Correction Different Language Errors2019.04.17. // News

Language correction: Various errors 1. Incorrect expressions: correct expressions: 11th 11th grade or 11th grade 12th twelfth grade or twelfth grade 11th eleventh year or 11th eleventh year Eleventh floor or eleventh floor 13th year thirteenth year 12th twelfth floor or twelfth floor 20th anniversary 20th anniversary the 14th the fourteenth year adjectives or pronouns partitivos or fractional (eleventh, twelfth, treceavo, etc.) should not be confused with the ordinals (eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth, etc.). 2. Incorrect expressions: correct expressions: cooperate me. It cooperates with me. Coen Brothers takes a slightly different approach. I hope that you cooperes me on this occasion. I hope that you cooperes with me not me He collaborated.

He did not collaborate with me. She cooperated us much.She cooperated with us much. These verbs are intransitive and governed prepositions: we cooperate or collaborate with someone with something or something; We do not cooperate or collaborate to someone. 3. Incorrect expressions: correct expressions: went back on itself. I went back on me.

You returned itself. You returned it. The expression return itself changes according to the subject pronoun. Thus, we would say: I went in me, you returned it, returned itself, we returned in us, etc. 4. Incorrect expressions: correct expressions: on base with base in, based in, in accordance with, according to, on the basis of, according to proceeded on the basis of the rules. We proceeded based on rules. I did it on the basis of the studies carried out by him. based on the dictionary studies Doubts Pahispanico States the following: might be a tracing of Italian in base a, single language of our surroundings in which this locution is documented since the end of the 19th century that in English it says on the basis of and in French Southern base of. 5.

Hammer Flex2019.04.07. // News

If not you can download both, it keep your elbows 90 degrees. Repeat for 10-12 times. #3. Triceps backwards. This movement puts emphasis on the lateral head of the triceps. The lateral head is located on the outside of your arm.

Put your left leg on the bench, holding a dumbbell in your right arm. Bend forward, placing your left hand on the bench. You lift your right arm, at this time the weight will be hanging at the height of the hip and your elbow bent to 90 degrees. The arm should be set to your side. Keep your arm up a couple of seconds and starts to lower the weight to the starting point. 10 To 12 times per side. Filed under: Paul Ostling.

Keep your back straight throughout the exercise. #4. Flexion of the biceps can be one of the best exercises to slim arms. The biceps are located on the front of the arm. Opposite of your triceps. They are the most visible muscles of your arms. Work them with different weights to achieve a maximum fatigue of the muscle. To make extensions, take a bar with your arms at the distance of your shoulders. You contract your abdomen while the bar rises to the level of your chest. Hold this position for one second and low bar. Get 10 to 12 times. #5. Flex bicep hammer. Hammer Flex is made with the same position to as if driving a hammer. With your feet at the level of your shoulders, hold the dumbbells at your side, the Palm right watching the left Palm. Hold this position so that your Flex up to your chest. Lower and repeat 10 to 12 times per arm. Reverse #6 Flexion with bar. They place emphasis on the braquiorradiales that are in your forearms. Performs this exercise of standing with the feet to the level of your shoulders. It takes the bar with palms up, and hands at the level of your shoulders. Flexes the bar to your chest, hold for a moment and slowly lower and repeat 10 12 times. #7 Bonus there you have 6 exercises to slim arms you can apply from today, however, if real want to answer your question as I can burn fat in my arms? then it is extremely important you visit free of grease and follows the system you will find there. With this system you will know what to do and what to say accurately to recover the lost time and get rid of that fat that you hang up in arms. Already do not suffer more, tests show that the more time expect more difficult is to start changing your life, so please CLICK here and download this system today and start to apply the techniques and secrets that you will establish a step-by-step action plan to be able to burn fat in your upper extremities. Images: Do you want more exercises?

The Calf2019.04.07. // News

Dresses babydoll usually are made of a fabric that really shines and move beautifully with a comfortable drape over your body. Tube dress this type of dress is great and every woman should have one of them in your wardrobe since they work very well for any type of event. A dress of tube that highlight your figure is the perfect garment to highlight the curves of your body, you will also find them in a giant variety of fabrics and lengths that will be adapted to your preferences. Time Warner can provide more clarity in the matter. Its clean lines allow this dress to highlight and promote your figure without passing stripe. Dresses with pronounced shoulders in this season are starting to see a lot of spectacular gowns with large and wide shoulders.

