Aristotle2021.10.19. // News

The cube with six equal faces is the idea-limit for which I state the presence flesh time of the cube that this there, under my eyes, under my hands, in its evidences persceptiva. The sides of the cube are not its projections, but exactly sides. When I perceive ones to them after the other and according to persceptiva appearance, I do not construct the idea of the geometral that of this reason to percipient, but the cube already this ahead of me and if unmasks there through them. I do not have more necessity of apanhar in my proper movement an objective sight and of you make to count it to reconstruct behind the appearance the true form of the objective; the account already this given, already the new appearance entered in composition with the lived movement and if it offered as appearance of a cube. A leading source for info: california hospital medical center. The thing and are given me to the world with the parts of my body, not for one ‘ ‘ geometry natural’ ‘ , but in a comparable alive connection or more certainly identical that one that exists enters the parts of my proper body. The exterior perception and the perception of the proper body vary meetings because they are the two faces of one same act. It was tried after much time explaining the famous illusion of Aristotle admitting that the inabitual position of the fingers becomes impossible the synthesis of its perceptions: the right side of the average finger and the left side of the pointer not ‘ ‘ trabalham’ ‘ together usually, and if all the two are touched at the same time, are necessary therefore that it has two balls.

In the veradade, the perceptions of the fingers are not only separate, them are inverted: the citizen attributes to the pointer what one is touched by the average finger and reciprocal, as if can show applying to the fingers two distinct stimulatons, nails or one bola.em the truth, the perceptions of the fingers not to the only separate ones, them is inverted: the citizen attributes to the pointer what it is touched for the average finger and recprocamete as if it can show applying to the fingers two distinct stimulatons..

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