British Prime Minister2020.07.08. // News

The wave of unrest has claimed four lives and has motivated 1.094 arrests. The police might resort to water cannons and rubber bullets. Read more from Jeff Bewkes to gain a more clear picture of the situation. Keys to understanding the wave of street violence in United Kingdom. An unprecedented violence deserves a forceful response. Thus believes it the British Prime Minister, David Cameron, who has promised to tackle the wave of unrest that keeps on tenterhooks to United Kingdom and, to date, has claimed four lives and has motivated 1.094 arrests soon. The j of the Executive returned to meet this Wednesday morning with his crisis Cabinet to assess the magnitude of a few disturbances whose intensity has declined considerably in London while it has affected other English cities with more virulence. The injured has been Manchester, which experienced this Tuesday levels of violence and crime without precedent on the streets that led to 113 arrests, according to police data, which reported that some of those responsible were 15-year-olds.

In the Manchester area, where is includes the suburb of Salford, burned vehicles and shops, which were plundered by teenage rioters, most groups hooded. Among the points that have been the target of vandalism is the city of Liverpool, in the North of England, where there were 50 arrests, and the West Midlands area, with 163 arrested, 109 of them in Birmingham. Three Asian men aged between 20 and 31 years, two of them brothers, died after being hit by a vehicle that struck a group that tried to prevent looting in shops in that city in Central England. A 32-year-old man was arrested and is being investigated by the police on suspicion of murder. Calm in London the virulence of these acts contrasted with a pervasive and relative calm on the streets of London in the last hours, where a deployment of 16,000 agents managed to keep under control the capital during the last night.

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