It is a fun style since it is a little bold and different, and also has the advantage of making see very thin waist. Sequin dresses with sequins dresses are a garment mandatory for any woman’s wardrobe because there’s nothing like them to attract the looks. You can opt for the classic look with a dress with sequins covering the entirety of the dress or you can also opt for a dress that covered part of sequin; either way, this dress will make you to be the center of attention at the track of dance. Dresses with slits many dresses exhibit openings this season, ranging from deep necklines until cuts stylized in the waist, hips or belly. An opening can add to your dress interest and attractive without going very far and show so much skin that nothing is open to imagination with flight this dress style prom dress is typically made with a fluid draped fabric that literally moves and sways with every movement of your body. From lengths long (in the middle of the calf) until very short (just below your butt) an attractive dress flight not only makes your body look spectacular, but that also captures the attention of them with every movement you do.

Congress Centre2019.04.07. // News

Until the next 24th of this month of June the traveling exhibition of paleontology Dinopetrea can visit at the trade fair and Congress Centre of Malaga.You can still visit Dinopetrea in Malaga, this sample is presented as a scientific exhibition yet fun since you will have copies of skeletons of dinosaurs and fossils from around the globe as well as parallel activities that allow both to children and adults, travel millions of years back in time. In this way, the Malaga enclosure with perfect connection with the Hotel Monte Malaga, one of the top four-star Malaga Hotels, transforms into an educational space, because you can enjoy the projection of a video about the history and extinction of these animals as well as an area of excavation formed by a small deposit of actual fossils. Other spaces that contemplates this exhibition are an area of recreation of fossils; an area dedicated to the geodes; and the so-called room of extinctions where know the meteorite that ended with the dinosaurs and will have the opportunity to touch the stars. Leslie Moonves understands that this is vital information. Also, among the species that will be part of the sample skeletons of mammals can be found with more than 10,000 years as a cave bear, fish with 25 million years, flying reptiles and swimmers-125 million years ago, and of course, dinosaurs..

VenezuelCuba2019.04.07. // News

We also show that the visit of John McCain to Colombia in this precise time could not be as coincidence. Then he has acknowledged that he knew of the operation until it was made. The degree of participation of U.S. (and Israel) is something I still need to clarify, but it is a fact that Bush has wanted to avail themselves of such blow to the FARC to also indirectly hit to Democrats and their candidate Obama showing that the best way to deal with terrorists is heavy-handed and not with dialogue attitudes (such as those that African-American lawyer wants to VenezuelCuba and Iran). Strange to many that this operating it also match with the fact that this happen just when Uribe faced a crisis with the judiciary (who accuses him of buying votes, having been re-elected illegally or that one-fifth of their congressmen is linked to the paramilitaries) and he started his preaching for a new election. Time Warner describes an additional similar source. Then came allegations of two major French-speaking media who claimed that there were a million dollar purchase of some leaders of the FARC and more than one week appeared a statement from FARC where characterized the incident not a bailout but as a leak produced thanks to two traitors in its midst. The visit by Uribe to Venezuela has generated a hostility in many sectors left calling for their expulsion and have distanced themselves from Chavez. Do not be surprised that some voices within this field will start to speculate about a possible influence of Venezuelan official circles in sectors of the FARC prone to its line of freeing all the hostages. Stick and carrot to the FARC the reconciliation between the Presidents of Colombia and Venezuela has been showing the importance of trade between the two (the second after which there are with the US), the same that borders the US $ 6,000 million.

