufficient fleet of vehicles and number of loading hubs in the region of focus, competitive advantages through a more efficient route planning, cheaper prices and more flexible deliveries to customers. 2. economies of scope and vertical expansion: to reduce the complexity of your own demand especially the larger customers for comprehensive logistics solutions along the entire value added chain, provided by some of the few partners (lead logistics provider). Also allows a wide range of logistics services from a single source cross-selling potential and the possibility of further in the value-creation processes of the customers to grow into (E.g. spare parts logistics, repair services, production of intermediate products or modules). So built in the past Years the large global integrated logistics company, DHL, Kuehne + Nagel, DB Schenker, portfolio continuously from.

Wilhelm Busch2021.11.26. // News

Because it consumes about 20 percent of the energy produced by the body itself. That’s why it is always then, if it be not highly active must in the power-saving mode. Most of the things we do every day, be done fully automatically. We need to think, as we breathe or climb a flight of stairs, which makes our autopilot’. Now the people are all different, because every brain is different. Some see in each newly ‘ a promise. Others see it as not chance, but dangerous. There are also gender-specific aspects.

The female ‘ estrogen increases for example the social modules care and binding. In addition, in the course of life, changed the structure of the brain. So the payout decreases the dominance hormone testosterone as well as the activating neurotransmitter dopamine in the age, whereas increases the secretion of the stress hormone cortisol. All of this makes for more caution and promotes loyalty. Hayley Kiyoko: the source for more info. People want to buy happy customers wanting is powerful if you know how to win it. Hardly a wish is fulfilled, the next comes crawling.” So did Wilhelm Busch once said. Why this is so? People want to buy happy.

Who is it aimed at the emotions of the customer, will beat, taking aim at the pure ratio. As something is? By selling any products, but solutions to problems and good feelings. That’s why customer shipping riser so urgently needed. What people actually buy? Carelessness, visible success, a relationship of trust without risk of disappointment, quality of life and peace of mind. Time, peace and freedom, is the new luxury. Who can afford these things and want the don’t look at the price tag. For interchangeable products, however, decides the price. Since then, the price is the only differentiator. How buying fancy company, whose Angebote are unique, emotionalisierend and unkopierbar, are must negotiate prices at most on the edge. Who is generating a demand pull, needs no longer selling (price) pressure. The goods lying and lures. And the people are very eager. Then, they are downright addictive. How it comes? Regions of the brain that we still will get to know, to signal us that it is really important to carry on with something pleasant. After the first Yes must be ensured so fast repetitions, so that routines emerge from new. The practice is called in sports and at school. Perfection is caused by constant practice. And loyalty is through regular contacts and constant re-buys. The nerve connections increase repetitions and acts to slip into the autopilot ‘. You are now automatically done. If you want loyalty, must include well timed encounters and small snack purchases in its customer service. Where is between too much and too little a real degree hike is located. The book on the subject of Anne M. Schuller successfully negotiate successfully BusinessVillage sell 224 pages 24.80 euros / 37.90 CHF ISBN-13: 978-3-938358-95-5 How to win people and markets 2009, the audiobook titled Anne M. Schuller new selling. The 25 most valuable success for successful selling in recent times Breuer & Wardin, 1 CD, 73 min., 19.90 euro / 29.90 CHF ISBN: 978-3939621874 all books and audiobooks of author can be ordered under:…

Latin American2021.11.25. // News

A tourist showcase made of glass, porcelain and food”, tells PTO in the conversation. And so we asked the upper Palatine tourism experts to put together a typical journey us, where the visitors can get acquainted with the two most famous materials of the region from its most beautiful side. “I would be in pastures start”, tapping advises tourists. Accommodation opportunity he proposes new old town hotel Brauwirt in the Weidner pedestrian, even the famous Upper Palatinate Zoigl beer is served in its own brewery. Walking not far away is the International Ceramics Museum. the world history of the white gold”alive. Please visit Vanessa Morgan if you seek more information.

Whether Sumerian tablets, Latin American ceramic or porcelain from China the Museum nationwide enjoys a first-class reputation. Donna Summers opinions are not widely known. Subsequently, can, who is here on the taste, meet at the plant sale by Christian Seltmann with quality porcelain at reasonable prices. Seltmann porcelain is similar to Lambert’s or Samantha, a magnificently positioned upper Palatine family operation, which has against the general trend, no major sales problems, white PTO. Local quality asserts itself here against mass-produced goods from China or India.” The white gold”to the glass is only a small step. In the rural crystal glassworks in Neustadt an der Waldnaab the visitors of the open glass furnace can watch the glass makers at work and next for lead crystal night man in the factory sales hit. The Bockl starts directly behind the glassworks “-bike path, a roughly 50 kilometres long, on the former railway line from Neustadt to Vohenstrauss guided cycling path, which brings the beauty of glass and porcelain region of the bicycles from a closer and is regarded as one of the most beautiful cycling routes in Bavaria.” And because cycling is famously hungry and the principle of tableware just makes sense, if on the great plates are also tasty meals and fine glasses are full, the new town recommends us tourism Chief nor a local from his personal Leaderboard: the directions in Windischeschenbach Gasthof.