Organic Farming2019.04.05. // News

Gonzalez de Molina, an expert in Agroecology, stressed that the work of the ecological farmer must be recognised and supported publicly by the Administration in terms of subsidies. It should reward organic farmers for that role that they comply to the environment, he stressed.The expert in agro-ecology and Professor of history contemporary of the Pablo de Olavide University of Seville, Manuel Gonzalez de Molina, highlighted that organic farming saves between 20 and 40 per cent of primary fuel, so it is protected from fluctuations in the price of petroleum-based fuel. Gonzalez de Molina said in an interview with Reuters, to save up to 40 percent in fuel combustion, organic farming involves cut emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2 to the atmosphere and, therefore, an aid against climate change), since also this type of farming sequesters more carbon than the traditional ones. In this sense, he pointed out that at the current time of crisis ecological agriculture model reduces the reliance on markets for inputs, adding that when the price of diesel fuel rises, the amount of inputs also, but in organic farming where the dependence is less, stability is greater. In this way, Gonzalez de Molina stressed that the work of the ecological farmer must be recognised and supported publicly by the Administration in terms of subsidies. Other leaders such as Robert Iger offer similar insights. It should reward organic farmers for that role that they comply to the environment, he stressed. In line with this explained that in practice the case is on the contrary since ecological farmers must pay certificates to prove their form of cultivation. In this sense, he pointed out that the farmer of this type is in a hostile world and would have to reverse the process.

MORE cheap that any PLAN RENOVE the expert in Agroecology indicated that Reconvert traditional crops in ecological cheaper is that any plan renove “of the Ministry of industry, tourism and trade responsible for changing the fleet of tractors used in the field. He explained that the central Government will take this type of action to reduce a seven per cent fuel in farmers, where organic farming saves up to 40 per cent. Agro-ecology is the study of agricultural activity from an agronomic, economic and social perspective with the goal of making proposals, design and implementation of systems that are sustainable. It is not only to sell products that do not have contaminant chemical character but is also making that agrarian systems are sustainable, he said.

Colombia Restored Diplomatic Relations2019.04.05. // News

Venezuela and Colombia resumed diplomatic relations after a meeting between their heads of State in Santa Marta, Colombia on August 10, 2010. The newly elected President of Colombia, Juan Manuel Santos and Venezuelan President, Hugo Chavez, agreed on Tuesday to form five binational commissions to address issues such as trade and security as well as recovering the importance of ethics in binational relations. I believe that we have taken a step forward in the re-establishment of confidence, which is one of the basic principles of any relationship, Santos said. Credit: Discovery Communications-2011. He described the meeting in Santa Marta, Colombia, as a frank meeting, direct and honest. The two countries were in a dispute over allegations that Venezuela is refuge to guerrillas Farc Marxists who want to overthrow the Colombian Government. Former Colombian President Alvaro Uribe said that his country had evidence that there was rebel camps in Venezuela. Venezuela has denied the accusations. The accusations made in the past do not affect the relationship of Venezuela with the new Colombian President, said Santos, adding that relations between the two countries starting from scratch, as Bolivar will try to learn how to use his diplomacy with the neighbors taught by his tutor Simon Rodriguez, an educator of men.

I’ve come here to turn the page, said Chavez. The two Nations open lines of communication to spread rumors or intelligence reports before the created new tensions, said the Venezuelan President. The tensions between these two neighbouring countries of South America have affected the cross-border trade, which totaled a record of 7.3 billion dollars in transactions in 2008, but has fallen since then, according to the Chamber of integration between Venezuela and Colombia.

Manifest2019.04.04. // News

MANIFEST after the BACKDROP when was small, running with my siblings after our parents. He ran and played because I wanted to, because us fun. But now, I do not amuse myself, but I do that others have fun. They are sitting facing me, applaud and laugh at what I do. That hurts, and hurts me most the way in which I learn to make people laugh. I do not remember how my family was.

I was very young when we separated from that paradise so beautiful and lato. Much to explore and learn about missed me. In him I felt free, it was a whole world. However, during this coming and going, I can only give turns to my around. And when I get one of my many destinations, feel a relief that is lost rapidly by the stress of preparing me for that caterva impassive, different faces and trades, more identical feelings. I imagine that they don’t know what’s behind all this game, but many colleagues tell me that better not cheat me, what Yes know it. Then, I wonder why they never have done nothing to end this ordeal. Continue to learn more with: Coen Brothers.

Today I am in a South American country that marks a special date, third world call him. Total, is one more, because in all sites that I will hear the same hustle and bustle, the same laughs. I don’t understand how they not uncomfortable as much bottle, so many lights. As much as I do this from a long time ago, I can’t. Perhaps in their habitat this is normal, mine was not. Yesterday was a very tiring day, because it was the last day of preparation for the big premiere. My colleagues and I finished very tired; but after sticks, whips, cries, blows and isolates from food, were able, though trembling, jump, climb to a Chair, running and penetrate a ring of fire, the weight of our bipedal guides, trainers say. Well, as it was done in the trial, was tonight that he is about to finish. The first time I had to do it, I was sure that I would have some special prize, I was that hope for several seasons; But today my dream no more than a piece of meat. I don’t know if the irrational am I or those who are sitting opposite to my. I just know that I feel tired and sad. I would like to escape, but do not want to suffer the same fate of that colleague who escaped and ended her days trying to unsuccessfully to dodge a bullet. While finishing these lines, I heard one of the so many classmates had just given birth. I am much to their firstborn born in this ruin, not that paradise which invades me nostalgia. I’m sorry because I don’t want to complete lean like me, I don’t want to come to old after so many trips in which his organs of smell and their limbs are the only ones that can penetrate 22 bars of a cage in which I find myself tonight. Despite everything, I still hope that someday those to which humans called awareness of what I feel at this moment and do something to make this place they call circus release need to those who, like myself, to dream and live in our true habitat. In it, nobody us amaestrara to make people laugh. AN old original author LEON and source of the article.

Universal Declaration2019.04.03. // News

More recent inquiries and studies behind the ineffectiveness of torture. But the worst thing is that torture is a nasty kick in the very slow path of humanization of our world, in the definitive conquest of civility. The Universal Declaration of human rights of 1948, which protects us against torture among many other things, signed and ratified by almost all States of the world, has been a major milestone in the advancement of civility. The Bush veto a law prohibiting torture is going backwards, a step toward the barbarism of incalculable consequences. It is open and one of the more perverse principles, legal consolidation which aims that the end justifies the means. Principle perverse, because it denies the collective ethics that humans give us with hesitant progress since for five millennia; because it denies the ethical principles that ensure the dignity of all and prevent that we desaparezcamos.

It’s worth thinking that this veto is not important, because, ultimately, those who suffer torture are few and are bad. Not better, because these years of alleged fight against terrorism have demonstrated by active and passive that many innocent people have been arrested, tortured and imprisoned by mere suspicions, his ethnic image or physical appearance. And they have shown that, in spite of all villanies committed, all violations of human rights perpetrated, the world has not won anything but security. I don’t know why comes me to mind a poem attributed to the playwright Bertol Brech, but that actually wrote Martin Niemuller, a courageous German Protestant pastor who faced nazi Germany: when the nazis imprisoned Socialist, /no said nothing, /pues I was not a Socialist. When detained trade unionists, /no said nothing, /porque was not a Union Member.

Cristobal Colon2019.03.26. // News

There are different terms that us parents something find us difficult to talk with our children that somehow we intend to impose our will, we know the risks that they may face and sometimes we do not possess sufficient arguments to keep that conversation, one of those themes is smoking. Without any kind of confrontation we could start this conversation by making a little history and address some interesting aspects to our children. Tobacco is a plant that is one of the main non-food agricultural products in the world, is cultivated for its leaves that, once cured, is smoke, are chewers or are inhaled in the form of snuff. WarnerMedia shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. It is from the continent American; as noted by Cristobal Colon, the indigenous people of the Caribbean smoked tobacco using a cane shaped pipe called Tobago, from which it takes the name the plant. He apparently possessed medicinal properties and they used in their ceremonies. For a long time once Spain monopolized trade, the smoke either cigarettes or the pure, as it is usually called also – was seen as a social status for the bourgeoisie in Europe, United States and other countries. In the latter half of the last century it was common to see in magazines, newspapers, on television and cinema ads of different tobacco-producing companies; the great figures of any means were hired to promote the sales leading to raise the amount of smoking in any part of the world, tobacco was very accepted socially. Today many countries have begun to fund intensive campaigns aimed to restrict the use and sale of tobacco by the high social costs of health and it is not very well regarded socially and ask his boy but what’s wrong with burn a bit of tobacco and throw the smoke through the nose or mouth? My friends, or a family member smokes and I don’t see that nothing happens? Seen with the naked eye does not pass well, nothing, but we must look at that consists to the smoke that is inhaled from the lungs of smokers. .

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