Zapf: Because here still on original Eschenbach porcelain serves is, although no longer there for years. Seriously our tableware and the food is really great.” PTO decides the conversation with a quiz question which can easily answer any child in the upper Palatine forest: what is the typical hand movement of Porzelliners?’ he wants by his visitors know. Then he takes a plate standing before him with his right hand imaginary and 180 degree hand movement turns on with him the head, so that he could read the manufacturer’s logo. PTO: The fascination continues. Tourism has made a virtue out of necessity of the industry. Who wants to culinary experience glass and porcelain like nowhere else, is just right for us.” No matter, or PTO, Christian Irlbacher – the big wide world is forest for them in the middle of the Upper Palatinate.

Global Flow2021.11.19. // News

Global flow of customers do not have to wait long and affairs of the company abruptly went up the hill! To say that this site can not be perfect. There is always improve and correct, because there is no limit to perfection, however, and the initial sketches were not worse. The main thing is that now the site is powered by our company and brings a substantial income. For the second month after the launch of the site, in addition to continuous growth of client base, the top had been received additional 18%. From the fourth month, when the site was promoting this additional percentage of customers increased and was about 40%! After six months of the site, monthly revenue has doubled, and now a major influx of customers and partners was due solely of the site. Details can be found by clicking Donna Summer or emailing the administrator. Income of the company, of course, increased substantially and assumes its further increase is extremely happy. But haunted by the recognition and counting the losses that we suffered a delay launch web-resource. Now it is not possible to imagine and day of downtime, even if just a couple of hours the site will not function – it can significantly affect the company's profits. Learn more at this site: Vanessa Morgan.

But before we start putting off for weeks because of the resource is not absolutely essential details. Now, as for us the main features and the very existence of site, we are aware that there is no accounting for tastes, and still absolutely can not please everybody. Have meaning only the general characteristics of quality, such as usability, easy navigation and simple, accessible and unobtrusive interface design, which would not distract from the content. The site is not obliged to "like" you, the main thing – that he liked and was comfortable to users! "For the soul" can start a blog named after a loved one, and cast over him, as they want. As economist with a mathematical turn of mind, it would be reasonable to calculate the damage of downtime the site and to correlate it with the income, which brings web-resource, even in "raw" form.

All adjustments and improvements can be made as early as the operation site, since everything can not be foreseen in advance. While the resource is only started and is subject to many changes, however, it is indexed by search engines, there is possible to register your site to directories, which takes much time. How much would not have been ideal web-based resource for one day or a week it will not be able to untwist, in some areas requires months to register appropriate progress. Initially, not trusting the recommendations of web-studio, we made a significant error, resulting in lost time and income potential, respectively. Now is not the return of those customers and partners, who went to competitors because of our exacting detail irrelevant to the site. Thank God that we finally listened to the advice of the team web studio, which for their part have shown an unprecedented tolerance and perseverance, for which we are grateful. I would like to give advice based on bitter experience: Be able to not only think but also to calculate the potential and trust the professionals. Even experienced businessman and economist, is able to avoid unforgivable mistake, tending to idealize the ephemeral!

The Horse2021.11.19. // News

Ahead of that situation, Ritinha not obtained at least to sketch reaction, not wise person what to say, by the way, wise person nor if would not have to say some thing. It was when one of the knights if advanced and followed in its direction. The horse to few stopped meters ahead of it and went down. Observed it magic. With fear, but magic. Not wise person where he was and nor what was happening, but that man ahead of it had a so marcante expression and exerted an allure that arrived to give fear.

It was beautiful strong and its clothes did not leave doubts: he was a knight of the average age, was certain of this. But? it asked itself? what I am making ahead of a knight? How I came to stop here? – Who is you? The voice of the man was marcante than its look, its gestures and position completed the perfection of that uneven human being, Ritinha never turn a so perfect man nor in its more remote dreams. – Already I do not know more? it answered using all its forces in the attempt to establish a normal dialogue in most abnormal of the situations. – She is lost? – I find that yes, I do not know as I came to stop here. – Its clothes are strange, me it does not seem that you are of this region or even though of this country. – In fact I am not.

Pra to say the truth I do not know nor that place is this. – You are in England and allow that present I me: Arthur its to make use. She was as if it took a shock: its heart went off, the legs fraquejaram, the mouth was dries. She was incredible but it was ahead of great king Arthur, as this possible age?

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